Resilient Couples: What They Are Like And What Makes Them Strong And Lasting

Resilient couples

No relationship is the same, but if there is something that defines couples who last happily for the rest of their lives, it is their high resilience. Despite the conflicts, the adversities, the obstacles that may be along the way, couples who are resilient not only overcome problems but also become stronger with them.

In resilient couples, their members understand that each one is a free individual, with their opinions, desires and expectations, but also that the relationship is a matter of two and that decisions cannot be made unilaterally. They both love, respect and desire each other.

Today Let’s delve deeper into what resilient couples are like and what their characteristics are So, those who want to improve their relationships, take note of what they must do to achieve it.

What are resilient couples like?

Resilient couples are very flexible to life’s adversities. They adapt to any situation that affects their two members As if it were a rubber band, life can test the relationship, pull on the couple but, despite this, they end up returning to a position of growth and evolution, a position of respectful love and harmonious coexistence.

But, before talking in depth about what resilient couples are like, we must first clarify the key term that defines them: what is resilience? This very fashionable word refers to the ability of human beings to adapt psychologically to difficulties and changes, overcoming them and coming out stronger than before.

Transferred to the field of romantic relationships, resilience in a couple is the ability of two people who love each other, desire each other and want to have a life together to overcome, adapt and overcome the difficulties, problems, crises and disagreements resulting from life together Resilient couples know how to take advantage of these inconveniences, turning them not into a source of discord but into an opportunity to grow together and, as a result, strengthen the relationship.

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Characteristics of this type of couples

There are several characteristics attributed to resilient couples, a topic that has aroused scientific interest in recent years. However, the main feature that defines these relationships is their ability to face life’s difficulties and problems that can potentially harm life as a couple with harmony, respect and concord.

These relationships are able to withstand conflicts and not break Its resilience, similar to the elasticity of rubber that we have mentioned before, is capable of receiving blows, whether hard setbacks or simply taps, adversities that put tension in the relationship and, later, returning to normality, to the original form of the relationship.

We can improve our relationship as a couple. It is true that it will require some effort to control our emotions in the face of disagreements and discrepancies with our partner and try to think that, although we are still two individuals, in a relationship there are two people who are in the same boat and who When there are waves, one person’s problems affect the other directly or indirectly. Therefore, if we want to achieve couple resilience, we must know what the main characteristics of this type of relationships are:

1. Accept that you are not going to agree on everything

Resilient couples are relationships in which the idea that, Even if they are in a loving relationship, they will not agree on everything A couple is two people who, although they love each other, still have their opinions, their own belief systems and interpretation of the world.

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In authentic love there is room for disagreement and different opinions and it is understood that having different, even opposing, points of view does not mean that two people love each other less. Affection is demonstrated by accepting each other, respecting each other’s approaches. It is this authentic acceptance that allows conflicts to be resolved and misunderstandings to be avoided.

Resilient couple relationships

2. Real and sincere commitment to understanding the other

In resilient relationships, both partners are attentive to the needs and concerns of the other person. These couples do not minimize each other’s pain and suffering with phrases like “you just worry about nothing” or “you’re exaggerating.” Being sensitive to the emotions and discomforts of others prevents this from becoming a bigger problem after a while.

But there must be real interest, dedicating time to the other, being willing to listen to them, being empathetic and having good communication skills. Resilient couples do not wait for the other to guess what is happening to them, much less use punishing silence when there has been an argument. Concerns in the relationship are communicated assertively. You say what you feel, what you think and what you need.

3. Do not look for blame, but for solutions

It is common in worldly relationships, after a conflict or problem, to look for blame. It is a toxic dynamic, which, far from helping the situation improve, can worsen to such a level that it ends the relationship after a while. It is typical to use phrases like “you always…” or “you never do what I want…”

The worst thing for a relationship is to project all the blame onto the other We cannot expect things to go better if all we do is complain about the bad things that happen to us and blame them on the person we are supposed to love. This does not happen in resilient relationships, where couples focus on solving the problem, not on blaming, a much more effective strategy.

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4. Don’t be afraid to show emotions

In resilient couples there is no fear of showing how they really feel. In these relationships, emotions are expressed and, far from being interpreted as a sign of weakness or showing vulnerabilities, it is done as a sign of genuine sincerity and trust in the other. Expressing every sensation, need and intimacy to the other strengthens the relationship and feeds trust

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5. Positive attitude in the face of adversity

Being positive and showing good humor in the face of any problem in life is a basic aspect of living well, not only in relationships, but in any type of human relationship and personal sphere. In the specific case of couples, The sense of humor and the willingness to always want to make someone you love smile help the relationship go well even in the most adverse situations such as poverty or illness.

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6. Be each other’s priority

If there is something that defines happy and stable relationships, it is that both are each other’s priority. There is a long-term commitment, so the person you date becomes one of the most important aspects of one’s life. No decision is made unilaterally. Nobody decides for both of them, because nobody is more than the other The opinion of the other is always taken into account before doing anything that affects both of them.

It is mainly these six keys that make up resilience in a relationship. Taking these characteristics into account, we can forge a loving relationship that heals every time there is a problem, learns from difficulties, and comes out stronger than ever when life throws us adversities.