What Is Globalization? Features, Advantages And Disadvantages


You’ve probably heard the word “globalization” on numerous occasions Many of those occasions, perhaps on trips. That is, getting to know other cultures and other countries.

Especially if you belong to generation ‘X’ (people born between the 60s and the early 80s) or the millennial generation (born between the 80s and 2000s), it is very likely that you relate the concept globalization with ” unification of cultures and ideas”.

Here we will see where the word comes from, when and in what regions this phenomenon began to originate, and the pros and cons of this very dynamic process.

What is globalization?

The concept of globalization today is closely associated with seeing the world and seeing more and more similar things in all countries: restaurant chains, clothing brands, technology companies, languages, etc. It could be said that globalization is associated with socio-cultural aspects, although it is true that globalization is a slightly more complex concept. In essence, contemplates the fact of communication and relationship between different countries whether on a cultural or social level

The concept of globalization refers to a process at an economic, technological, political, cultural and social level on a global scale In this process, growing communication occurs between the different countries of the world, favoring market unions, cultural unions, and social unions, through a set of social and political transformations.

In this process, each society and each culture ends up being understood as something “global.” This process is a dynamic change that is carried out by society itself, accompanied by a series of cultural modifications and also in the legal field (change of laws, approval of decrees…) that are in line with these changes.

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When did this global process begin?

It is known that globalization It originated in Western civilization (Western countries) and little by little and throughout the second half of the 20th century As well as the beginning of the 21st century, it has been spreading around the world.

The concept began to be used to refer to changes of an economic nature and was basically characterized by the integration of local and small economies into a more global and large-scale economy.

In this larger-scale economy, production and the characteristics of running businesses are decided at another level, with multinational companies playing a fundamental role. All this accompanied by the need for a consumer society.

As we have already mentioned, over the years this concept has spread to more cultural and social areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of globalization

Like any dynamic process that has its clear impact on the policies of the countries and their inhabitants, there are movements that oppose this process, as well as other social sectors that support and defend it.

Next, we will mention some of these pros and cons of globalization that have been postulated by experts on the topic of globalization.

1. Pros

Certain political aspects state that high levels of political and economic freedoms have been important in the developed world and have resulted in high levels of material wealth.

Furthermore, the free trade characteristic of the globalization process has impacted an increase in economic prosperity and job opportunities in geographical terms. Thus, there is greater production, lower prices, more jobs, and a better standard of living, especially for people living in developing countries.

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It has also been said that communication and pacts between countries reduce income inequality.

In more political spheres, the presence of democracy and equality before the law has increased and women’s rights have also advanced, placing universal suffrage as a turning point, from which women could now vote.

On the other hand, at a health and social level, life expectancy has greatly increased, due to these communications between countries in medical and technological areas. Furthermore, there is increasingly less difference between life expectancy in developing countries and developed countries.

Regarding access to electricity, radios, telephones, automobiles, even basic aspects such as access to drinking water or education, there is less and less inequality.

At a cultural level, there is a gain in terms of information exchange. Shared knowledge enriches everyone also facilitating coexistence between different cultures.

2. Cons

Regarding negative aspects of globalization, they are mainly attributed to cultural homogeneity, loss of identity and economic inequality That is, societies are increasingly more similar to each other, with the same cultural tastes, fashions, etc.

In terms of culture, it happens that minority languages ​​are at greater risk of disappearance or, at least, loss of influence in their territories.

Finally, regarding the economic aspect, one of the most important aspects of globalization would be the fact that many national companies go to countries where production costs are lower This fact causes jobs in the initial country to disappear, so this results in an increase in unemployment and a lowering of labor costs.

This has caused inequalities to grow, and thus, small national companies and self-employed professionals have seen their income in danger and consequently workers in general have lost purchasing power.

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A massive influence in all countries

It is evident that societies evolve, develop, and with this the world inevitably advances in a slightly common direction.

At a more social level, globalization has given value to respecting the local within a global context On a human level, the globalization process can be positive to feel like we are in a more common world and to gain respect and tolerance towards other people belonging to other societies or cultures.

During 2016, UNESCO supported the cause for various countries to design flags in favor of peace. These designs would be carried out by relevant artists and graphic designers from each country.

The idea was born due to the difficulty of consensus on a single flag, since symbols, concepts of peace and even colors have different meanings in different cultures. And this was one of the most emotional consequences of globalization.