Learning Disorders: Types, Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Learning disorders

Learning disorders are difficulties that some boys and girls have when learning to read, write, calculate … They are usually detected at the schooling stage, and are becoming more frequent. This is explained because the start of teaching is increasingly earlier.

In this article we will learn about the different learning disorders proposed by the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5 (Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders). We will explain what each one consists of, and we will also mention which disorders are proposed by the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases).

Learning disorders: what are they?

Learning disorders imply performance in academic areas significantly below what is expected (normally about two standard deviations from the rest of the students). This low performance interferes with the student’s learning.

The prevalence of learning disorders ranges between 2 and 8% Furthermore, 40% of students with learning difficulties end up abandoning their studies, which is an alarming figure.

Thus, very frequently this type of disorder is related to school failure, although the relationship is not direct or bidirectional. These are more frequent disorders lately, because the start of teaching is earlier.

DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 Classification

In the DSM-IV-TR (2002) (Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders), learning disorders were classified as:

With the arrival of the latest edition of the Diagnostic Manual, the DSM-5 (2013), comes an important change in relation to this type of disorders. The previous categories are deleted and a single one appears, called “Specific learning disorder”, which collects the previous cases in a single category.

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Having made this prior clarification, we are going to explain what each of these DSM-IV-TR disorders consists of, which, remember, would now all be called “Specific Learning Disorder.”

1. Reading disorder

The reading disorder is classic dyslexia. It accounts for 80% of all learning disorder diagnoses. In addition, it affects up to 5% of school children. What does it consist of?

Basically a decrease in reading performance; That is, the student’s performance is up to two standard deviations below the expected performance for the child’s age, IQ, and schooling. This is evidenced through standardized learning tests, administered individually.

So, The consequences of the reading disorder interfere with the student’s academic performance or daily life activities On the other hand, in the event that there is a previous sensory deficit in the student, the difficulties that appear would exceed those usual for him.

It is recommended not to diagnose reading disorder before the age of 7.

2. Disorder of written expression

The second of the learning disorders is written expression disorder, which we also find in the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5 as “Specific Learning Disorder.”

In this case, the student shows writing skills below what is expected for his or her age, IQ, and education (also two standard deviations below). As in all learning disorders, there is also interference in daily life or academic performance, and in the case of sensory deficit the difficulties exceed those that could be justified.

Usually A student with a written expression disorder also has difficulties organizing written material as well as errors in grammar, punctuation and paragraph organization.

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Mention that in the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) this specific category does not exist On the other hand, if there is only an alteration in writing (handwriting), this diagnosis is not made, but rather “Developmental Coordination Disorder” (in the DSM) or “Motor Skills Disorder” (in the ICD).

3. Calculation disorder

The calculation disorder is the classic acalcúlia, which leads to difficulties performing mathematical operations. Thus, the student’s ability to calculate is below normal, reducing their performance and/or interfering with their daily life. According to the ICD-10, in order to make this diagnosis, the reading and writing ability must be normal.

What is most affected, logically, are mathematical skills (for example, counting, serialization, doing multiplication tables…). However, a person with a calculation disorder also shows impairment in visuoperceptive and visuospatial skills, as well as skills in relation to mathematical terms. These can affect:

Specific learning disorder (DSM-5)

The specific learning disorder of the DSM-5, which groups the previous ones with this name, implies certain difficulties in learning and in the use of academic skills.

These difficulties last 6 months or more, and include at least one of the following symptoms (although they may be more), depending on the type of learning disorder (dyslexia, acalculia, etc.).

1. Reading

The reading is altered, and results in slow, imprecise reading or with inadequate intonation.

2. Understanding

Difficulties appear in understanding what is read. However, decoding (reading-pronunciation) may be adequate.

3. Spelling

The spelling is altered; The student can add, omit or substitute different letters, both vowels and consonants.

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4. Written expression

In the written expression, grammatical errors, punctuation or paragraph organization appear.

5. Calculation

There may also be difficulties in mastering number sense, numerical data, or calculation itself.

6. Mathematical reasoning

Difficulties appear in mathematical reasoning, which is of a more abstract type, that is, in solving mathematical problems.

Specific learning disorder considerations

As we see, the specific learning disorder proposed by the DSM-5 includes the learning disorders of the DSM-IV-TR, and we can make one diagnosis or another depending on whether the alterations occur in one of the previous fields or in another.

The DSM-5 specific learning disorder also includes cases where the student has spelling difficulties (which were not in the DSM-IV), writing difficulties (which were in the DSM-IV) and/or difficulties in calculation (the DSM-5 introduces difficulties in mathematical problems.

However, Outside of the specific learning disorder are handwriting problems, which are not diagnosed as such

Learning disorders in the CIE

We have seen learning disorders in the DSM. In the ICD, however, which is the Spanish version, these are classified as “Specific disorders of school learning development”, and include the following specific categories:

As we see, they are very similar disorders to the learning disorders proposed by the latest versions of the DSM, and some more are included.