The 9 Benefits Of Yoga For Our Mind

Are there really scientific studies that demonstrate the benefits of yoga on a mental level? Discover its effectiveness to control and improve our mental well-being.

Benefits of yoga

Yoga is a discipline with both spiritual and philosophical roots that has been practiced for thousands of years. Many people who start practicing yoga are looking for an improvement in their life. But, are there scientific studies that support the benefits of yoga on a psychological level?

What is yoga?

The word yoga derived from Sanskrit ‘yuji‘ which means juice or union. This concept refers to the objective of yoga practice: it unites the body and mind. Yoga exercises generally consist of breathing, meditations and postures that have been designed to promote greater relaxation in our body and reduce the stress that we accumulate in the body.

According to various studies, there are many benefits of yoga for our physical and mental health. But we must know that there are many types of yoga, each of which is focused on improving different aspects such as balance, flexibility, body awareness, strength, among many more. In addition to all of them, it has been shown that another of the properties of yoga is precisely to benefit our mental health.

Of all the yoga goals, the ultimate purpose is to reconcile mind and body. Among the most common types of yoga exercises, Hatha yoga is practiced in the West. This type of yoga is based on paying special attention to the position of the body (asana) to perform a specific breath (pranayama). Through the practice of this eastern discipline, a better understanding and connection between mind and body is achieved. The secret to achieving this balance is to practice Hatha yoga consistently and regularly.

What is yoga for?

According to a study published in the journal Journal of Physical Activity and Health, practice yoga for twenty minutes helps improve concentration and increases mental energy.

Work, family and home tasks, added to the commitments that one has to carry out day after day, lead to great fatigue, not only physical, but also mental. But did you know that you can improve your concentration and mental energy practicing yoga? This is stated in a study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

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This article was published after conducting research with 30 girls. The study consisted of observing what happened to those girls who did 20 minutes of Hatha yoga a day and those who dedicated the same time to another physical activity, such as walking or running on a treadmill.

When comparing both activities, the conclusions were clear: cognitive performance throughout the day was better in those girls who had practiced the oriental discipline. In fact, it was found that after 20 minutes of Hatha yoga, the immediate mental performance of the practitioners was greater: improving in terms of concentration and memory. The results were verified through different memory tests and measurement of information storage capacity.

Why do yoga?

The research was carried out by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and, in particular, by Neha Gothe, a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. Gothe stated that:

“It was shown that research participants who had practiced 20 minutes of yoga were able to retain more information and process data more quickly than those who had practiced other physical activity.”

However, previous research showed that physical activities that keep the heart rate between 60 and 70% of its maximum rate improve cognitive performance. These same researchers were surprised to see that the results of the yoga practice Hatha were much better than those obtained in these previous studies.

Professor Gothe explains the reason for these effects of the Eastern discipline: “Breathing and meditation exercises are designed to relax the mind and body. This activity helps you stay away from external distractions, as you are focused on posture and breathing. For example, meditation and breathing exercises are known to reduce the level of anxiety and stress and this, in turn, improves results on cognitive tests.”

What are the benefits of yoga?

By observing this study we can see that there really are many benefits of yoga for our mental health. Among the most notable we can find the following.

  1. Reduce stress: One of the benefits of doing yoga best known is the ability that this exercise has to relieve stress and promote a greater state of relaxation. Various studies on the properties of yoga have shown that it has the ability to reduce the secretion of cortisol, known as the ‘stress hormone’. In fact, combining it with other practices such as meditation is a great help to control excess stress.
  2. Relieves anxiety: Different investigations have also shown that the yoga exercise is able to deal with feelings of anxiety. Although studies have not proven how the properties of yoga help improve anxiety levels. However, this effect may be due to the importance that this practice gives to being in the present and finding a state of inner peace.
  3. Improves quality of life: Experts have also verified the relationship that yoga has on the health and quality of life of people who practice it. In fact, do yoga It has benefits in mood and in reducing the feeling of fatigue that the routine and standard of living we have today can create.
  4. You can combat depression: Some research has shown the effectiveness that can have yoga to act with an antidepressant effect and reduce the symptoms of depression. In fact, yoga exercise influences serotonin levels, one of the neurotransmitters that in many cases is related to depression. Although practicing or learning yoga has benefits to combat depressive feelings, the reality is that only by going to therapy can you end this disorder.
  5. Reduces chronic pain: Chronic pain is a problem that affects many people and has a wide variety of causes, from injuries to more serious consequences. To incorporate yoga and meditation in our lives on a routine basis can be very beneficial for those who suffer from chronic pain. Benefits of yoga on a psychological level
  6. Promotes better quality of sleep: When people do not rest well they can be greatly affected mentally and physically by it. In fact, poor quality sleep is associated with obesity, depression, as well as other types of disorders. Research has shown that practice yoga Helps establish better sleeping habits. So much so that studies have discovered that one of the benefits of yoga is the increased secretion of melatonin, the hormone that regulates both sleep and our wakefulness. Therefore, yoga as a sport can help combat the most common sleep problems.
  7. Improves our breathing: One of the yoga goals It is getting to control our breathing. Therefore, one of the effects of yoga related to this is precisely the ability to relax in the face of any adversity or situation. Controlling the way we breathe and being aware of it is a skill that fosters our resilience in the face of everyday problems.
  8. Relieves migraines: There are many people who are affected by migraines, that is, an intense headache that occurs on certain occasions. The evidence shows that carrying out a yoga exercise It allows you to reduce the frequency and intensity of the pain that is associated with migraines. So much so that if yoga is practiced as a recurring sport, it can be an effective method to relieve them since its practice helps stimulate the vagus nerve, closely related to this condition.
  9. Promotes healthy eating habits: One of the ways to control binge eating due to anxiety is to practice mindful eating. According to studies on the matter, the Yoga Being related to mindfulness, it is capable of promoting healthy eating habits. Additionally, research shows that practicing yoga causes a decrease in binge eating as well as encourages increased physical activity.
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As we can see there are many benefits of doing yoga on a psychological level. Despite this, if you are wanting to improve your mental well-being, it is always advisable to combine it with psychological therapy. Finding time to improve your inner self will make you feel better about yourself and your life.