How To Overcome Anxiety About Mistakes At Work

Learning from your mistakes, recognizing your emotions, and taking care of yourself is crucial to overcoming anxiety about work mistakes. In the workplace, sometimes we try to do our tasks as quickly as possible to cover all our obligations, and that causes us to make mistakes more than once.

Concerns that arise outside of work can be disconcerting and distracting. Furthermore, the fear of losing your job, the demands we experience daily, and stress can play tricks on us without us realizing it. To avoid this, we recommend that you read this PsychologyFor article in which we show you how to overcome anxiety about mistakes at work

Learn from your mistakes

Making mistakes is part of life and it happens to everyone in the world. For this reason, we should not worry if we make a mistake about something that we could have solved differently. However, it is essential that we can understand the mistake we made to learn from the situation and not repeat the same thing in the future. In this way, we can think of another method to face a problem that gives us a positive result. It is not about denying the error, but about accepting that there has been a failure and repairing it.

Recognize your emotions

Daily obligations, permanent stress and uncertainty can accompany us for a long time without us stopping to reflect. Thus, we run the risk of believing that negative emotions are part of our personality and that we have no possibility of change. For this reason, identifying the sensations and thoughts that appear in moments of anxiety is usually an effective help to combat work frustration. Likewise, we should not feel guilty and judge ourselves for having done a task with errors, since it was not the initial intention.

Cultivate resilience

Practice developing emotional resilience, which involves the ability to adapt and recover from difficult situations. This will help you face work challenges with a stronger and more positive mindset.

How to Overcome Mistake Anxiety at Work - Cultivate Resilience

Practice mindfulness

This technique is used in various psychological therapies to lower anxiety levels. In short, it consists of focusing attention on the stimuli that occur in the present, leaving aside worries or fears. To put this resource into practice, we must be in a relaxed space that is away from any distraction that interferes with emotions. To achieve good results, it is necessary to breathe deeply and consciously for several minutes until you achieve a calm state.

Seek professional help

If constant worries prevent you from working properly and cannot control your anxiety, you can go to therapy. A mental health professional can develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs to reduce symptoms. On the one hand, short-term therapies emphasize the modification of present emotions, thoughts and behaviors. On the other hand, long-term therapies seek the origin of the symptoms by remembering childhood situations.

Have realistic expectations

In general, anxiety arises when we believe that we could try harder to achieve better results. This is harmful, since nervousness plays a negative role in our emotions. The idea of ​​achieving perfection in job performance can lead to several mistakes being made along the way. If we choose to have work expectations that are realistic and achievable, anxiety can be controlled without major problems.

How to Overcome Mistake Anxiety at Work - Have Realistic Expectations

Take care of yourself

Work is not the only thing you have in life. To have good experiences in the workplace, it is essential that you have good physical and mental health. In other words, engaging in physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and having good sleeping habits helps reduce anxiety. On the other hand, maintaining social relationships with quality people improves mood.

Set limits

Many times, people have the tendency to continue with their work activities after hours. This causes them to take tasks home that should wait until the next day. However, anxiety and nervousness about finishing an activity can harm us. If you want to avoid some mistakes at work, set clear boundaries about your duties so that others can understand. For example, you can talk to your boss and mention that you will continue with work after the break.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to overcome anxiety about mistakes at work we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Cabrera Armijos, RA, Tapia Viteri, MG, García Junia, HD, López Acurio, OR (2022). Mental health and anxiety in the workplace. Mitigation strategies. Scientific Magazine Domain of sciences, 8 (3), 621-639.

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