​The 9 Benefits Of Kisses (according To Science)

Kisses, along with hugs and caresses, are acts of love, acts that when we receive them from the person we desire do not really make us feel good. Kisses produce pleasant sensations and can leave you breathless or give you goosebumps. They are messages from the heart, and they are more sincere and deeper than words. Kisses are unique experiences and can be unforgettable

There are different types of kisses, from the most romantic or passionate to the most affectionate and warm.

Benefits of kisses

In this article you can find the nine benefits of kisses and why they are so important for us and for our physical, emotional and psychological health.

1. They help in the survival of the species

Kisses are not only pleasant, but they may have an adaptive function That is why experts in evolutionary psychology affirm that we are biologically programmed to kiss, since displays of affection can be key to the survival of the human species.

Furthermore, according to Sheril Kirshenbaum, from the University of Texas and author of the book The Science of Kissing: “Kisses produce chemical reactions in our brain that mobilize our body. There is an exchange of saliva in which the man’s testosterone acts as an aphrodisiac in the woman.” We all know the importance of procreation so that the human species does not disappear, and, without a doubt, kisses and sex are closely linked.

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2. Strengthen ties

Human beings are social beings, and kisses have the power to keep us together We kiss those people we love, as if it were an uncontrollable impulse. We kiss our children whenever we can, giving them the message of how much we love them and how important they are to us, and we also kiss our partner because something inside us moves us to do so.

Although it is true that, on many occasions, we kiss strangers to introduce ourselves and show ourselves as polite people, love causes in us a desire to kiss, and when we kiss, we release hormones such as oxytocin, which are related to affection and trust. .

3. Reduces blood pressure

Kissing is not only good for the heart of love, but also for your vital organ According to Andrea Demirjian, author of the book Kisses: Everything you always wanted to know about one of life’s sweetest pleasures. “Kissing is an intimate experience with notable health benefits. A passionate kiss increases your heartbeat in a healthy way and helps lower blood pressure.”

Furthermore, the expert says that “kisses dilate the blood vessels, the blood flows fluidly and firmly, and reaches all your vital organs.”

4. Reduces pain

Some studies claim that kisses have an analgesic effect and reduce different types of pain: head, back, menstrual cramps… After a hard day at work, one can come home tired and with neck pain after a tense day at the office. When you get home, however, your partner’s kisses can have a positive effect on the person, making them feel good.

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Experts say that kissing and being kissed releases some opioid substances such as endorphins, which help us feel better and are related to pleasurable sensations. In other words, a good kiss could act like morphine but without its side effects. There is no better medicine than a good kiss.

5. Reduce stress

Stress is one of the great evils of today, but kisses seem to have a positive effect on this phenomenon, helping to considerably improve people’s well-being. The cause seems to be that kissing reduces the hormone cortisol, which is related to stress.

6. Helps refine your search for a partner

A curious study is the one carried out by psychologist Gordon Gallup from the University at Albany, together with Susan Hughes and Marissa Harrison, and titled “The psychobiology of the romantic kiss.”

According to the results of this research, The exchange of saliva that occurs in a kiss would provide genetic information that would help identify possible potential partners for correct reproduction, because it would allow the exchange of information and to evaluate whether there is a degree of genetic compatibility between both people and whether that relationship is worth it. A controversial study that seems to forget the social factors associated with the search for a partner, and that must be replicated to find out in more detail if these results are repeated.

7. Improves sexual relations

Kissing is an important part of sexual relations and there is no doubt that it improves the intimate experience According to a study from the University at Albany, women have the need to kiss before and after a sexual encounter, while men are more inclined to have sex without the mediation of a kiss. Far from these results, it is clear that kissing intensifies sensations and makes the sexual encounter much better.

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8. Improves the immune system

Kisses improve the immune system according to different studies. One of them seems to indicate that kisses, in the case of women, help protect against Cytomegalovirus, which could cause childhood blindness or other birth defects during pregnancy when contracted from mouth to mouth. Besides, Some studies claim that the exchange of germs from saliva could cause the person’s immune system to improve against these same germs.

However, kissing can be a source of contagion for some diseases such as mononucleosis, so we should always be cautious when we are intimate with someone.

9. Helps you feel better

As I said, kissing helps release endorphins, hormones related to well-being and pleasure. Likewise, it releases other neurochemicals such as serotonin (low levels of this neurotransmitter are related to depression) or dopamine, neurochemicals related to happiness and repetition of behaviors. Kissing activates the brain region related to drug use: reinforcement area.