5 Strategies To Overcome The Lack Of Communication In A Couple

Strategies to overcome the lack of communication in the couple

If communication is a key element in all types of relationships, in the case of couple relationships, it is even more so. However, it is relatively common that with the passage of time and the maturation of a courtship or marriage, a lack of communication establishes itself in coexistence.

Therefore, in the following lines we will explore different Strategies to address and overcome problems of lack of communication in a relationship so that this stops being an element that wears down the emotional bond.

The most frequent problems due to lack of communication in relationships

There are very different ways in which a communication deficit can be consolidated in a relationship. Furthermore, the origin of these dysfunctional communication patterns also give rise to different types of miscommunication.

In any case, knowing how to recognize the extent of this discomfort generated by poor communication is necessary to understand where this “crisis” as a couple begins and where it ends and, from there, think about solutions.

Considering that, The most common types of relationship problems due to lack of communication are the following:

Communication deficit in a marriage

Tips to manage and overcome lack of communication in relationships

When it comes to properly managing these types of problems in a marriage or courtship, It is very important to adapt the possible solutions proposed to the causes that have produced this situation

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In other words, unfortunately there are no infallible magic recipes that will work 100% of the time, given that what in one case may be an effective solution, in other cases may not contribute anything or even be a hindrance. And that is why, among other things, to address this type of crisis that affects a love relationship, the ideal is to go to a psychologist to receive personalized attention.

However, there are some guidelines that serve as a guide to explore possible solutions, starting from a general image of the most frequent causes of lack of communication So, keep these key ideas in mind to confront and overcome the problematic dynamics that arise from a lack of communication in your relationship, although first consider whether they adapt to your case; You don’t have to use them all.

1. Re-organize time from consensus

As we have seen, many of the problems due to lack of communication in a marriage or courtship are a consequence of the lack of time together. However, many times this lack of hours of free time in which to be with the other person can be solved without making great sacrifices, simply looking for “fitting points” between both and reformulating each one’s schedules

It is surprising to see the number of couples who suffer unnecessarily from these types of problems simply because they do not intend to talk about it with the other person, assuming that they are the only ones who can live according to that schedule.

2. Learn to give constructive criticism

A very good way to make conversations more stimulating and not associated with the risk of going through frustrating situations when disagreeing is to stop criticizing the person and start criticizing their actions

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In this way, we will not encourage him to become defensive and at the same time he will have a greater predisposition to correct his behavior. And, furthermore, this will help to stop making discussions equivalent to shouting and fighting to see who is right, something important, because these dynamics lead many people to try not to talk about anything that could be a problem. conflict.

3. Develop a hobby together

The fact of starting to participate in a hobby together makes you generate more shared memories, which acts as a “hook” to generate conversation and establish new channels of communication not only about topics directly associated with that activity. The important thing is to have material to talk about and through which to discover new facets, ideas, opinions and interests of the other person.

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4. Take advantage of the time together without distractions

Eating while watching TV may be fine from time to time, but spending all the hours of the week when you can be together reading or watching a screen It is alienating and leads to “disconnecting” from the relationship

5. Structure your work rhythm to save energy

Finally, We must not forget that lack of communication can arise from pure fatigue, which leads people to not talk to anyone in general. Introspection is a way to save energy.

To prevent this from being a problem, it is very important to structure your work time very well, sleep the necessary hours each day and take short breaks to perform well and so that work does not accumulate at the end of the day.

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Do you want to have professional psychological assistance?

If you are looking for psychological support from a professional, I invite you to contact me.

I am a psychologist specialized in the cognitive-behavioral model, with many years of experience caring for adults and adolescents, as well as couples and, in the field of organizations, companies. You can count on my services in person in Madrid, or through the online format by video call.