How To Analyze A Person By Their Photos

How to analyze a person by their photos - What profile photos indicate

Have you just met someone, they have added you to their Facebook, Twitter or Intragram and you are wondering what type of personality they have? Do you want to know what message you give to the world with your photographs on the networks?

Since the arrival of the Internet into our lives, the way we relate to others has changed radically. Now we have a space where others can see what we want them to see. The images that we decide to upload to our social networks show much more than we imagine, an Internet profile is a projection of what we want to show to the world, our desires and even our insecurities. That is why by doing a correct analysis of the published photos, we can develop a fairly precise personality profile.

Tell me what profile picture you have and I’ll tell you what you are like.

In this PsychologyFor article, we will teach you how to analyze a person by their photos

What profile photos indicate

When we choose a profile photo (whether for WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram…) we are choosing our letter of introduction to the world After that choice there is a series of mental processes that arise to avoid giving an image that we do not want to give. For example, someone who is more introverted will have a harder time with this process and may not change their photos very often. In extreme cases, these people hide behind anonymous profiles.

Some elements that we can analyze from the profile photos are the following:

  • Pose: People who are not afraid of exposing themselves usually come out with their arms open, calm and with full-body (or half-body) photographs. However, a more reserved person will probably have a more serious photograph, with their arms crossed and in one plane. more closed.
  • Facial expression: an open smile, without retouching and from the front, they are usually self-confident, open and extroverted people. A grimace can be a sign that we want to show “naturalness” but, deep down, we feel insecure and force ourselves to look funny in a photograph. The most serious people (or those who use their networks for professional purposes) usually come out with a half smile or, with an expression without grimaces and sober.
  • If we go out with more people: Going out with many people in the photo can indicate a tendency to be sociable, they enjoy life more in company and a photo alone does not represent them.
  • If it is a photo with our partner: Even though the image we give about our partner on the networks is not reality, uploading many photos or having a profile photo with your partner does not imply anything bad, on the contrary. A photo with our partner means that we have taken the step of showing the world who we are united with and who is part of our life.
  • If it is an old or childhood photo: These types of images indicate a strong anchorage to the past, it is possible that we are going through a bad time and we do not want to connect with it or we are simply afraid to move forward in our lives.
  • Photo Color: Color is also a very important element, a black and white photo can be a sign of a melancholic, poetic or introverted personality. On the other hand, bright colors usually express vitality and joy.
  • If the photo is not of us: There are people who hide behind anonymous profiles, avatars of soccer players, celebrities or cartoons. These individuals travel through the networks without interest in showing their personality, either because of fear, insecurities or because they do not like to show their lives to a very wide audience.

In this article we consider it important to comment that, if we are not careful, we can end up obsessed with giving a certain image and these obsessive thoughts can take a toll on our psychological well-being.

How to analyze a person by their photos - What profile photos indicate

The psychology of colors in profile photos

The study of how colors affect our lives has also reached the analysis of personality, the tones that we choose for our virtual cover letter also show very characteristic features of us.

black and white photos

As we have mentioned previously, a black and white photo can be a sign of melancholy and artistic tendencies. Retouching a photograph with the aim of removing tones can also indicate poor self-esteem and, as a consequence, a certain insecurity when showing ourselves to the world.

Photos with lots of color

Strident, multi-toned, colorful photos are characteristics of equally strident and striking people. Not only is it a sign of extraversion, bright colors also indicate a desire to attract attention and have a certain presence in the lives of others, whether in the real world or on the Internet.

Photos with blue tones

Using cold tones like blue can indicate two things: either a corporate, sober and elegant personality or a tendency to be a cold and calculating person. These tones do not invite you to delve into each person’s personal depths.

Photos with red color

If this striking tone predominates in the photo, it is possible that we want to show the energy and passion we have in our daily lives. The use of warm colors denotes an intense, competitive and, at times, aggressive personality. We recommend you read the following article if you want to know what the color red means in psychology.

How to analyze a person by their photos - The psychology of colors in profile photos

Half face photos: meaning

Not showing our face partially can be an indication of two very different things:

  • Mysterious personality: Media Cara invites you to enter the profile to discover more, see what that person is hiding and reveal their personality.
  • Disinterest in social networks: a person who does not mind exposing himself on social networks but who, however, does not want to waste time on them either. For these types of individuals, a half-face photo implies that they have given the message that yes, that Facebook profile is theirs, but they also do not want to show their entire life on it.

How to analyze a person by their photos - Half face photos: meaning

Photo from behind: meaning

It is possible that in the profile photo we do not even want to show our face, the photos from the back reflect a certain level of resistance when it comes to having social networks and be active in them. In these types of photos the face is not visible and, therefore, we hide our facial expressions from the world of the Internet.

On the other hand, a photo from the back can also mean that we have gone through a painful moment and that, right now, we do not have enough courage to show ourselves in a world as extensive as social networks.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, although it is interesting to know how to analyze a person based on their photos, each individual is a world, a very intricate set of experiences and paths that it is better to talk to a person if we want to know it thoroughly.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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