Personality Disorder: How To Identify And Act On These Mental Problems?

Do you know what personality disorders consist of? Do you think you suffer from a mental disorder? Discover the different types of personality disorders and how to identify them.

What is personality disorder?

A personality disorder It is one of the mental illnesses that can most affect the lives of those who suffer from it. In this way, these mental illnesses can be diagnosed and treated with the help of mental health professionals. Discover how to identify them and which are the most common.

What is a personality disorder?

Personality is what defines each person’s way of thinking, how they behave and perceive their surroundings, in addition to being the characteristics that make them different from other people. There are different personality types because each person has been influenced by their genetics, education, experiences, environment, culture, religion…

Although there are different personality traits that define us, the reality is that it does not remain the same throughout our lives. But when talking about a personality disorder, we observe those ways of thinking or relating to the world that deviate from the expectations of our culture, as well as cause anxiety or problems in the functioning of the person who suffers from them.

Generally a personality disorder They affect certain areas of a person’s behavior in a perennial manner over time. Mainly, it can be said that this mental illness can distort the perception of the following areas of our life.

  • Way of thinking about oneself and others
  • emotional responses
  • Way of relating to other people
  • Not being able to exercise good behavioral control

Types of personality disorders

Types of personality disorders

The personality disorders According to the DSM IV, they are divided into three large groups according to the characteristics that these mental problems present. Normally people who are affected by a personality disorder can present traits of personality disorders within the same group.

Group A

The type A personality disorders They are mainly characterized by the tendency to develop strange or eccentric behavior. According to personality psychology, this mental problem usually makes people suffer in their relationships since their attitude may seem peculiar or distant. Within this group of character types we find the following mental illnesses.

1. Paranoid personality disorder

This personality disorder It is externalized with an attitude of chronic and general distrust towards other people. So much so that the personality traits of the individual affected by it tend to be always suspecting that others are going to deceive them or want to take advantage of them.

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2. Schizoid personality disorder

In these types of mental illness The person isolates himself socially from others and treats other people with indifference. It is usually more prevalent in men than in women. Individuals with one of these psychological disorders are usually described as cold, withdrawn, and having many problems relating to others.

3. Schizotypal personality disorder

This personality type He usually has a very strange way of speaking and behaving, as well as a very strange appearance. So much so that they also often have problems relating to each other due to the symptoms of this mental disorder.

B Group

The type B personality disorders They are characterized by having an erratic or very dramatic attitude towards situations. In this way, personalities who suffer from these types of mental problems have a tendency to experience emotions with much more intensity than normal, causing them to behave impulsively. Among people who suffer from these personality traits we find the following mental disorders.

4. Antisocial personality disorder

Normally this mental disorder It usually appears during childhood unlike other personality changes that affect behavior. One of these psychiatric disorders usually presents problems due to disregard for rules, social norms and lack of empathy towards others.

5. Borderline personality disorder

This type of personality disorder It presents instability in many aspects of the life of the person who suffers from it. This mental disorder ends up affecting emotions, self-image and interpersonal relationships due to impulsive behavior.

The different types of personality disorders

6. Histrionic personality disorder

A histrionic and its meaning It usually targets those people who have personality changes that cause them to express too many emotions, as well as try to attract the attention of everyone around them. So much so that this personality disorder causes individuals to behave inappropriately to try to achieve their goals.

7. Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissists usually have a personality related to an excess of ego and self-esteem. These character types tend to perceive themselves as superior to others, causing them to show a very arrogant attitude towards others. In many cases, these personality traits They usually show emotional fragility.

Group C

The type C personality disorders They are mainly characterized by the presence of anxiety. In this way, these character types tend to experience generalized anxiety and fear. It is due to the presence of these mental illnesses that they are affected in a personality disorder.

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8. Avoidant personality disorder

This mental disorder suffers due to a pattern of social inhibition and avoidance of moments with other people due to the fear that these situations inflict on them. This is because they are not able to defend themselves against criticism or have feelings of inferiority towards others.

9. Dependent personality disorder

One of these types of personality disorders It usually involves the fear that a person feels of being alone with themselves. These character types often act to make others care for them.

10. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

This personality type in psychology It is characterized by worrying too much about exercising a certain order in everything that is perceived, in addition to an excess of perfection and control of relationships. These mental disorders are often confused with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) even though they are not the same mental illness.

Symptoms of personality disorders

Symptoms of personality disorders

Although there are various types of personality disorders The reality is that the vast majority usually present common symptoms.

  • Unstable self-image: A paranoid personality or who suffers from one of the personality disorders that have been described, usually has a very poorly defined self-image of himself/herself. A person who suffers from a mental disorder has a self-perception that varies depending on the mood he or she has at the moment.
  • Inconsistencies in values, goals and appearance: The changes in personality There are so many that the mentally ill usually end up changing their objectives or perception towards life constantly. So much so that your loved ones may end up being harmed by your attitude.
  • Insensitivity towards others: The inability to feel empathy is one of the common factors in the character of a person who suffers from one of the mental problems exposed. Although they may feel affection towards others, they do not usually see how their attitude can affect their closest relationships.
  • Not knowing how to set limits: Limits are another of the most common problems suffered by people with one of these. psychiatric illnesses This is why the majority of individuals who suffer from these mental disorders tend to have an impulsive and dangerous attitude towards themselves.
  • Chronic behavior patterns: In any personality disorder One of the most persistent symptoms is precisely the strange and chronic behavior that people who have a mental disorder usually present.

These are some of the most persistent symptoms in these diseases of the mind If you feel identified with any of these personality traits, it is vital to go to a professional psychologist.

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Causes of personality disorder

According to specialists, both genetic and environmental factors influence the development of a personality disorder There are some studies that suggest that genetics may be one of the determinants that facilitate the presence of this mental illness. On the other hand, it has been observed in which there is an association between traumatic events and the presence of one of these types of personality disorders.

Personality disorder

Personality disorder: Treatment

Compared to others mental illness or mental problems, there are few studies on how to treat these personality disorders. Even so, psychology professionals try to show some tools to control these personality traits.

  1. Reduce distress: This mental problem It is often accompanied by disorders such as anxiety and depression. For this reason, psychologists usually treat these conditions since they can have many negative consequences on the person who suffers from them.
  2. Help understand the problem: Identifying the problem is one of the first steps in treating the problem. personality disorder Being aware of the attitude that generates discord in front of others can help the person control certain behaviors that affect both themselves and their loved ones.
  3. Act on certain behaviors: When the attitudes or behaviors that affect and cause problems in relating to others have been identified, these situations are practiced to change the way in which one acts incorrectly.
  4. Modify certain personality traits: There are some types of a person’s character that can have negative consequences for their mental or physical health. Therefore, psychologists help change these Personality types those beliefs that harm the self-esteem or self-perception of the person who suffers from it.
  5. Self-care: Taking care of yourself is one of the keys to facing any personality disorder or mental illness let it come upon us. For this precise reason, physical exercise, healthy eating and learning to be with ourselves is undoubtedly one of the most effective strategies to try to calm these personality disorders.

In all cases in which there is a mental disorder of this caliber, the intervention of a mental health professional is essential. Learn about these mental diseases and working on mental and physical well-being should be one of the priorities when these types of disorders are detected. The attitude towards them often makes the difference.