This Is How Excessive Use Of Social Networks Influences Couple Stability

This is how excessive use of social networks influences couple stability

The degree to which a relationship is strong and offers well-being to those who form it is an aspect of life that is influenced, even in part, by the context in which people live.

For better and for worse, the social environment and cultural dynamics to which we are exposed when starting a courtship or getting married are elements that will condition the way in which that love relationship develops Now, that as individuals we can barely change that social context does not mean that our way of interacting with it does not have an effect on the bond we establish with our partner.

The same thing happens with the development of new technologies; Regardless of what we do with our lives, new electronic devices and digital platforms are emerging around us, but we always have room for maneuver to decide how to relate to these elements and how to let them affect our courtship or marriage.

But unfortunately, many people hardly stop to think about the extent to which their constant use of social relationships damages their most important relationships to the point of contributing to destabilizing a relationship. Therefore, here we will a review of the ways in which social networks can lead a marriage or courtship to a crisis situation

What do we understand by stable relationships?

First of all, let’s see what are the main keys that make a relationship stable.

1. Respect

Respect is one of the fundamental characteristics in any satisfactory human relationship and especially in long-lasting relationships.

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Respect the other person at all times, as well as take their ideas and preferences into account when making a decision strengthens the foundations of the relationship and generates a state of well-being and a feeling of belonging to it in both parties.

Likewise, feeling heard and respected by the other person and perceiving that one’s own opinions and ideas matter contributes to increasing one’s self-esteem and, ultimately, to feeling loved and appreciated.

2. Common interests

With some exceptions, when there are very divergent interests, ideas, preferences or ways of seeing life between the members of a couple, it is difficult for it to be lasting over time.

That is why it is so important to be able to carry out joint leisure activities that both members can enjoy equally and at the same time spend time together.

These activities can be: going to the movies, playing a sport that you both like, watching your favorite series, attending a concert or having common hobbies.

3. Future plans

Likewise, share future plans compatible with each other and have similar ideas about what the couple’s future should be like It is also an essential element to achieve a stable partner.

Once again, it is evident that those couples whose future plans are similar will be longer lasting than those whose members have completely opposite aspirational ideas for the future.

4. Reconcile schedules

Another of the fundamental requirements for a couple to achieve a certain stability over time is that they be able to coordinate throughout the week and make each of their schedules compatible to spend time together.

Sometimes this is difficult, as daily obligations and long work hours can make it very difficult to find time to spend as a couple.

However, As long as there is a will on both sides, it is possible to find a few hours of the day to dedicate to life as a couple

5. Distribution of tasks

As in any coexistence, The equitable distribution of household tasks is crucial to achieving a healthy and positive domestic climate

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Having a good willingness to collaborate as much as possible in any aspect of home care denotes interest in making the relationship work, as well as respect for the other party in the relationship.

6. Communication

Communication is essential for the proper functioning of any relationship and the lack of it can endanger its future.

Maintain a good level of communication It has to do with the ability to express one’s own feelings and ideas, but it also consists of being receptive to what the other person wants to express and act accordingly if any of your own attitudes need to be changed.

Being aware of what the other person needs from us or identifying behavioral patterns that may be harmful is also a sign that communication between the couple is optimal.

7. Trust

Trust in each other is one of the unequivocal signs of a stable relationship, and constitutes one of the fundamental pillars to build a lasting bond.

Sometimes it is difficult to win, as it is built over the years and is demonstrated day after day in the course of the relationship. The same way, Once this trust is lost, it can be difficult for some people to trust their partner again which is why it is such an important element in any relationship.

Social networks and dating
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How does dependence on social networks affect the relationship?

Now that we have seen what the fundamental pillars of stable relationships are, let’s look at the way in which excessive use of social networks can interrupt the course of that life project together.

1. It reduces the perception that others are respected

Seeing how our partner seems to pay more attention to the mobile phone than to us is an experience that is so annoying because of what it means at that moment because of the implications about how little that person is interested in taking us into account. This is especially painful if it occurs during face-to-face conversations

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2. It makes it difficult to talk about common interests

The dependence on social networks causes face-to-face conversations to be brief, fragmented and poor in content. This makes it very difficult to engage in mutually stimulating dialogues, and makes the communicative exchange frustrating

3. It leads the person to focus only on the present

The bombardment of stimuli that comes through social networks makes it easier for the person who constantly connects to these digital platforms to only worry about the here and now, or for relatively ephemeral interests. This represents an obstacle to setting long-term goals and drawing up truly satisfactory future plans together.

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4. It leads to time disorganization

Dependency on social networks means being very vulnerable to the constant distractions that come through notifications and notices of new content in the feed. Besides, These digital platforms are designed to make users lose track of time

Therefore, the excessive use of these media makes the distribution of tasks and planning very complicated, leading to discussions and the accumulation of tasks.

5. Communication noticeably worsens

Because of all of the above, communication becomes very frustrating, the expectation is established that it is better not to speak if it is not totally “necessary” for short and medium-term reasons that are easy to determine.

6. Distrust arises

TO because of this relative isolation between both people, who already communicate much less uncertainty arises, and it is more difficult to trust the other and the future of the relationship.

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