Excessive Use Of Video Games In Children In Times Of COVID

Excessive use of video games in children in times of COVID

Parents have recently experienced difficulty in the excessive use of video games at home. In the current context, the limitations on carrying out social leisure and school activities in person have forced everyone to stay indoors and stay connected remotely.

In the psychology consultation, cases of fathers increase requesting help for their children who spend a large number of hours dedicated to using video games presenting failed attempts to moderate this behavior.

The psychological implications of video games

Research carried out by Tejeiro R. showed that the use of video games is essential for encourage imagination, independence and security in children and adolescents who practice it

In this type of studies, the importance of the work of parents is reflected, in getting involved in these new interests that their children desire, to guide and regulate the type of video game used, focusing on themes that promote their formation in values ​​and of personality, trying to avoid those that have violent and aggressive content.

However, excessive use of this entertainment tool can reverse the benefits it can initially provide. One of the common concerns about video games is the addiction it may cause in your children.

Video game addiction in children

Excessive use of video games in childhood and adolescence

It has been observed that children and adolescents who do not engage in physical activity in their daily routines, or whose parents spend very little time living with them, have a higher risk of excessive use of video games

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Finding different interests, such as doing a sports activity, cooking creatively, discussing readings, watching shows or movies together, board games, creating pieces of art or craft (such as painting, clay, playing an instrument…), or going out to parks or natural spaces, can be an alternative to modulate children’s behavior towards video games.

Uncontrolled use of video games It can contribute to the appearance of attention and concentration disorders, physical or emotional discomfort, as well as induce lifestyles associated with obesity, difficulty developing discipline, and increase the frequency of poor school performance.

Other factors that influence the uncontrolled use of video games are family problems and interaction styles.

To do?

In these cases of children and adolescents who have “become too hooked” on video games, part of the strategy used in therapy is to provide tools to parents to modify harmful behaviors. from a climate of trust, communication, affection and discovery of new tastes and interests that can awaken in children

To mention some of the tactics:

It is important for the strategy applied that there is congruence between the behaviors of the parents, and that they encourage the model of behavior that they want to modify in their children, to achieve genuine change.

Furthermore, it is essential adapt parenting and home education strategies to the circumstances that society experiences, as has been evidenced by the coronavirus pandemic crisis. Showing flexibility in this aspect is crucial to promote the good development of boys and girls.

Support for children, adolescents and families

In our psychology consultation we offer psychotherapy services for people of all ages, in person and also by video call.

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