Why Emotional Intelligence Is Important In Raising Children

Why Emotional Intelligence is important in raising children

Raising children is a process that goes far beyond giving them information about what the world around them is like and how it works; If it were limited only to that, children would have a too static view of reality, as if it existed in a photograph. In practice, they would have many problems developing in a physically and emotionally healthy way.

Therefore, in addition to the above, raising the little ones in the house also includes aspects such as the way in which it is appropriate to relate to their environment, with others, and with oneself. And in light of this task, it is essential to develop what is known in Psychology as Emotional Intelligence.

Taking that into account, in the following lines we will see in more detail what they are. The reasons why Emotional Intelligence is important in raising children especially in childhood and adolescence.

Why is Emotional Intelligence a basic ingredient in raising children?

These are the different aspects in which the fact of taking or not taking Emotional Intelligence into account when raising our sons and daughters is noted.

1. It helps them manage painful emotions

Emotional Intelligence means that, regardless of our age, we are capable of managing emotions so that they do not lead us to develop dysfunctional behavior patterns, which work against us. In the case of little ones this is very important, because no matter how much their parents or caregivers try to protect them, The simple act of living will expose them to uncomfortable, unpleasant or sad situations

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One of the emotionally painful experiences that boys and girls will go through the most is frustration: since they still do not understand much about how the world works, they often encounter disappointments, or suffer setbacks that were not expected. Emotional Intelligence makes it easier for these experiences to become part of what will help them correct their mistakes in the future, instead of using that resentment to continue reproducing inappropriate behaviors.

2. It allows them to connect with others

Emotional Intelligence leads us to better understand the emotional states and motivations of the people with whom we interact, and this is true at any age. Therefore, fathers and mothers who promote the development of Emotional Intelligence while raising their children will be contributing to generating stable circles of friends, in which communication problems, conflicts and anger do not arise again and again

3. Helps see incentives linked to the long term

In their first years of life, boys and girls tend to behave guided by short-term incentives because that is the world they understand: that of sensations and stimuli that appear in the here and now. The ability to develop sensitivity towards medium and long-term incentives will appear as they grow, and is one of the most important aspects of psychological maturation.

Emotional Intelligence goes hand in hand with that ability to connect emotionally with the goals that will be reached when a few weeks, a few months or a few years have passed This also includes behaving well to help the social environment in which children live function well. In cases of boys and girls with Emotional Intelligence that is poorly developed for their age, the incentives they obey remain limited to the gratifications that the present can offer them, which makes it very difficult for them to organize and follow plans.

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4. It helps them achieve their goals

Another important aspect of Emotional Intelligence is that it allows us to foresee the emotional consequences that carrying out certain actions or modifying the environment in a certain way will have on us. For example, this is what is behind the fact that many people who manage to adopt the habit of studying do so by staying away from distractions such as the television, mobile phone, etc.

Therefore, incorporating Emotional Intelligence exercises in parenting makes children realize that many times they do not have to wait for the appropriate emotion to arise spontaneously from them but they can self-induce certain psychological states that help them perform tasks.

Are you looking to promote the Emotional Intelligence of your children?


If you are interested in having psychological assistance to help your son or daughter, either through child and adolescent therapy or through counseling services for parents, contact us. In PSiCOBAi We serve people of all ages both in individual sessions and in family and couples therapy. Currently you can count on us both in our center located in Majadahonda and through online therapy. On this page there is more information about our way of working, as well as PSiCOBAi’s contact details.