What Happens In Your Brain When You Drink Coffee?

Many people start the day with a good cup of coffee This substance has reached a very high level of popularity throughout history, being taken by around 80% of the adult population and being a widely present element in daily life, its consumption even being used as a pretext when socializing. .

Coffee helps clear your mind, increase your activation level, and improve your attention span. But, How can coffee affect us in this way? What happens in your brain when you drink coffee?

Caffeine, an exciting substance

Caffeine, one of the main components of coffee, has, as we already know, psychoactive effects on our brain. Due to the effect they produce on the nervous system, they are part of psychostimulant or psychoanaleptic substances, substances characterized by producing an increase in brain activation and metabolism, generally managing to increase the level of activity of the body.

However, within this group, caffeine is considered a minor activator, forming together with theophylline and theobromine the group of substances known as xanthines. This group, although it presents activating effects in the body, has a much less powerful action than other excitatory substances and many fewer side effects, and it is not common for them to present serious adverse effects.

Caffeine takes a few minutes to reach the brain, and its effects tend to last around four to six hours It is not uncommon for it to be consumed several times a day, without this having to be dangerous due to its low addictive potential. Despite this, its habitual consumption ends up producing certain levels of tolerance, with an increasingly greater quantity or frequency of the substance being necessary to cause the same effects as at the beginning.

Action at the brain level: mechanisms of action

About five minutes after drinking a cup of coffee, caffeine begins to exert its effects on the nervous system. This substance acts in a diverse way throughout the nervous system, interacting and causing effects on different types of neurotransmitter.

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The activating effect of coffee is mainly due to the action on a hormone called adenosine, a hormone that contributes to maintaining a state of calm and relaxation by inciting the suppression of brain activity as well as maintaining medium or low levels of other hormones such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Caffeine acts as an antagonist of adenosine receptors, affecting its absorption in a way that inhibits its reuptake by neurons. This action results in an increase in brain activity and the intensity of transmission. of nervous signals by allowing greater action by other hormones such as dopamine.

Brain reward system

In addition to its effect on adenosine, caffeine also interacts with other neurotransmitters. Another of the great effects of caffeine on the brain is the increase in the release of dopamine, which activates brain reward mechanisms to induce a state of well-being.

However, while other substances such as cocaine activate the entire system (which facilitates its enormous addictive potential), caffeine and xanthines usually cause an increase in dopaminergic release in more specific areas such as the caudate nucleus and the prefrontal cortex. In this way, a sensation of activation that is pleasant to a certain extent is achieved, but without the entire brain reward system being activated.

Caffeine stimulates the noradrenergic and cholinergic systems, producing an increase in activation and an improvement in the ability to concentrate and information processing.

Finally, it is relevant to highlight that caffeine consumption causes an increase in the levels of cortisol, the known stress hormone, and adrenaline. This effect helps induce a state of activation at a physiological level that allows us to remain alert and attentive. However, it can also cause distress or negative stress that can lead to maladaptive behaviors, rapid heartbeat or anxiety.

beneficial effects

Coffee consumption can provide numerous benefits as long as it is done prudently and without excesses. Some of the positive effects that coffee has on the body are the following:

1. Increases wakefulness and decreases the level of fatigue

The fact that caffeine inhibits the action of adenosine and enhances an increase in cortisol and other excitatory hormones causes the level of consciousness to remain high, thereby causing the levels of tiredness and fatigue that the body may be experiencing. are reduced.

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2. Promotes attention and learning capacity

By causing the maintenance of the level of consciousness and the reduction of feelings of fatigue and tiredness, the subject’s attention capacity also increases, causing them to be able to use and distribute their physical and cognitive resources more efficiently and for longer.

In addition, it allows nervous impulses to be transmitted with great intensity, which can favor the acquisition of new learning and the reinforcement of existing ones.

3. It has a protective effect against certain dementias

Recently, research has been conducted on the possible role that caffeine consumption may have in contributing to the prevention of certain dementias.

Specifically, its regular consumption can serve as a protective factor against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s by stimulating the dopaminergic, cholinergic and noradrenergic systems and having antioxidant effects that reduce the number of free radicals present in the system.

4. Speed ​​up metabolism

The increase in activity produced by caffeine usually translates into a state of physiological excitement, accelerating the metabolism not only of the brain but of the entire body. It has been shown that consuming coffee before exercising helps break down fat in our body.

Furthermore, this acceleration usually involves an increase in physical activity, which in addition to facilitating fat burning predisposes the body to carry out activities that allow it to be lost.

5. Diuretic effect

Caffeine also has an important diuretic effect. It has been shown to stimulate urine production, helping to excrete elements harmful to the body.

It also has antiemetic effects if consumed moderately, preventing the appearance of vomiting and reducing the level of nausea,

Possible damages

One or several cups of coffee a day can positively affect our brain, but cAs with most substances and foods consumed, an excess can have adverse effects

1. Sleep problems

As we mentioned previously, caffeine causes a decrease in the feeling of fatigue or tiredness.

Although it may increase alertness in people with daytime sleepiness, depending on how, when and how much is consumed. can cause the individual to be unable to fall asleep with sleep-conciliation insomnia being the most frequent effect.

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2. Anxiety disorders

The increase in the amount of cortisol and adrenaline produced by coffee causes an increase in the excitability of the subject who has consumed it. Although in some circumstances it may be helpful in learning or acting efficiently, On other occasions, this increase generates stress greater than what the individual is capable of handling anxiety reactions may appear.

In fact, caffeine consumption is not recommended for stressed individuals or those with anxiety-related disorders.

3. Agitation, tachypsychia and logorrhea

While the increased activation that coffee produces may be desirable at low doses, In higher quantities, caffeine can cause agitation, tremors (and even epileptic seizures)

The presence of tachypsychia or accelerated thinking may also occur at a cognitive level, in which a flight of ideas or loss of the train of thought frequently appears. Another common symptom is logorrhea.

4. Stress and irritability

Increased activation in the nervous system and slightly more expansive mood than usual as well as the increased level of stress generated by coffee, sometimes cause the person who has consumed caffeine to have a tendency to be aggressive or irritable when faced with stimuli that would generally not be aversive.

5. Cardiac effects

The consumption of caffeine is also not usually recommended for people with heart disorders since it can induce tachycardias and arrhythmias that in people with a certain standard of living and with certain pathologies could lead to a heart attack or even cardiorespiratory arrest.

6. Risk of death

Although a high amount is usually necessary, consumption of amounts exceeding ten grams of caffeine can induce epileptic seizures, or cardiorespiratory problems that could lead to the death of the patient

7. Withdrawal syndrome

It has also been discussed that caffeine can, with prolonged and frequent consumption over time, producing withdrawal syndrome This syndrome results in the presence of excessive drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, anxiety and/or depression after abandoning or abruptly reducing consumption.

8. Other aspects

The elevation of mood and high level of activity that It can cause caffeine consumption in some people, making it not suitable for people with certain characteristics For example, in mood disorders (for example during manic episodes in the case of bipolar disorder) or in psychotic disorders.