The Relationship Between Impulsivity And Aggressiveness

Relationship between impulsivity and aggressiveness

Currently we can observe a notable increase in problems associated with aggression and violence in our society One of the reasons that seems to be highlighted as a key role in this issue is impulsivity.

In the theory proposed by ES Barrat, it is proposed that certain stimuli elicit or provoke feelings of anger that can lead to aggressive behavior. The socialization process sometimes works as a protective factor to inhibit this aggressive behavior, but sometimes we find precisely that impulsivity is usually associated with certain deficits in said inhibition mechanisms. The result is that People with high levels of impulsivity have problems inhibiting their aggressive behaviors when they are exposed to the emotion of anger.

In this case, María José Polo, a collaborating psychologist at Psiccologías Málaga PsicoAbreu, tells us about the relationship between impulsivity and aggressive behavior.

The link between aggression and impulsivity

Throughout our lives we are continually exposed to having to make decisions impulsively; All of this is an everyday part of our daily lives. Sometimes these decisions can bring us positive consequences, but on other occasions they can also result in negative consequences that we may regret.

According to Dickman’s theory, Two types of impulsivity can be distinguished; functional impulsivity and dysfunctional impulsivity

Functional impulsivity would be defined as the tendency to make quick decisions when the situation involves personal benefit, which would be decision-making with risk calculation included.

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However, dysfunctional impulsivity would be defined as the tendency to make quick and thoughtless decisions in situations in which our strategy is not optimal, this usually brings a series of negative consequences to the person in question.

Impulsivity can sometimes cause aggressive behaviors, including verbal attacks. The signs or characteristics of impulsive behavior are related to impatience, the tendency to seek risk and pleasure, the need for immediate reward problems in carrying out an adequate analysis of the consequences of one’s own actions, difficulty in inhibiting behavior, problems in planning and self-control difficulties.

The various causes of appearance are related to biological, psychological and social variables. Taking into account the psychological perspective, there are different approaches that suggest that impulsive behavior is the result of observation and imitation through vicarious learning of an aggressive model.

Numerous investigations find a direct relationship between the educational style of the family environment and the establishment in the child (and later adult) of certain behaviors associated with family values. Exposure to aggressive models could negatively influence the child’s personality generating in childhood and adulthood, self-esteem problems, fear of relating to others, low mood, etc.

In addition to the family environment, the importance of the social interaction that occurs in the school or work context in the development of the individual’s personality must be recognized. Unsuccessful or scarce social relationships can deprive the child of situations in which to learn to be frustrated appropriately, leading in adulthood to show angry and aggressive behavior when any conflict appears, even minor ones.

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Verbal attacks

Aggressive verbal behavior occurs when the words we use, the tone used, or the gestures we use to emphasize language create a feeling of intimidation, fear, guilt, or shame in the other person. Violent verbal behavior is characterized by threats, insults, criticism, shouts, orders and value judgments

Therapeutic treatment for impulsivity and aggressiveness

Psychologists specializing in impulse control can provide patients with resources that help them improve self-esteem, assertiveness, social skills, self-control, and relaxation.

Through cognitive-behavioral therapy you can act on three different levels.


The psychologist must work with the person’s distorted thoughts, helping you identify and correct irrational ideas or dysfunctional beliefs. In addition, obtaining new alternative responses to the resolution of future conflicts will be facilitated.


At this point in the therapy we work different techniques to try to inhibit aggressive behavior or at least reduce it in frequency and intensity One of the most used techniques is “time out” where the person removes themselves from the environment where aggressive behavior usually occurs. This behavior gives us the opportunity for them to observe the changes (usually positive) of not making a “hot” decision.


At this point in the therapy, the patient is given tools to learn to identify the emotional indicators that usually appear just before violent behavior. Recognition of these signs usually serves to anticipate and control that aggressive behavior does not appear.

For this, coping techniques such as relaxation techniques and concentration techniques or Mindfulness can be of great help. It will also be important to generate alternatives for more appropriate emotional expression; In this sense, knowing and training assertive communication can become a key element for people with problems of aggressive verbal behavior and impulsivity.

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