Middle Adolescence: Characteristics And Changes That Occur In It

Middle adolescence

Middle adolescence is one of the substages we go through human beings after childhood and before adulthood. It is a stage that is crucial for the development of complex psychological processes such as identity, and it is itself a period in which significant changes occur at a biological and social level.

We will see below what the phases of adolescence are and how middle adolescence is characterized.

What is adolescence?

Adolescence is one of the stages of the human life cycle. It is characterized by important changes at a psychological, biological and social level and is considered the stage that follows childhood and precedes adulthood, so it is one of the most extensive and crucial moments for any person.

The psychologist and International Consultant in Adolescence and Youth Programs and Policies, Dina Krauskopof (1999) tells us that adolescence is the period that passes between 10 and 20 years of age. More than a transition process, it is a stage that marks different differential aspects in human development, manifesting as important transformations at a psychosocial level and in sexual development.

In addition, one of the processes that takes place in this period is individuation since it contributes to personal and social definition, as well as exploration, differentiation of the family environment, the search for belonging and the construction of a meaning in life.

We will now follow the analyzes carried out by the same researcher to describe the main characteristics of middle adolescence, as well as the differences with the other substages of this period.

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Phases of this stage of development

In an attempt to facilitate its understanding, adolescence has been divided into different substages, among which is early adolescence, which is also the pubertal phase or puberty; middle adolescence and finally, late adolescence or the final phase of the adolescent period. Each one corresponds to the following ages:

The first of these stages is characterized by a bodily differentiation from caregivers and peers, which requires readjustment of the body schema and significant concern about it.

On the other hand, the second stage involves a social differentiation of the family group and peers, which requires significant restatement. Said reaffirmation occurs at the individual level but in close connection with external recognition.

Finally, the third stage is based on project development, exploration of social alternatives, and the search for related groups.

Middle adolescence: general characteristics

As we mentioned before, middle adolescence is characterized by a concern for reconcile both personal and external recognition While the first stage recognition is based on physical or body exploration, in the second there is a special psychological concern, which is manifested in the search for emotional ties and acceptance by the peer group.

Due to the above, the main reference group and even psychological security, is no longer the family nucleus and begins to focus on friendly or emotional ties with peers

This is a process that is fundamental for the development of autonomy, individual responsibility and identity, as well as the development of complex cognitive processes such as symbolization, generalization and abstraction, which allow establishing broader visions about the world.

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Likewise, it constitutes the basis of a good part of the concerns during this stage, in fact, Romantic relationships usually begin to consolidate during this stage around shared experiences and interests.

Finally, intergenerational relationships are a key element, since they allow the identification process to be strengthened through establish complementary, or antagonistic, differences between themselves and members of different groups

Some psychosocial elements

We summarize below some of the specific elements surrounding middle adolescence, especially on a psychosocial scale. According to Krauskopof (1999), middle adolescence is mainly characterized by a concern for personal-social affirmation, which includes some elements that we will see below:

Characteristics of neuronal, cognitive and psychological maturation

As we have said, adolescence is characterized by the manifestation of changes at a biological, psychological and social level. According to the World Health Organization (2010), some changes that take place during middle adolescence, especially related to neurological, cognitive and psychological development, are the following:

Social factors associated with this phase of life

Added to all of the above is that, although adolescence can be considered a period that all people go through, Its specific development and specific characteristics may vary according to the cultural elements that surround it.

Thus, there are historical and social factors that can impact adolescence being experienced in one way by some people, and very different ways by other people.

These elements may be, for example, the social changes produced by globalization, where there is a demand for cultural exchange while socioeconomic polarities are accentuated.

Another element is the modernization and rapid technological development that social relations and the identity construction of adolescents ; issue to which is added the increase in life expectancy and therefore, a possible prolongation of this stage of development.

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Finally, due to the gap in knowledge and practices between generations, the aspirations of adolescence tend to be different from family expectations and even the educational system, which in turn generates new bonding communication needs.

  • Stages of Adolescent Development (2010). World Health Organization. Retrieved August 28, 2018. Available at http://apps.who.int/adolescent/second-decade/section/section_2/level2_2.php
  • Krauskopof, D. (1999). Psychological development in adolescence: transformations in a time of change. Adolescence and Health, 1(2): Online Version. Retrieved August 28, 2018. Available at http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1409-41851999000200004