What’s Behind A Tantrum?

What's behind a tantrum?

You may feel upset and helpless when the tantrum doesn’t stop and You don’t know what to do with these behaviors of the little ones

It may be that when this happens you try to solve it in a hurry and use different strategies that sometimes help you and other times make the situation worse.

Childhood tantrums can be a problem

When children are little They do not know how to regulate their emotions properly they lose the control they have over themselves, it is difficult for them to think before acting, it is difficult for them to foresee the consequences of their behaviors, and it is difficult for them to act according to social norms.

Young children, when they are frustrated, usually throw things, get angry about things they are not allowed to do, or try to manipulate situations that do not allow them to get what they want, and this frustration is due to the desire to be more independent. .

Why do children constantly tantrum? Children throw tantrums with people with whom they feel safe, with their attachment figures, that is why they do not throw tantrums with strange people.

Does the child want to disobey?

Sometimes people believe that a child throws a tantrum because he wants to see us angry. But actually the child feels helpless and does not know how to regulate his emotions

Parents or attachment figures look for strategies to modify his behavior, isolating him or ignoring him, sending him time and away, threatening him, criticizing him, punishing him for his emotional state that causes discomfort… And they do not realize the feelings that are behind a tantrum Punishment and threats usually increase their presence. It is very difficult for the child to understand something in the face of such an emotional explosion

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Yelling at him may calm him down and have an immediate effect; the child will not understand how to express what he feels and will not develop autonomy or responsibility and this is likely to happen again.

How to prevent tantrums?

These are some preventive measures that you can apply to parenting.

Child tantrum

Recommendations for a tantrum

For better manage childhood tantrums keep these tips in mind.

  • Be patient, stay calm (if you get visibly angry their reactions can get worse).
  • Focus your attention on an activity other than the tantrum as soon as it begins.
  • Help him recognize his feelings, make him identify how he feels, describe to him in a calm and simple way what is happening to him; This way you will help him decipher and recognize what he feels and why he feels it. You will help him give meaning to what he feels. You will teach him how to express himself and he will know that no matter what happens you accept him and are by his side.
  • Do not give treats to stop the tantrum, as this will confuse him and he will understand that if he throws a tantrum he will get something in return.
  • Tell him that when he calms down and feels better you can be with him and walk away for a while.
  • When the tantrum ends, avoid punishing him or sending him to another space, avoid shaming him, making him feel guilty or hitting him.

This is a way in which you will help him from a young age to express what he feels and feel that he has support from his father, mother or close relatives. A way to prevent the non-expression of emotions from a young age.

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