How Does Couples Therapy Work? 7 Steps To Follow

How couples therapy works

Couples therapy is one of the most requested psychological assistance services, and it is not surprising.

In fact, in Western countries, the number of marriages that end in divorce is between 30 and 45%, and if we assume that the people who get married tend to be those who have already achieved some stability in their relationship, this indicates that couples’ problems are far from being rare exceptions.

On the other hand, couples therapy has proven to be effective in increasing the chances that the emotional bond will be strengthened and coexistence will improve, and this influences many who try to relaunch their love relationship with the help of professional support. However… How does couples therapy work? This is the topic we will explore if you continue reading.

7 keys to know how couples therapy works

These are the fundamental guidelines that help to know how couples therapy works from the point of view of those who come to it as clients.

1. Determine if the problem should be addressed through therapy

Not all problems in a relationship can be solved through couples therapy. In fact, In certain cases it is very important not to try this route; These are cases in which you are a victim of physical or psychological abuse

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In situations like this, the first and only short-term way out is to end the relationship immediately and get to safety; Going to therapy would worsen the problem, by being used as an excuse to postpone the breakup. However, couples therapists do not work to prolong these relationships.

2. Choose the format: in person or online

At the moment, There are many teams of psychologists who, in addition to classic therapy in person, also carry out online therapy

This is based on video call sessions through electronic devices with cameras, typically laptop or desktop computers. The main difference is the communication channel used and the fact that travel and the time involved are saved.

3. Choose the place to go

It is important that you choose a therapy center or office where registered psychologists work, to have the guarantee that they have the necessary training to handle cases.

4. Decide when it is good for you to go

Couples therapy requires weekly frequency, maintaining consistency in schedules. Make sure the time and day selected suit you both to the same extent, so as not to generate asymmetries and problems that can evolve to give shape to a new conflict. If you are short on time, consider the option of online couples therapy.

5. Talk about it and minimally establish the problem and

It is good that before going to the first session you talk about the problem or problems you are experiencing in the relationship, in order to have a minimum idea of ​​what is happening to you and how you feel about it.

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Yes indeed, There is no need to obsess over getting an exact and objective view of the problem To solve. One of the basic aspects to understanding how couples therapy works is not to try to completely decipher what is the cause of your discomfort or dissatisfaction; Understanding this more thoroughly is part of the work you will do in the therapy sessions with the help of the psychologist.

6. Consider the possibility of going to individual therapy

Sometimes, psychologists recommend combining couples therapy with individual sessions for one or both members of the couple, to address personal problems that are affecting the relationship. In these cases there is no need to look for culprits it is simply one more opportunity to overcome a problem that will probably be causing discomfort in other areas of life beyond the love relationship and coexistence at home.

7. Go to therapy and commit to the process

It is extremely important not to skip sessions, because that is often used as an excuse to stop going to therapy. To get results, Consistency must be maintained for the duration of the therapeutic process, for several weeks or months

Are you interested in going to couples therapy?

Psychologists Majadahonda

In Psychologists Majadahonda We have many years of experience performing both couples therapy and individual psychotherapy, always using the methods and intervention strategies that have proven to be most effective. In addition, we also provide child and adolescent therapy, which is useful in the case of couples or marriages with small children who may be affected by problems in the relationship.

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You can use our services both in person at our center located in Majadahonda, and through online sessions by video call; If you are interested in knowing more about how we work or want to see our contact information, access this page.