How To Act When You Are Ignored At Work? Signs And Advice

Do you feel like you’re being ignored at work, but you’re not sure? Find out how to identify it and what to do if you are going through this situation.

How to act when you are ignored at work? signs and advice

The work environment is one of the main aspects for good performance and employee satisfaction. In fact, there are studies that confirm a direct relationship between the work environment and the commitment of workers, which inevitably ends up influencing their performance. The work environment is made up of different factors such as, for example, the degree of autonomy of the worker, recognition, the relationships established, etc.

Unfortunately, not all companies have a good work environment, which ends up demotivating employees and, sometimes, situations of workplace harassment even occur that end up harming the mental health of those who suffer it. According to the Higher Institute of Social and Socio-sanitary Studies, up to 15% of workers in Spain suffer Workplace Harassment And although at first glance it may seem like a low percentage, the average in the European Union is around 9%. So, how can we identify that we are experiencing this situation and differentiate it from a labor conflict? What can we do to manage it?

What is mobbing and how can we identify it?

He bullying either Workplace Harassment It covers any form of harassment that occurs in the workplace. Specifically, it refers to all those behaviors that occur at work and that are intimidating, hostile or humiliating and that occur repeatedly. Different types of mobbing can be differentiated depending on the hierarchical rank of the person exercising violence as well as their objective. When we talk about mobbing, we can come to think that any conflict situation within the workplace can be considered a case of mobbing. The reality is that not all dispute situations in the workplace can be considered mobbing. To consider a situation like Workplace Harassment There must be repeated harassment in which the harasser’s behavior is premeditated and whose clear objective is to attack the victim with the intention of causing harm.

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In this article we offer you signs that allow you to differentiate if the conflict is specific or if you are going through a mobbing situation. The type of mobbing that we will talk about is horizontal mobbing that is, workplace harassment in which the victim and the harasser(s) have the same hierarchical rank.

Signs that you are being ignored at work:

Here are some signs that may indicate that something is not right with your coworkers:

  1. They avoid talking to you.
  2. You feel excluded of events.
  3. You send emails or messages, but you don’t receive a response.
  4. It seems that in your presence, your colleagues feel uncomfortable.

It should be noted that these behaviors may not be intentional or related to you, unlike bullying Yes, they are intentional behaviors.

Signs of horizontal mobbing:

  1. They make comments to you or carry out actions that they humiliate you or they ridicule you. They can be negative comments about your appearance, age, etc. or, derogatory nicknames.
  2. Your colleagues spread rumors over you.
  3. They sabotage your work either by changing what you had already done, hiding resources necessary to carry it out, or carrying out actions that they know will have a negative impact on your work.
  4. They exclude you from meetings, social events and/or other relevant activities that take place at work. They ignore you or avoid you at work, they don’t invite you to important meetings, etc.
  5. They criticize excessively and disproportionately your work even though you know that you do it satisfactorily. For example, they blame you for things that do not depend on you, they minimize the work you do, etc.
  6. They take credit for the work you have done.
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What to do in these situations?

Have conflicts in the work environment, it is not a pleasant experience considering, also, the large number of hours we spend in our lives in the work environment. Below, you have a series of tips that can help you deal with this type of situation, as well as to be able to manage a situation of Workplace Harassment:

  • Don’t blame yourself: It is common that in these types of situations we blame ourselves and wonder what is wrong with us, what we are doing wrong that others treat us badly. However, in the case of any type of harassment, the fault lies not with the victim, but with the person who perpetrates the violence. Regardless of the errors you mention in the labor sphere people should approach you with respect and, if something about your behavior bothers them, they should communicate it to you assertively.
  • Talk to them about the situation: If you feel that your colleagues have suddenly left you aside, consider the possibility of talking to them. Communication is the key to any relationship, including work relationships. There may have been some kind of misunderstanding that you can resolve by talking.
  • Find support: If any co-workers ignore you, reach out to other co-workers who do value you and seek support outside the work environment. Expressing how you feel can help you feel better, and talking to other people can help you see other perspectives and new ways of managing the situation.
  • Communicate the situation to your boss or the human resources department: Since 2010 the Workplace Harassment It constitutes a crime, which is why all companies have protocols to act in this type of situation. Therefore, if you have tried to talk to your colleagues and the problem has not decreased, it is best to go to your superior or the human resources department of your company so that they are aware of the situation and can manage it. .
  • Look for new job opportunities: If you don’t feel comfortable in your job or think it is affecting your mental health, changing jobs may be a good decision. However, in the case of being faced with a mobbing situation it is important that you inform yourself of the options available to you in case you want to report it.
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If you do not feel comfortable in your work because of the treatment you receive from your colleagues, the best thing to do is to act as soon as possible and talk to them to be able to manage the situation. However, remember that if the situation persists and you are ridiculed, bullied, etc. you are facing a situation of Workplace Harassment Therefore, it is best to communicate this to the company where you work and seek psychological help if you feel you need it.