6 Common Sources Of Relationship Problems Linked To Stress

Common sources of relationship problems linked to stress

Excess stress is always a trigger for psychological problems, but the consequences of these vary depending on the characteristics of each person and the context in which they live.

One of the areas in which these alterations are seen most clearly is that of living together as a couple; The accumulation of stress can act as a real time bomb that blows up basic consensus and even, if given time, the love bond itself.

In this article we will see a summary about the usual sources of relationship problems derived from excess stress as well as some possible solutions to know what to do.

How does the accumulation of stress affect the relationship?

Although each case is unique, in general terms it is possible to find a series of problems in the coexistence of a couple, and even in the emotional relationship itself, which have a good part of their causes in excess stress or poor management of it.

Is about forms of discomfort that arise on a daily basis and wear down the courtship or marriage until, many times, a point is reached where it is necessary to end the relationship or go to couples therapy.

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These are the main sources of relationship problems due to stress.

1. Excessive workload

Workload is clearly one of the most common causes of excess stress.

Unfortunately, it is an area that remains outside the scope of what can be solved entirely as a couple, but There are better and worse ways to deal with this problem together

2. Insecurities and fear of losing your partner

This is one of the most frequent causes of problems in relationships, especially among young people. The fact of feeling that you have to give your best is a stress bomb

3. Fears related to sexuality

The area of ​​intimate and sexual life continues to be subject to fears and taboo topics that not everyone is willing to talk about, even with their partner. This generates misgivings, fears, and the feeling that the other person keeps as many secrets as oneself

4. Bad communication

Communication problems can lead to stress relatively frequently, because they give rise to misunderstandings that must be resolved at inopportune moments. They are experienced as an “added” and totally unnecessary burden.

5. Distribution of household chores

The feeling that the distribution of household tasks is unfair contributes to the accumulation of stress, due among other things to the fact that These efforts are perceived as arbitrary which should not exist with a better allocation of responsibilities.

6. Family disagreements

Conflicts with family too They are an important source of stress that “leaks” into the couple’s environment Tense Christmas dinners, problems that have been entrenched for many years, people in the family with whom you avoid contact, etc.

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To do?

These are some basic tips to deal with this type of problem in the best possible way.

1. Detect the origin of stress

It is clear that it is impossible to identify each and every one of the things that cause us stress on a daily basis, but it is possible to recognize those that affect us the most.

Thus, Spend some time talking specifically about what the origin of that psychological pressure is to establish something similar to a diagnosis of the situation you are going through.

Do it from an attitude of harmony in which it is clear that you are not judging the other, since otherwise it will be impossible to deal with the subject honestly.

It is necessary that you express how the stress itself affects you, and the way the other person behaves, for better or worse, but without recriminations.

2. Establish new commitments

It is important that you set specific and as objective objectives as possible to improve the situation you find yourself in.

The better defined a goal is, the more difficult it will be to disengage from the commitment to achieve it You must define both specific measures to adopt and the time in which they must be applied to your coexistence. If possible, choose a group of one, two or three new habits and add them to your schedule literally, marking the times you will dedicate to them.

3. Talk regularly about your impressions and progress

Talking periodically about how you are experiencing the challenge of better managing stress helps you stay involved in that process, and also allows you to correct errors in time.

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4. If the problems do not stop, go to couples therapy

Couples therapy is a context in which it is possible to intervene in love problems and coexistence with professional support, something that completely changes the situation by having an external and objective figure, in addition to being trained in emotional management techniques and good communication habits and expression of feelings.

Are you looking for help to know how to manage relationship problems?

Psychology For

If you think you are in a relationship that is going through moments of crisis due to stress or any other aspect that makes the relationship difficult, you can contact our team of psychotherapists.

In Psychology For We have a team with two decades of experience offering professional support to couples and people with emotional, communicative or relational problems in general. We currently serve both in person at our center in Madrid and through online therapy via video call. You can see more information about our services on this page.