How To Know Your Scale Of Values? 5 Strategies

How to know your Scale of Values?

In the complex network of interpersonal interactions and social life, it is common to hear talk about values ​​as highly valued personal components. Values ​​are often defined as the compass that guides our decision-making and defines the essence of who we are. These refer to the set of beliefs that give value to everything that surrounds us and the social interactions that we develop every day.

However, although we are highly educated in values ​​and in knowing those personal characteristics that are better or worse valued by society, we are not educated so that we can become aware of the personal ethical beliefs that make us unique. It is important to give value to interpersonal uniqueness and diversity, which make all people different also in terms of how we value everything we experience and what we face, considering it more or less ethical, positive or negative. Therefore, in this article we are going to reflect on how to know our scale of values, mainly revolving around five differentiated strategies.

What are values?

Before starting to talk about value scales and the strategies that we can carry out to know ours, it is important to establish a clear conceptual framework about what values, in themselves, are.

The values ​​are defined as the fundamental pillars that guide our decisions, actions and behaviors in life These intrinsic principles act as a set of deeply held beliefs that shape our perception of the world and define everything we consider meaningful. Values ​​provide us with an ethical and moral framework that influences our daily choices and the way we establish relationships with other people.

A central characteristic of ethical and moral values ​​is that they are not static; They vary from person to person, influenced by factors such as culture, education and personal experiences.

Values ​​can cover a wide range of aspects, from honesty and integrity to loyalty and the pursuit of knowledge. Understanding what values ​​are means understanding them as an internal compass that guides us in our decision-making. Values ​​act as criteria that help us evaluate situations and assign meanings to our experiences.

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By becoming aware of our own values, we can live in a more authentic way and conscious, being able to align our actions with what we really consider important and valuable. ##The importance of knowing your scale of values ​​Understanding and being aware of your scale of values ​​is essential to forging an authentic and satisfying life. Your values ​​act as the foundations of human experience on which you build your daily and everyday decisions and actions. Knowing them gives you invaluable clarity about your motivations and helps you align your choices with your deepest beliefs.

Decision making is directly influenced by your values. By becoming aware of them, you can more accurately evaluate the available options and choose those that are in harmony with what you consider essential. This not only promotes internal consistency, but also contributes to building authentic and satisfying relationships.

Personal satisfaction and fulfillment are closely linked to living in congruence with your values When you align yourself with what you truly value, you experience a deeper sense of purpose and direction in your life. This can lead to greater resilience in the face of challenges as you are grounded in what you find meaningful. Additionally, knowing your values ​​gives you the ability to adapt and evolve as life circumstances change. You can make informed decisions about what aspects of your life need adjustments and how you can continue to grow in the direction that really matters to you.

5 strategies to know your scale of values

Once we become aware of the importance of knowing our values ​​and we have a clear idea of ​​​​exploring them to understand them better, it is time to offer some strategies to put self-knowledge into practice regarding ethics and values. Next, we will see five strategies that may be useful for this. However, keep in mind that each person is different and is greatly influenced by the set of experiences they have behind them. If you don’t feel like all of these tips work for you, that’s okay; the human experience and self-knowledge is also about understanding our peculiarities and differences

1. Reflective self-assessment

Reflective self-assessment is a powerful strategy to delve into your scale of values. Spend time reflecting on significant experiences in your life, identifying moments that have left a lasting impression on you. Notice how you felt in those situations and what aspects resonated with you on a deep level.

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Examine your achievements, challenges overcome and moments of fulfillment Ask yourself what underlying values ​​were present in those experiences. This process will allow you to discover patterns and connections between your past actions and the values ​​that are fundamental to you. Reflective self-assessment provides a window into your inner self, revealing the deeply held beliefs that shape your perspective and guide your choices. This self-knowledge empowers you to make decisions aligned with your deepest values.

2. Identification of role models

Observing and analyzing those you consider role models can be an enlightening route to discovering your own values. Identify people you admire for their achievements, integrity, or positive impact on society. Examine what specific characteristics inspire you and why.

Role models act as mirrors that reflect qualities you value Reflect on how their choices and actions resonate with you on a personal level. This exercise will allow you to identify patterns and shared values ​​that could be present in your own scale of values. It’s not about blindly imitating others, but about recognizing the qualities that really matter to you.

3. Prioritization of activities and time

The way you allocate your time and energy reveals fundamental clues about your priority values. Examine your daily routines and the activities you spend the most time doing. What aspects of your life receive your constant attention? Prioritizing activities and time not only reflects your external commitments, but also your personal choices. If much of your day focuses on family, career, or self-development, those are likely key values ​​for you.

Take an honest review of how you allocate your time and evaluate whether these choices are aligned with what you truly value. Adjusting your focus toward what you consider most important can be an effective way to align your daily life with your core values This reflection process helps you identify and strengthen the aspects that truly give meaning and purpose to your existence.

4. Deep questioning

Diving into deep questioning is a crucial strategy for discovering your core values. Ask meaningful questions about yourself, exploring your beliefs, motivations, and long-term goals. What is truly important to you in life? What are your fundamental principles?

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This process of inquiry takes you beyond superficial answers, allowing you to explore your most deeply held convictions. Ask yourself about the crucial decisions you have made and the lessons learned. Analyze how those choices reflect your underlying values.

Deep questioning gives you the clarity needed to understand not only what you do, but why you do it. By unraveling your deepest motivations, you will be in a better position to identify and articulate the values ​​that truly guide your choices. This introspective process takes you to a deeper level of self-knowledge, paving the way to a clearer and more conscious understanding of your scale of values.

5. Written record

Keeping a written record of your thoughts, emotions and daily reflections is a valuable tool to explore and understand your scale of values. A journal acts as a mirror of your mind, capturing your experiences and allowing you to analyze them carefully. By writing regularly, you will be able to identify recurring patterns in your thoughts and behaviors. Observe how you react to different situations and what aspects are consistent in your personal narratives

This record helps you organize your ideas and highlight what is really meaningful to you. Periodically reviewing your journal will allow you to track the evolution of your values ​​over time. Additionally, the consistent practice of writing encourages self-expression and self-reflection, providing a platform to deeply explore your deepest thoughts and values. The written record is a tangible tool that guides you in the process of knowing yourself and better understanding your scale of values.


In conclusion, knowing your scale of values ​​is an essential journey towards authenticity and wholeness. The strategies explored, from reflective self-assessment to written journaling, act as beacons that illuminate your core values. By understanding these inner foundations, you can make aligned decisions, cultivate authentic relationships, and find a deeper sense of purpose. This process of self-exploration not only enriches your daily life, but also empowers you to face challenges with resilience and authenticity.