Existential Depression: When Life Loses Meaning


In a world where we are constantly surrounded by stimuli, expectations and goals, we often find ourselves stopping to reflect on the real meaning of our existence Why are we here? What is our purpose? Although these questions have been part of the human condition since time immemorial, in modern society, many people find these questions more overwhelming than ever. This feeling of loss of meaning or direction can lead to what is known as existential depression.

What is existential depression?

Existential depression is defined as a deep feeling of emptiness or hopelessness, arising from questioning the value, purpose or meaning of life Unlike other forms of depression, which can be triggered by specific traumas or chemical imbalances, existential depression is rooted in questioning and uncertainty about existence itself. People facing this form of sadness not only feel the typical symptoms of depression, but also struggle with deep questions about their role in the universe, the validity of their actions, and the intrinsic value of their life.

In essence, existential depression emerges when the individual feels disconnected or disengaged from their own life, as if they are seeing everything from the outside, unable to find a clear purpose or sense of belonging. Throughout this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and ways to cope with this unique and complex form of depression, hoping to shed light on an issue that often remains in the shadows.

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While existential crisis is a phase or episode of deep questioning about life and purpose, it does not always lead to depression. It is possible to experience an existential crisis and eventually find answers or meaning that resolve those concerns. In this sense, an existential crisis can even be a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.

On the other hand, existential depression is when these questions lead to deep sadness, hopelessness and, in some cases, detachment from life itself It becomes a constant struggle with meaning and purpose, accompanied by symptoms of depression such as apathy, fatigue, and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities. Existential depression is a more serious and long-lasting condition that requires attention and care. It is vital to understand this distinction in order to properly address and treat each situation.


Symptoms of existential depression

Existential depression manifests similarly to other types of depression in terms of emotional and behavioral symptoms However, its distinctive characteristic lies in the deep nature of the individual’s concerns and feelings. Below are some of the most common symptoms:

It is important to note that, as with any condition, symptoms can vary from person to person. While some may experience all of the symptoms mentioned, others may face only some of them. The essential thing is to recognize the suffering and seek help or support when these feelings become overwhelming. Existential depression, like other forms of depression, is treatable and with the right support, it is possible to find a path to meaning and connection.

Contributing factors

Existential depression, like other psychological conditions, It is not due to a single cause, but is the result of a complex interaction of biological, environmental and personal factors Below are some key contributing factors:

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It is essential to recognize that the combination and severity of these factors vary from person to person. Some may face an existential crisis after a traumatic event, while others may do so after deep philosophical reflection with no apparent trigger. Understanding and recognizing these factors can be the first step towards finding appropriate solutions and support.

Facing existential depression

The key to dealing with this condition is to remember that there is no single solution; What works for one person might not be effective for another. Here are some ways to cope with and overcome existential depression:

Coping with existential depression is a personal journey and often requires a multifaceted approach. With the right support and tools, it is possible to find meaning, purpose, and joy again in life. The key is to be open, be patient with yourself, and remember that even in the midst of the deepest questions, there is beauty and meaning waiting to be discovered
