And In Summer… Do We Do Homework?

And in summer... do we do homework?

We are already immersed in the middle of school holidays, and some of our sons and daughters are faced with the reality of combining the circumstances of their parents’ work-life balance, living new experiences in summer camps, returning to town with grandparents and/or relatives and enjoying one way or another of that well-deserved rest.

And given all this, we also find that, sometimes, the school sends them “homework” or “tasks” to “review” during the summer and at other times, We think as parents that it can be good for them to have those moments of review if they have not decided since school

But… are they necessary? How can we manage these moments? Let’s look closely at these two realities.

Tackling homework on summer vacation

If the school has asked you to carry out these tasks, we must consider where that request comes from.

Is this a non-mandatory request? Great

If it is just about an entertainment proposal from a more playful point of view then it will be easier to make and plan those moments with our sons and daughters.

We can see with them what is proposed, plan when and on what days we can do it, specify the possible needs that may arise. The help or what you may want to do first.

We can put all this in a vacation calendar where specify what they are going to spend their time doing each day while we, adults, are working and when we return, the times we will spend together.

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We can specify at what times or from what day it will be when we begin with these non-mandatory tasks and with the vision and premise of not being something tedious for them, lowering demands and expectations since they are on vacation and it is logical that they do not want to do that type of task.

Surely, If we turn it into a time to share with the family, it will be much easier for them to access and do it with pleasure.

In the case of a mandatory request with a subsequent review by the teacher, the first thing we should perhaps consider would be to know why it is mandatory.

Vacation duties

Is it a general request to all students in class or only to particular students?

Does my son/daughter need that review to return strongly to the next course? If there is no apparent reason for this request, we must try to manage those times of duties and/or tasks in such a way that we can make our children feel that they are part of those decisions and that at home the demands are reduced, although we explain the obligation on the part of the tutor.

Finally, it is important to reduce the demands, with them and with ourselves. Sometimes we are not aware that We transfer our own adult demands to children, and it is necessary to relativize with them at this time. If they don’t have everything done in September, surely nothing will happen. Above all, if they receive an explanation from the fathers and mothers.

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And although everything explained above can be applied in the event that we know that our son/daughter could benefit from maintaining that routine, we, as his/her family, also We know what your interests are and those tasks, activities, games that can help you maintain those learnings and even expand them, without it being necessary for them to be explicitly stated by the school, so for us, the most important thing would be the last point described above.


Let us reduce our own demands and the demands imposed on them and encourage moments, moments and daily routines of learning, discoveries, new experiences, new interactions, new trips, which can give them and contribute as much or more than those school tasks. .

Let’s explain to the teachers when we return. I’m sure they will understand and share it.