Sociopath Or Narcissist? 5 Similarities And Differences Between These Two Profiles

How are sociopaths and narcissists distinguished? What is the difference and similarity between these two personality disorders? Discover what someone who is a narcissist or sociopath is like.

What is a narcissistic sociopath like?

When a person shows a personality with many egocentric attitudes, it is normal for it to be related to being a sociopath or a narcissist However, each of these conditions refer to different personality disorders with very recognizable differences between them. Still, in many cases, the narcissist and the sociopath are often confused with each other. So, how can we differentiate these two disorders?

Key differences between a sociopath and narcissist

Although a narcissist and a sociopath They may seem to have some similar traits, in reality there are some different characteristics such as the motivation for their actions and why they treat others the way they do. Among the most common differences, we find the following:

  1. Motivation: The main difference that exists between a narcissist and a sociopath It is the motivation behind their behaviors. On the one hand, one of the characteristics of a narcissist is that they tend to have a very exaggerated and brilliant vision of themselves. Because of this, they may praise themselves or exaggerate their talent. These types of attitudes are usually motivated by the motivation that others admire them and recognize their achievements to satisfy their own ego. Instead, sociopaths tend to have motivation that is based on what interests them and their specific goals. That is, a sociopath usually does not do things to satisfy his or her own ego. On the contrary, they are more interested in getting what they want even though they may harm others to achieve their goals.
  2. How they see others: From the perspective of a narcissist, the tendency to want others to praise and/or admire them is influenced by the need to be seen as ‘special’ and thus be able to satisfy their ego. Because of these types of attitudes, in many cases, narcissists can come to see others as ‘beneath’ them. As a result, narcissists engage in superficial, ruthless, and self-centered behavior in order to feel better about themselves. Considering a person with sociopath traits unlike a narcissist, will lack remorse to harm anyone, regardless of whether or not it damages their reputation or image towards others.
  3. Reputation Need: Narcissists fight their ego, as it requires feeling ‘special’ to others. To achieve this, narcissists will work hard to maintain the idea that they are successful. A sociopath, on the other hand, will not care what others say or believe about them. As a result, the sociopaths They often have difficulty keeping their jobs and may end up involved in illegal activities.
  4. Empathy: The narcissistic people They can show a certain degree of empathy for others, such as their children or pets. On the other hand, a sociopathic person does not have empathy.
  5. Impulsiveness and aggressiveness: A sociopath usually has a tendency to be more violent and/or impulsive than narcissistic people. In fact, one of the characteristics of a sociopath is that you may be involved in illegal conduct.
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Similarities between a narcissist and a sociopath

Although there are many differences between someone with characteristics of a sociopath and a narcissistic person the reality is that they also have many similarities:

  1. Lack of empathy: Both the sociopaths like narcissists They often have attitudes that show a lack of empathy towards others. The reason is that they want to achieve their goals despite the consequences that this may cause to the people around them.
  2. Charisma: Both a sociopath like a narcissist They will appear charming to others. In fact, they are usually well regarded by others due to the great charisma they have.
  3. Little sincerity: Another of the characteristics of a sociopath or narcissist It is precisely that they tend to behave in a very superficial way with others. In this way, they tend to be insincere with people.
  4. Handling: Both someone with a narcissistic profile Like a person with sociopath traits, they will use manipulation to achieve their goals and for their personal benefit.
  5. Problems in your relationships: A narcissist and a sociopath They will have difficulties in their relationships because of their behavior. In addition, sometimes their jobs may be affected because of it.

Differences between a sociopath and a narcissist

What is a narcissistic sociopath?

When we talk about a narcissistic sociopathic person, we are referring to someone who has a combination of sociopathic and narcissistic traits, but who cannot be diagnosed with either of these two disorders because they do not meet their various symptoms. Thus, a person with this profile usually has the following characteristics of a sociopath and narcissist:

  • Feelings of superiority
  • Need for admiration from others
  • Manipulate and/or use people for personal benefit
  • Envy of others’ successes
  • Lack of empathy or concern for others
  • Difficulties accepting criticism
  • Lack of empathy
  • Lack of interest in others unless you can use them for benefit
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How to deal with a narcissist or sociopath?

relate to a narcissistic or sociopathic person It can be difficult and very overwhelming. The reason is that they usually have behavioral traits that tend to lead to financial, emotional and/or physical abuse of the people around them. Thus, if you think you are dealing with a person with one of these profiles, it is important that you follow the following tips:

  • Maintain firm boundaries: Limits are one of the keys to being able to relate to a person who has characteristics of a sociopath or narcissist In fact, they are likely to try to exceed these limits.
  • Do not react emotionally: A sociopath or narcissist He will try to manipulate you through your emotions and feelings. Therefore, it is important that you try to maintain a rational attitude towards their words.
  • Approach a problem delicately: The narcissists and sociopaths They often experience difficulty accepting or tolerating criticism well. In these cases, being cautious will be useful to demand or request changes in their behavior.
  • Allow yourself your space: In the face of inclement weather narcissist or sociopath, many people may end up having their needs affected. When this happens, it is vital that you allow yourself space.

A bond with a person sociopath or narcissist It can end up affecting our mental health. For this reason, if you think you cannot get out of this type of relationship, it is vital that you go to a professional psychologist.