The 5 Types Of Conversation (and Their Characteristics)

The types of conversation

A conversation seen as an exchange of ideas, opinions or dialogue about different topics is essential for communication between people, since interpersonal relationships usually revolve around them. Furthermore, a conversation can serve to avoid conflicts and/or resolve them, as well as allowing us to strengthen family ties, make friends, find a partner, work as a team, etc.

We can find various levels or types of conversation: conversation about things, about other people, about ideas, about feelings and, finally, the most intimate level that could be reached in a conversation and it would be the one in which one shares one’s own feelings when expressing what one feels.

In this article we will explain each of the types of conversation in greater detail and what are its characteristics.

Conversations are fundamental to human interaction, serving as a means of exchanging ideas, sharing information, and building relationships. While conversations can vary widely in tone, purpose, and content, they generally fall into several distinct types based on their characteristics and objectives. We delve into the different types of conversation and explore their significance in interpersonal communication.

What do we understand by a conversation?

What we commonly understand by having a conversation would be a talk or dialogue orally, through sign language or in writing in which two or even more people participate and intervene so that it helps them express their ideas and/or feelings in a natural and improvised way, without the need for prior planning.

However, in a debate or interview that are not colloquial conversations like those that usually take place on a daily basis, it is common for there to be a previous script in which the topics to be discussed are established.

We could communicate through a conversion through verbal language and also through non-verbal language (e.g., through gestures). Furthermore, a conversation could be carried out on a wide variety of topics and it is quite common for the context to condition each conversation. For a conversation to be fluid and appropriate, participants should respect each other’s turn to speak and listen carefully to what they say in order to better understand each other.

Main characteristics of a conversation

In addition to there being different types of conversation, we can find two broad categories into which conversations could be classified: formal conversations and colloquial conversations.

A conversation is formal when it is governed by specific rules it is important in this sense to keep in mind in what context and situation it is going to be developed and for what purpose, as well as it is important to know that a formal conversation is usually carried out in a more structured way than colloquial conversation.

On the other hand, A colloquial conversation would be one that occurs in people’s daily lives, whether with family, friends, acquaintances that we meet on the street, with co-workers, with the workers of the stores where we go to buy, etc. In this type of conversation, an informal tone is usually used and it is usually built on the fly since it usually takes place in a natural context and there is no prior planning, so there is also greater freedom when expressing oneself and All participants in the conversation participate equally.

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It is worth mentioning that the normal thing is that any of the types of conversation, regardless of the type they are and whether they are formal or colloquial, have in common that They usually have a very similar structure

The 5 types of conversation

Any conversation usually has an “opening”, in which it begins in a way that shows an intention to engage in dialogue by calling the person or group of them in order to speak; Secondly, we can find the “body”, which is the center of all conversation and that is where all the intended information is exchanged; Finally, we can find the “closing”, through which the conversation would be concluded and in this a typical farewell formula for each country and/or culture is usually used.

The main types of conversation

Now that we have briefly explained the main characteristics of a conversation, it is time to proceed to explain what the different types are.

Conversation about things

The first type of conversation would be the one that usually takes place when talking about things. This might be the most superficial type of conversation of all since it is usually the most characteristic of those communicative acts that we usually have with people we do not know and with whom we are maintaining a dialogue because the situation requires it (e.g., in the elevator, in the waiting room of a medical consultation, etc.).

Although it is also a conversation that we could have with family and friends, since within this category we would include conversations about football (as long as information is not provided about one’s preferences regarding any type of sport), current news, about road traffic, about art, about music, etc. And in these types of cases, the most common thing is that they talk about the weather or the pandemic in recent years, among other topics. Of course, to consider the conversations within this level, we would only have had to talk about these types of things.

This would, therefore, be the most basic level of conversation but no less important and necessary since it can be important to us in a wide variety of situations.

Conversation about other people

The second type of conversation would be that dialogue in which two or more people talk about other people who are not present at the time, which can also be considered a fairly superficial conversation. In this type of case, it is quite common for the topics to be discussed to revolve around things that have happened to other people or about things they have said, so personal things are not being discussed.

Here we could also include current conversations about famous people, a writer, various gossip, comments that other people have said or even quotes from other people, as long as we do not talk about any type of own evaluation, since in that case we would be talking of another type of conversation. Therefore, this second type of conversation can be quite scarce and superficial to help build a lasting personal relationship with the other person

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Conversation about our ideas

Another type of conversation would be the one that occurs in those cases or situations in which a dialogue is established about our ideas. Here we would begin to see deeper and even personal conversations since in this type of case the participants in the dialogue already show more of themselves, instead of only talking about other people’s topics in which no evaluation or personal reference was included.

When you have a conversation about ideas you could be talking about a wide variety of topics such as politics, sports (as long as personal preferences and evaluations are contributed, such as when talking about our favorite team), about society. current by providing our assessment or about how we believe certain things should be.

In this case, only one of the people is explaining their ideas, while the other person has only limited himself to listening, although without doing so at a deep level, expressing the same thing in reverse, so here two monologues would be shared, because each one has been fundamentally concerned with making known to the other what who thinks but without trying to listen to others.

Conversation about our feelings

The next type of conversation would be the one in which a conversation about feelings takes place; It is a deeper way of dialogue than the previous ones, which is why it requires higher levels of intimacy than the others we have just mentioned. In these types of conversations, the participants would already be talking about what is happening to them and what they feel and may even become vulnerable.

When we are having a conversation about feelings, through which we could be commenting on what worries us or what makes us feel good, we would be giving very personal and sensitive information to the other person, so it could be a point of starting point for building more stable and lasting relationships. Although it is true that normally you do not start having conversations of this type until sufficient trust has been generated between two people, so these conversations would come later.

This type of dialogue about our feelings would be what we commonly call “letting off steam” and, as we may have sometimes experienced, they can be of great help to us at certain times.

Share feelings

Finally, among the different types of possible conversations there is a mode that could be considered one step above the rest, being more constrictive, and here we would be sharing our feelings. In this case we would be talking about the moment in which the most stable and lasting relationships are built And not only is a person talking to another person about what they feel, but they are also trying to actively listen to the other person in order to understand them.

This is where we would find a real encounter, in which both parties could feel comforted; especially when a conversation has been held to talk about one’s own problems and/or to try to find solutions that could solve them.

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Although with our loved ones we could have a conversation at any level, since we have been able to observe that with them we could even be talking about the time, for our relationship with them to be strong and lasting we should have been able to have conversations of any of the types that we have just seen, since there will be times when we need intimacy and to be able to talk about our ideas, emotions or feelings and feel listened to and supported by the person with whom we are talking and that would only be possible by reaching the level deeper communication.

Casual Conversations

Casual conversations are informal exchanges characterized by light-heartedness, spontaneity, and socialization. These conversations often occur in relaxed settings, such as social gatherings, coffee breaks, or informal gatherings, and may cover a wide range of topics, from current events to personal anecdotes.

Professional Conversations

Professional conversations are formal exchanges conducted in professional or workplace settings, such as meetings, interviews, or client interactions. These conversations are characterized by professionalism, clarity, and adherence to organizational norms and protocols. Topics may include work-related matters, project updates, or strategic planning.

Intellectual Conversations

Intellectual conversations involve the exploration of ideas, concepts, and intellectual pursuits. These conversations are characterized by depth, critical thinking, and a focus on knowledge exchange. Participants engage in intellectual debates, philosophical discussions, or academic discourse, delving into complex topics and exchanging diverse perspectives.

Empathetic Conversations

Empathetic conversations involve active listening, empathy, and emotional support. These conversations focus on understanding and validating the feelings and experiences of others, providing comfort, encouragement, and validation. Empathetic conversations may occur in times of distress, uncertainty, or personal challenges.

Problem-Solving Conversations

Problem-solving conversations are focused on identifying and addressing specific challenges, obstacles, or issues. Participants collaborate to analyze problems, generate solutions, and make decisions based on logic, evidence, and strategic thinking. These conversations may occur in both personal and professional contexts, aiming to achieve practical solutions and resolutions.

Negotiation Conversations

Negotiation conversations involve the discussion and bargaining of terms, agreements, or compromises to reach mutual understanding or resolution. Participants engage in persuasive communication, negotiation tactics, and conflict resolution strategies to achieve their respective objectives while maintaining positive relationships.

Intimate Conversations

Intimate conversations involve deep, personal exchanges between individuals, often in close relationships such as romantic partners, close friends, or family members. These conversations are characterized by vulnerability, trust, and emotional intimacy, allowing individuals to share their deepest thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Small Talk Conversations

Small talk conversations are light, superficial exchanges typically used as social lubricants or icebreakers in social settings. These conversations serve to establish rapport, build connections, and maintain social etiquette, often revolving around mundane topics such as weather, hobbies, or weekend plans.

Conversations play a vital role in human interaction, serving as a means of communication, connection, and understanding. By recognizing the different types of conversation and their respective characteristics, individuals can navigate social interactions more effectively, build rapport, and cultivate meaningful relationships.