The 10 Branches Of Physics And Their Areas Of Knowledge

Branches of physics

Einstein, Planck, the Curie couple, Bohr, Tesla, Faraday, Hertz, Newton, Hawking, Galileo Galilei…

All of them are great scientists highly recognized by the majority of society, regardless of whether or not the exact type of studies they carried out are known. In addition to recognition, all of them also have another common characteristic: they were all physicists who introduced or popularized new theories or concepts in order to explain various phenomena in reality.

However, not all of them specialized in the same areas. And there are numerous branches of physics, in charge of investigating different aspects of reality. In this article we intend to make a brief mention of some of the most main branches of this discipline, in order to observe the large number of elements it explores.

Physics as a pure science

Physics is one of the pure sciences or natural sciences, which aim to offer an explanation of why the world works the way it does. Specifically the physics studies the properties of energy, matter, space and time and how these and other forces interact and affect each other.

The history of physics is long and turbulent, being in fact one of the first sciences to emerge. A large number of periods can be distinguished, highlighting three large conglomerates; classical physics (in charge of the study of the behavior and properties of visible matter at speeds lower than the speed of light), modern physics (which appears with Planck and the beginning of quantum physics and which explores the behavior of particles at speeds equal or superior to those of light or the relationships between forces such as gravity or electromagnetism) and contemporary physics (specializing in non-linear phenomena, space-time distortions caused by celestial bodies and subparticles and their behavior).

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But as we have said previously and as can be guessed by the division of this discipline into stages not only works on a specific aspect of reality, but can be applied to various areas. And we can talk about different branches of physics, some of which we are going to present in this article.

The various branches of Physics

Below we briefly present some of the main branches of physics.

1. Mechanics

This branch of physics studies the movement of objects in space or the effect of different forces about them. It is probably one of the branches of physics that are most often identified as such.

2. Thermodynamics

Branch of physics focused on the study of all those phenomena linked to temperature, its variations, the generation and transmission of heat energy and the effects that these changes generate on bodies.

3. Optics

Optics can be understood as the physical study of phenomena linked to light energy The behavior and properties of light are studied (for example diffraction, polarization or dispersion), its interaction and effects on bodies or even its perception by humans. Likewise, observe light as a particle and as a wave at the same time.

4. Acoustics

Part of physics in charge of studying sound, its measurement, its properties and effects on bodies. Also their perception and behavior in different media.

5. Electromagnetism

Part of physics that studies electromagnetic phenomena. It includes the combined study of electricity and magnetism, since it has been shown that both concepts are related. However One of these phenomena can also be studied separately

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6. Fluid mechanics

Although we have already mentioned mechanics as a branch of physics previously, several types of mechanics can be found with differential characteristics. In the case of fluid mechanics, the object of study is the properties and behavior of fluids, both liquids and gases.

7. Quantum mechanics

One of the most recent branches of physics and one of the most interesting today, quantum mechanics is based on the study of behavior, properties and interactions of atoms and subatomic particles

8. Nuclear physics

Largely linked to the previous one, nuclear physics studies the energy and effects of the union or division of atoms.

9. Astrophysics

Physics also participates in the search for an explanation regarding phenomena that occur beyond our planet Specifically, astrophysics is a branch of physics that is responsible for the study of celestial bodies from the analysis of their properties and behavior.

10. Biophysics

Physics has also been used in the study of living beings and their properties, its objective always being to explain the physical functioning of organisms and their use of energy.