The 8 Most Common Behavioral Problems In Adolescents (and What To Do)

The most common behavioral problems in adolescents (and what to do)

Adolescence brings with it a series of life experiences that, for better and worse, affect the way in which young people interpret the world, interpret themselves and develop styles of behavior and management of their emotions.

Some open the door to very enriching experiences that allow them to develop their individuality at another level (for example, taking on more responsibilities and learning on their own about topics that they can already begin to understand well), but others make adolescents more prone to developing certain problematic psychological patterns in relation to their coexistence with the rest of the family and the parenting strategies of their fathers and mothers.

For this reason, many fathers and mothers notice that after several years believing that they know their son or daughter well, more or less when they reach puberty they begin to become someone different in a relatively short time; someone whose upbringing gives rise to new challenges that are difficult to face. In this article we will review the most relevant complications in this aspect, behavioral problems that often appear in adolescence and we will see some tips to solve them in the best possible way.

What are the main behavioral problems that occur in adolescence?

Adolescence is one of the most studied stages of human development in the field of Psychology due to the large number of physical, cognitive and emotional changes that occur there and the importance it has in the phase of adulthood.

In this sense, there are several psychological problems that are characteristic of the adolescent years; It is clear that each person is different and we do not always experience the same type of experiences, but There are some general trends regarding the most common behavioral problems that occur during this period Let’s see which are the most important, as well as various tips and strategies to solve them from home education and family coexistence.

1. Reckless behavior

During adolescence, it is relatively common for a person to carry out a series of reckless behaviors that threaten not only their own safety but also that of the people around them.

These recklessnesses are explained by the different way of seeing reality that adolescents have, and usually have to do with the search for social approval and the dynamics of competing for attention that occur among young people of the same age or slightly older They are more common among men than among women, and can be seen as a way of vindicating the value of rebellion and bravery in a stage of life characterized by the search for individuality and the questioning of “formal” norms.

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On the other hand, adolescents generally They lack sufficient experience to make accurate judgments about the risks in the world around them as well as the dangers to which they are exposed by committing recklessness related, for example, to risky sports, fights, drug use or even “games” specifically designed to see who dares to expose themselves most to injuries or accidents.

For families, a strategy that is usually effective is, beyond setting very strict rules at home (this does not prevent them from committing imprudence outside the domestic context and getting used to fleeing from the police environment that reigns in their home), is to provide them with references. that they can come to respect and that instill in them the value of self-care and prudence: fictional characters or even young influencers who set a good example and in whom they can reflect.

2. Anger explosions

Aggressive behaviors are also common in many adolescents, and this facilitates many fights and frequent arguments between people of the same age or even with older people. It is the result of a lack of skills to manage their emotions and to channel their anger in a constructive way and oriented towards the search for concrete solutions.

Aggression can be facilitated by a wide variety of factors, from physiological and hormonal changes typical of age, to personal frustration due to the stress linked to schoolwork, dissatisfaction with one’s own body (which changes rapidly and sometimes in an “unorganized” way), the feeling of incomprehension before people from other generations, etc.

Faced with these types of problems, it is good that as parents we teach them ways to express their discontent through constructive discussions, that they do not limit themselves to externalizing frustration and nothing more For example, criticize the actions that they find annoying instead of the people who perform them, give examples about what they would like and what they don’t like, show them that if they do not communicate well the people around them cannot guess what they do. that they want, and above all, recognize and appreciate the progress they make in managing these types of emotions.

3. Avoidance of responsibility

Another of the most common behavioral problems associated with the adolescent stage is the avoidance of all types of responsibilities typical of one’s age either due to fear of not knowing how to carry them out and failing, or simply due to a lack of interest or concern.

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Running away from any activity that tests their performance can also be a sign that the adolescent feels disoriented in a period somewhere between childhood and adulthood. Therefore, it is important to give them support so that, based on our instructions and examples, they are able to learn new household tasks or even caring for their siblings.

But the most important thing is not to show them the “instructions” about what they should do to make it easy for them; is to show them that The acquisition of responsibilities is the path of psychological maturation, and this is reflected in the type of respect we show to them: Boys and girls capable of assuming new roles that bring them closer to adulthood are also increasingly treated as young adults, something that most adolescents greatly appreciate.

Problems in adolescence

5. Behaviors that are too erratic

Erratic and incoherent behavior is one of the classic characteristics of adolescence, and is explained because the person is trying to create their own personality and at the same time deal with disorientation and the lack of references that many young people experience Therefore, it is not unusual that from one week to the next they begin to behave as if they were a character in a work of fiction, which restricts their freedom and disorients their families.

These changes in behavior and constant direction in the adolescent’s daily life usually generate confusion or discomfort in their parents and in the long run can end in regular arguments or conflicts between parents and children.

To help them with this type of phenomenon, it is good that as parents we help them realize the elements of their identity, expressing what we think of their way of behaving, developing hobbies, relating… All of this, making reference to their actions and trying to avoid putting “labels” on them. Thus, In your mind, a more complete self-concept will be generated, rich in nuances and they will not feel the need to go back and forth to see what type of behavior style brings them the most approval or attracts the most attention in the desired way.

6. Generational conflict

Conflicts between parents and adolescent children are a classic at this stage of human development and generally occur because the adolescent is building his own personality apart from his parents and normally adopts the attitude of systematically going against them, given that associates the figure of the elderly with a whole system of restrictions that limit their freedom

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At the same time, it is common for adolescents to perceive arguments as personal conflicts and ego struggles, since they still do not know how to manage disagreements well or how to regulate their emotions well.

When faced with these types of problems, the most useful tool is assertive communication: showing them that it is possible to show disagreement with empathy and at the same time without biting their tongue, and always with respect. This will allow you to better understand the way of thinking of previous generations and disagree with some of their ideas, but understanding them for what they are and without interpreting them through caricatures

7. Challenge to authority figures

In addition to defying parents, adolescents have a tendency to challenge any other authority figure that stands in their way, whether it be teachers, other family members, or even police officers.

This phenomenon makes possible in some adolescents the appearance of behaviors contrary to the basic regulations of coexistence and civility truancy and even criminal activities.

This is one of the most complex problems to address, and that is why, in general terms, it is recommended that families turn to psychologists who are experts in child and adolescent therapy to prevent these dynamics from hindering the development of their children and leading them to failure. school.

8. Social isolation

During adolescence, it is common for there to be some self-esteem problems that significantly affect the person’s mood.

This phenomenon, associated with the fear of rejection or failure that most adolescents feel, can facilitate a tendency to socially isolate and withdraw into themselves for a long period of time.

Given this, families can, in addition to turning to a psychologist (since these types of problems generate a lot of discomfort in young people), do everything possible so that the boy or girl can meet other young people of their age with similar hobbies; there is no reason why he should restrict his social life to school.

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Are you looking for psychological support?

If you are interested in having professional psychological assistance for adolescents, for fathers and mothers or for families, we invite you to contact us.

In Adhara Psychology We work adapting to each case both from face-to-face sessions in our center in Madrid or through the online modality by video call.