What Is The Role Of Emergency Psychology?

We often hear about emergency psychologists, but what do they really do? How can they help you? Discover how the psychology of an emergency is approached.

How does the psychology of emergency work?

The p emergency psychologists They are those who are specialized in caring for patients who are in emergency or catastrophic situations, such as traffic accidents, airplanes, trains… Those situations in which the patient discovers at a glance that something horrible has happened.

But this emergency psychology It does not focus only on catastrophes, but also on more discreet situations, such as suicidal crises or covert abuse, among others. In all these cases, health workers, police officers and firefighters usually arrive at the scene, and psychologists become an essential figure for the recovery of those affected, their families and witnesses.

What is the psychology of emergence?

The emergency psychology professionals They are experts in victims and are dedicated to caring for these people a few moments after the event. Among its main functions we highlight the following, since they are very important in a psychological emergency situation.

1. They address situations so that they do not lead to disorders

The emergency psychology professionals, help prevent psychological injuries from being permanent and from developing disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other disorders such as major depression or somatoform disorders. Also during a psychological emergency they help the victims’ families to accept and assimilate the situation as well as how to talk to and treat the victim of the event.

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2. They help victims take control of their lives again

The main objective of the emergency psychologists It is based on helping the person regain the feeling of control of their life and the situation, reducing the feeling of isolation through welcoming behavior and reducing the victims’ feelings of hopelessness and helplessness by helping them to better manage their present and future. .

Methods of action of an emergency psychologist

3. They act on anxiety and shock states

The most common thing in these situations of psychological emergency It is encountering people who suffer from anxiety and have confusing emotional responses, terrified people who do not believe what is happening and who may engage in dangerous behavior. The mind is blocked to such an extent that some people are left in a state of shock, not being aware of what has happened.

4. They prevent feelings of guilt from being generated

In the case of survivors of the catastrophe, the feeling of guilt is very common, not knowing how to react or understanding why several people have died but in their case they have been saved. Receiving help in these cases is essential so that the problem does not get worse and emotional stability can be a fact in a short time. Thus emergency psychology has a crucial role during these moments.

The place of action of these emergency psychology professionals It can be both at the scene of the traumatic event and in information centers, care centers and shelters.

How to request an emergency psychologist?

Very few people know that you can ask for an emergency psychologist when the situation requires it. In the same way that you call an ambulance when you find yourself in a situation that requires it, you can also do it with these professionals, and equally calling 112 Not only victims and family members need psychological support, witnesses also require it since in many cases they are not able to assimilate what they have seen.

  • Small emergencies

In the case of a psychological emergency situation If it is considered minor, such as a car accident with someone dead or a fire, 2-3 psychologists usually attend. The families of the victims also receive advice on transfers and all the logistical issues that may entail.

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How to ask for help from emergency psychology?

  • Disasters and catastrophes

These types of situations affect anyone, completely altering their daily lives. To give an example, the 11M attacks, the Spanair accident or the relatively recent train accident in Santiago de Compostela. This is also the case of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods… All of these situations affect a large number of people and cause shock in society, so the Psychological attention It plays a very important role so that the families of the victims and the survivors can move forward.

In short, witnessing a catastrophe or situation of psychological emergency It is something that can leave you with permanent mental trauma, so you must receive professional help as soon as possible.