Psychological Profile Of A Lying Person

Psychological profile of a lying person - Attitudes of a lying person

While it is true that almost all of us have lied at some point in our lives (even if it is a small white lie), there are people who do it over and over again, as if they can’t stop or have a hard time facing the truth themselves. These types of individuals inspire little confidence and make us feel insecure about whether what they feel and what they tell us is true or just another lie.

A lying person can have this attitude for many reasons, however, they usually follow a pattern quite similar to that of other individuals with a tendency to tell lies. Is it possible to do the psychological profile of a lying person? In the following PsychologyFor article, we will discover everything that is hidden by people who cannot help lying all the time.

Attitudes of a lying person

First of all, it is important to know that lying at some point in our lives does not mean that we are pathological liars. In fact, we probably remember that time when we didn’t want to tell our friend that that shirt looked bad on him, or when we preferred to tell our mother that what she had cooked was delicious even if it wasn’t. The white lies They are part of our daily lives and although they are not honest behaviors, they are not always the reflection of a highly liar person.

The problem begins to arise when our attitudes are based on lying to everyone around us. Telling a white lie once is not bad, however, lying over and over again about many of the things around us is a danger sign. These types of attitudes must be identified in order to change them through personal growth exercises and even psychological therapy if necessary.

Psychological profile of a lying person - Attitudes of a lying person

How a liar acts

Next, we will make a list of behaviors to be able to prepare a complete psychological profile of a lying person:

  • It is usually a person insecure and with low self-esteem, he believes that what surrounds him is not enough and that, for that reason, he must make lies about his life
  • He does not talk much (due to lack of elaboration of the lie) or, on the contrary, he develops an extensive unreal story and talks about it all the time.
  • When the liar finds himself caught, he gets angry or plays the victim, thus diverting attention from the lie and projecting it onto anger or sadness.
  • Once someone discovers your lie, they will continue denying it until your story no longer holds up anywhere
  • Some experts say that doing many hand gestures It is also a sign that a person is lying.
  • A person with lack of empathy towards others is more likely to be a lying individual
  • It can also be characterized either by the impulsiveness (lying as a reflex response to the fear of being judged) or, on the contrary: for being a cold and calculating person who lies in a very elaborate way.

How to find out if someone is lying to you

As we have seen, the psychology of a liar is very complicated and depends on many factors, each person can lie for one reason or another and, if we do not know the individual well, unmasking a liar can be very complicated.

If we want to find out if a person is lying or not, we can try to ask them questions about a fact specifically, that it arouses suspicion in us. Let’s take an example:

  • Your friend tells you that he has a wonderful job after years without looking for a job, however, you don’t quite believe it. You can start asking him the following questions: “And what is your job?” “How long have you been there?” “What are your classmates’ names?”…if you see that you have to think about the questions or answer differently every time someone asks them, it is possible that that person is lying to you.

Another way to unmask a deception is to know if a person is lying because of their gestures.

Can a lying person change?

Although at first glance it seems like a very complicated task, all people change and they evolve if they firmly propose it. Lying is a behavior, not an invariable personality style. It is true that there will be people who have more difficulties stopping lying, however, it is not impossible.

Psychological profile of a lying person - How to discover if someone is lying to you

Pathological liars: treatment

While it is true that we all have the opportunity to change our behaviors and stop telling lies, there is a group of individuals who may find this task extremely difficult: pathological liars.

What disease does a lying person have?

There is a psychological disorder called mythomania which is characterized by the lack of control over lies. a mythomaniac He usually lies compulsively, creating parallel stories to his real life. This disease can develop from small deceptions that end up leading to an intricate network of compulsive and pathological lies.

The treatment of mythomania is totally psychological To carry out a therapeutic intervention, the first step will be to develop your own psychological profile, secondly, it will be necessary to treat your social skills, your self-esteem (the pillar of your lies and insecurities) and, finally, perform exercises that put into practice your ability to tell the truth. TRUE.

Avoiding lying is much easier than maintaining a parallel life based on deception. With the truth ahead, we show the world our most real and honest face, that is a sign of maturity and good personal capabilities. If we get the pathological liar to see these values, it will be much easier for him to heal and lead a life free of lies.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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