What Is A Mania? The 7 Most Common Types Of Mania

Do you know what a hobby really is? Do you think you are a manic person? Discover what a mania is, its real meaning and how to deal with it through the help of psychology.

What is a mania? What is a manic person like?

When we refer to a person with many hobbies Sometimes we are pointing out some attitudes that may be disproportionate to a situation. In this way, when an individual shows one mania or another, it may be that they are suffering from a psychological disorder. Discover why both common manias and rare manias can be a problem for your mental health.

Is this your case? Do you mask obsessions with manias? We suggest you do this test:

What is a mania?

The word mania and its meaning many times they are not related to a mental pathology. Most people use the word mania to refer to certain repetitive habits of an individual. The reality is that mania and its psychological definition refers to a sustained period with an elevated or irritable mood. This state is characterized by racing thoughts and extreme, exaggerated behaviors. So much so that people can also experience some psychosis, including hallucinations and delusions that can become detached from reality.

When a person presents hobbies You may end up having strange obsessions with ideas or objects that drive you to act in a completely different way than usual. So much so that you may feel repetitive unpleasant thoughts that drive you to certain actions.

Types of common manias

The symptoms of mania or these strange obsessions can last a week or more. In addition, these manic episodes can be interspersed with periods of depression during which fatigue, sadness and even hopelessness can be experienced. In this way, a manic person usually has some types of manias that are assimilated to the following.

  1. Disminution of necesity of sleep: One of the most common manias It is precisely the one that prevents us from sleeping due to recurring thoughts that we cannot stop until they become obsessive. In this way, these types of mania end up causing problems in the sleep of the person who suffers from it.
  2. Participate in many activities at the same time: During the presence of the manias of a person You can participate in more than one activity at a time. So much so that a way to eliminate additional energy is sought through this hyperactivity.
  3. Talk a lot or very quickly: In certain cases, a person tends to have the habit of speaking with a lot of energy. This translates into talking a lot or very quickly or loudly.
  4. Lack of concentration: When a person has hobbies You end up suffering from a lack of concentration that translates into suffering from constant distractions.
  5. Increased sexual desire: Hypersexuality is also one of the symptoms of mania So much so that even a manic person can engage in risky sexual behaviors that harm their own health.
  6. Increase in risk behaviors: The manias or these strange obsessions They can cause the person to end up engaging in dangerous behaviors such as alcohol abuse, drug use, or excessive spending.
  7. Fast thinking: A person with mania has thoughts that run through their head in an uncontrolled manner. So much so that these types of manias usually harm both the attitude and actions of the individual who suffers from them.
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These are some of the types of manias that people who suffer from them can experience. If you feel identified with any of these strange manias, you should consult with a professional psychologist.

Most common types of manias

Causes of mania

The hobbies They are usually indicators of a psychological disorder that must be treated. A manic person has to deal with this type of behavior since it can affect them both mentally and physically. In this way, the most common causes of mania are the following.

  • Obsessive personality disorder: We could also talk about obsessive personality disorder, when the above traits are exaggerated and produce significant deterioration in the family, social and work environment. People with this disorder are usually characterized by excessive concern with order, organization and schedules; excessive dedication to work leaving aside family, social or leisure obligations; inflexibility and perfectionism, the inability to delegate to others or the difficulty in seeing points of view other than one’s own.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Obsessive-compulsive disorder would be the most serious level, where obsessions and compulsions (rituals) would appear, like the examples we posed at the beginning, and could lead to a great inability to carry out daily life even though the person in many cases is conscious of the absurdity of his thoughts and his behavior.

We must emphasize that the hobbies They do not always reflect an underlying disorder, but if certain thoughts and rituals or manias occupy an important part of the day, they represent several of the characteristics described above in the person’s usual functioning, and above all, they disturb one or more areas of their life. would make professional intervention necessary, whether psychological or psychiatric. So that we are attentive, without becoming obsessed, to certain behaviors that, far from being chosen by us, rather make us less free.

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How to remove manias and obsessions?

How to remove manias and obsessions?

There are a series of tips that you can use to try to overcome the obsessions and manias Even so, you should keep in mind that when it comes to a psychological problem, we should always seek the help of a mental health professional.

  • Changes in lifestyle: Being more organized in your daily life and trying to establish healthy habits is a good measure to reduce mania that may arise. Therefore, it is essential to follow a balanced diet and perform regular physical exercise.
  • Sleep hygiene: To avoid leading to insomnia, it is vital to try to maintain a constant sleep-wake cycle as well as have good habits around the act of sleeping. In this way, following a good sleep hygiene pattern will be essential to avoid mania
  • Start a journal: Writing down our feelings and emotions can help manic person to record your thoughts so you can analyze them. In this way, we can pay special attention to what triggers mania.

These may be some of the tips to leave behind the manias that we have exposed. Fighting them is up to you.