Families And Technology

Families and technology

That Technology is part of our lives and it is not going away but that it will evolve faster and faster, it is a fact that we cannot let go and that we have to face.

Now… How do we adapt to this new reality from education and parenting strategies applied in the family context?

The implications of constant use of network-connected devices

The data we had about our children and adolescents’ use of technology was alarming to say the least. However, After the confinement derived from the coronavirus pandemic, we know that the little ones use devices 76% more

Children and the Internet

Currently, due to the health crisis, technology has been essential to work, study, communicate, do tasks… Thanks to technology we have been able to continue functioning. However, The use of screens has increased during the quarantine, due to the closure of schools and the impossibility of contact with family, friends. Obviously, this is an exceptional situation where we have all used technology to a much greater extent than we have been doing.

For all this, it is necessary that we consider how to effectively manage the use of new technologies with our sons and daughters

The importance of limits

Each family must establish limits regarding the use of new technologies; must accompany boys, girls and adolescents on this digital path

We cannot not be up to date and leave control of the situation in their hands. In this sense, we also have numerous parental control applications that can help us.

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Additionally, we must establish a digital family plan. How do we start?

Knowing the starting point

The first thing will be establish the technological profile of all family members: what devices we use, how long, what use we give them, the content we access… In this way we can know the point from which we started and do a self-reflection exercise on the use that adults make of technology.

Next we will make a diagnosis of the devices we have at home, in which areas of the house they are used, the rules on the use of the different devices in the home if there are parental control applications… This will allow us to know in detail if we are using it appropriately, if we are abusing it or engaging in risky behavior.

At this point of the digital diagnosis we can establish device use contracts search for the best educational apps, as well as express our imagination to find plans and activities that we can do as a family without screens.

The digital family plan

Once you know what your family is like and how it can improve, It’s time to create your own digital family plan We can put the plan on the refrigerator and review it to modify it as we develop it.

It is very important that all family members participate and contribute their ideas to this plan. Every family is a world, Don’t be afraid to create your own rules What works in your neighbor’s house may not work in yours.

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As general guidelines that we can follow with the youngest children we have:

And most importantly, remember that As a mother and father you are a role model for your child, there is no better parental control than yourself. Consciousness, responsibility, respect and a lot of communication.