How To Get Out Of Depression? 20 Psychological Keys To Beat It

Do you think you are suffering from depression? Don’t know how to lift your spirits? Discover how to overcome depression and deal with the negative emotions and thoughts typical of this disorder.

Keys to get out of depression

Nearly 40% of Spaniards suffer from depression or anxiety, as specified by the Spanish Association of Private Psychiatry (ASEPP). Of all these cases of depression the main cause that this pathology has multiplied in recent decades is the current lifestyle.

“We have not become weaker, but rather we sleep for fewer hours and live faster, which generates greater stress and fatigue”

José Antonio López-Rodríguez, vice president of the ASEPP

Likewise, they point out that the model of Depressive person or tending towards it. While years ago the profile was that of a woman between 45 and 55 years old, with a low level of education and belonging to disadvantaged classes, currently we must also take into account young middle-class couples, with jobs and children, due to to the work and personal pressure to which they are subjected.

Although overcoming depression is a task that can become titanic, the reality is that the first step to know how to get out of depression It is by understanding the root of this problem in our current society.

Why is it difficult to get out of depression?

Depression is one of the most common illnesses that we therapists encounter in the consultation. This condition is caused by an alteration in mood, whether due to addiction problems or illnesses, as it can also be caused by stressful situations, but it is not always easy to find the causes of the disorder. This causes difficulty when doing any type of normal activity, leading to the loss of any ability to do so in the most serious cases.

Normally, when the person cannot be functional and their will is no longer capable of mobilizing them to fulfill their obligations, that is when they go to a specialist. In a healthy state, it is not the will but the search for pleasure that sets us in motion. However the depressed He is very far from his body and therefore, from his vital impulse and self-regulation, which makes him incapable of enjoying what he does, of enjoying the satisfaction of effort or creativity.

Understanding the factors that cause the person to distance themselves from themselves to the point of falling into depression requires a deep process of therapy and the guidance of a professional, but there are some factors that can help overcome depression

Steps to overcome depression

How to get out of depression? Steps to overcome depression

The first step to achieve know how to overcome depression is to detect all the symptoms and the reason why you are in one. Therefore, before starting any method or action, you must end up accepting it in order to fight against it and overcome depression. That is, before getting down to work you should find out how to know if you have depression through a specialist, you should never be guided by a self-diagnosis.

  1. Go to therapy: The best way to get out of depression and treating the root problem is to have the help of a mental health professional. You should also know that their work will be essential if you want to combat serious depression. In this way, to overcome depression you must go to a treatment that will give you all the tools to leave sadness and all the symptoms of depression and anxiety behind. Treatment is usually based on working on how to face the problem step by step and eliminating its causes if we can find them.
  2. Good nutrition: A healthy and healthy diet helps the body to be balanced, that is, to have good levels of vitamins, minerals and, ultimately, all the substances essential for its proper functioning. Good general functioning also entails stability in the nervous system, directly related to the Depression So much so that there are specific foods that can help us prevent depression.
  3. Regular exercise: Mens sana in corpore sana. In addition to keeping the body in shape, exercising regularly and adapting it to each person’s physical conditions helps maintain a good mood because it helps generate endorphins, also known as the hormones of happiness. That is why, in many treatments for prevent depression It is strongly recommended to practice some type of sport or get into the habit of doing regular exercises.
  4. Visit nature: Sunlight and the color green are natural balancers. That is, they help the body restore ideal hormonal levels to maintain a good mood. Therefore, it is important to seek direct contact with nature in environments where you can spend time on a more or less regular basis and without any other distractions. So much so that according to various studies, one of the best methods to overcome depression both alone and with a specialist, is trying to go to nature and enjoy its entire environment on a regular basis.
  5. Learn to breathe: Every cell in the body needs oxygen, but most of the time the human being breathes completely automatically and without being aware that it is a vital act that requires certain attention. That is, we tend to breathe simply to survive, which often prevents the body from oxygenating properly and, consequently, increases pressure and stress. In some cases, people with depression tend to breathe shallowly. Although it may seem incredible, the reality is that one of the ways to know how to help a person with depression It will be by making it learn to breathe in a much deeper way. So much so that an effective way to cheer yourself up when sadness invades you is precisely by doing breathing exercises.
  6. Human relations: Being with other people comforts and nourishes us. Therefore, for overcome depression It is highly advisable to invest time in relationships in which one feels loved and accepted. By extension, it is not worth spending too much time with those who feel the opposite or with known toxic people. So much so that one of the most essential steps to get out of depression will be to get away from the people who make you suffer and create new relationships that are much healthier.
  7. Meditation: Meditation is not an abstraction or an escape route. It is a natural regulating element that balances and provides clarity and calm, presence and clarity. A depressive state is a state of absence, the person is not here but lost in their daydreams, in their fears and limiting thoughts. Meditation helps clarify these harmful states and is a fundamental measure of emotional and mental hygiene. Therefore, this is a great tool to help beat depression in all its senses.
  8. Psychotherapy: As has already been said, to solve the deep causes of depression, it requires the help of a professional and a serious process of self-knowledge. The person who has reached the depressive state has done so due to his physical, emotional and mental habits. It has been his limiting beliefs, his fears, his inability to identify what he really needs and his inability to mobilize to achieve it that have plunged him into this state. To review all of this and cause a real change that is reflected in bodily and mental changes and not just in superficial behavioral models, techniques and an adequate space are required to work on physical blockages, mental structures and emotional limitations. Psychotherapy is therefore one of the most effective methods to get to know how to cure depression from its roots.
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Change your mindset to beat depression

How to change our mentality to get out of depression?

On many occasions we think that for overcome depression We just need to change our habits. The reality is that in most cases, it is the recurring negative thoughts that cause us to fall headlong into these depressive states. Therefore, it is essential to know how to change psychologically in order to overcome depression.

  • Change your point of view: The depression It is often preceded by what is called psychological myopia, a state where the victim does not stop resorting to recurring negative thoughts that affect each of their actions. Therefore, in order to overcome depression alone or with the help of a professional, it will be vital to leave all these thoughts behind.
  • Visualize happy thoughts: One of the depression images What comes to mind most when we are in this state are precisely those traumas or memories with which we have had a really bad time. We must look ahead and start thinking about what would make us feel good.
  • Be grateful for everything you have: Although it may seem typical of religious people, this small gesture can change the perception of your current life. In many cases, depression exists because we do not value everything we have. Therefore, it is essential that to know how to cure depression Be grateful for everything that surrounds you.
  • Get out of your comfort zone: One of the most effective ways to know how to deal with depression It is precisely trying to have new experiences in our lives. Therefore, you have to make an effort to get out of your comfort zone and experience new sensations. Although it is more difficult for someone who suffers from depression to do this step, the effort will really be worth it.
  • Propose new challenges: The depression It makes us see everything in black. Therefore, to overcome depression it will be vital to try to set new challenges as well as set some small goals to prove your worth. But you must make these challenges completely attainable and let go of perfectionism in order to see the full effects of meeting your challenges.
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How to lift your spirits when you are depressed?

During depression, mood will always be low, as this is one of the main effects of this disorder. For this reason, we indicate some tips that you can follow (always combining it with psychological therapy) to boost your spirits:

  1. Spend more time with your friends and family: Talking about your feelings with people you trust will allow you to process them better, put them in perspective, and get advice and support. For this reason, one of the ways to help you overcome depression It is precisely by trying to avoid isolation and leaning on those people who are most important to you.
  2. Reduce your stress levels: One of the keys that will allow you to combat depression is precisely to simplify your life, even if this means doing less or focusing only on one goal. Additionally, another way to achieve this is by breaking down larger tasks into smaller, smaller goals.
  3. Spend more time doing what you love: It’s normal that in the face of depression You don’t have the desire or are not motivated to do things that you previously enjoyed. Try to remember what you enjoyed the most and spend some time doing it. Just trying little by little will help you