Psicode Institute: This Is How An Expanding Psychology Center Works

Psychode Institute

The Psicode Institute of Psychology and personal development opened its doors in 2006 and today it has a presence in Madrid and Alicante.

In this photo report, we will see how to work in a continually growing psychological assistance organization.

Psychode Institute

How does it work at the Psicode Institute?

These are the defining features of the Psicode Institute and its way of serving clients.

1. Teamwork

The main characteristic that defines this psychological assistance center is teamwork. All psychologists in this organization meet frequently to analyze cases and provide ideas for the best treatment. This is why work with the patient also continues outside of the therapy session.

It is key for the Psicode institute that each case is supervised anonymously by the team to guarantee the best results.

Psychode Institute

2. Constant training

Another key to success is that the team is in continuous training. All Psicode professionals carry out training either within the Institute or outside to continually recycle their knowledge

Their work philosophy is “psychology is constantly changing, and the idea is to use the newest and most effective techniques to help patients.”

For all these reasons, although each psychologist has his own way of being and expressing himself, the working method is common. Each and every one of the 16 psychologists that make up the team present a cognitive-behavioral training base and an approach focused on finding practical and quick solutions for patients.

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However, they also consider that it is important to complement this cognitive-behavioral base with other points of view, and that is why they have master’s degrees and training in other areas, such as EMDR, psychodrama, systemic therapy, mindfulness and other third generation therapies.

3. Specializations

Within the team, there are specialties At Psicode, patients are referred to the expert in that area.

The area in which most Psicode professionals have specialized is individual and couples therapy. Specifically, Psychode It is a reference center in Spain for couples On his team there are several people specialized in sexual therapy, and with their experience they support many couples treatments. On the other hand, the team also has child and family psychologists.

Psychode Institute

Psicode has a psychological care unit that offers guidance, advice and intervention in different problems: couples therapy, male and female sexual disorders, self-esteem problems, anxiety and mood disorders, eating disorders, addictions, impulse control disorders, school problems, lack of social skills, emotional dependence, insomnia , ADHD… Interventions are also carried out in gender violence and health disorders.

Being a large team, when there are referrals of cases, the prognosis improves, because communication between professionals is very direct.

In Psychode They also have a family mediation service to resolve conflicts (divorce, child custody, common property, parental responsibilities, inheritance) and reach an agreement through negotiation.

Psychode Institute

4. The offer of courses and workshops

In terms of training, Psicode professionals They teach different courses, seminars and workshops with theoretical and practical content They give great importance to training in specific skills and techniques, providing students with strategies and based on the needs of different groups.

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Another of the strong areas of the Psicode Institute is training psychologists who are beginning their professional career. Prestigious universities trust in its teachings to train future professionals. It also collaborates with the Official College of Psychologists, providing training and supervising cases to psychologists who come from other centers and need support in their treatments. They give talks and workshops in hospitals, educational centers…

Psychode Institute

5. Flexibility in psychotherapy

Therapy methodologies are of three types: in-person, via Skype and at home There are many people who cannot or do not want to go to in-person sessions, since they live outside of Spain or are public figures and do not want to be recognized in the waiting room.

For people who are public figures and want to have their sessions in person but do not want to be recognized, there is the possibility of using different entrances that guarantee absolute privacy.

Furthermore, this team of professionals They provide therapy in Spanish, English and German, and have a psychologist who is an expert in sign language which is why they serve the deaf population.

Psychode Institute


We can say that the star ingredient of Psicode is the professionalism of a team and patient care. This friendly and detailed treatment can also be observed in the center. Your professionals They take care of every detail so that the patient feels comfortable The place is decorated to make everyone feel at home, whether in the waiting room or in their therapy space. The center has no architectural barriers.

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Currently, at Psicode more than 4000 patients have been treated, and thanks to the word of mouth of these people the number continues to grow. Recently, Psicode has opened a new headquarters in Alicante.

The Psicode Institute is located at Calle Miguel Ángel, 7, 1 B in Madrid, and in the province of Alicante, they are located at Avenida de la Libertad, number 24.