The Physical And Psychological Benefits Of Laughter

Several studies and investigations have attempted to find the influence that laughter has on our mental and physical health In fact, we are all aware that laughing is healthy and that it activates certain muscles that we rarely use in our daily lives. In addition, laughter also generates certain hormones in our body that provide us with happiness and good humor.

Laughing is a historically recognized medicine

The ability of laughter to improve our mood is not something that humans have discovered recently. The benefits of laughter have been known for centuries, proof of this are the writings of Plato and Socrates, who They already conceived human laughter as a source of pleasure

Sigmund Freud himself, more recently, declared that laughter is an essential key to releasing tensions and negative energies In many cultures, laughter has been an important element to achieve body-spirit harmony, such as in Hindu philosophy.

From psychology, laughter has also been considered as a resource to promote the psychological well-being and health of individuals. Its best known form is Laughter therapy a therapy based on good humor and the positive effects on our mind that the healthy habit of laughing has.

What exactly are the benefits of laughter?

Laughing is important in our lives. It is a healthy way to keep our body and mind in good shape.

Physical benefits of laughter

Psychological benefits of laughter

  • A powerful anti-stress In addition to hormones and their beneficial effect on our mood, laughter also has the ability to activate many muscles that, once we have stopped laughing, relax again. This increases a state of physical and psychological relaxation. A good way to combat negative thoughts and emotional burden.
  • Improves the functioning of our brain either Another hormone (neurotransmitter) that we secrete when we laugh is catecholamine, which is involved in the correct functioning of our brain. This neurotransmitter also has the ability to improve our memory, academic performance, and mental agility.
  • It makes us more sociable When we share good times with friends or colleagues and laugh in this social context, we are sharing unique and positive experiences, which improves our socialization. Shared laughter can improve our interpersonal relationships.
  • Increase self-esteem Laughter allows us to put aside the sense of ridicule and take life with good humor and more relaxation, which can lead to an improvement in our self-esteem.
  • Promote our optimism Laughter gives us a positive mood. When we are in a good mood, it is common for us to generate more positive thoughts. Laughter can help us relativize difficulties and begin to create a good mental state that leads us towards optimism.
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Several conclusions about laughter

It is clear that Laughter is one of the best natural therapies that exist For all that has been explained, philosophy and science increase year after year our knowledge about good humor and its ability to positively influence our health and our state of mind.

So, let’s leave out the worries of everyday life for a few moments and learn to enjoy everything that is capable of making us laugh.