How Do I Know If I Have A Low Tolerance For Frustration? 7 Signs Of This

What consequences can having a low tolerance for frustration entail? How can we know if this is our case? Discover the signs that indicate that you cannot tolerate difficulties.

Lack of frustration tolerance

Frustration is an emotion we feel when we have challenges that get in the way of our goals and we don’t know how to deal with them. The ability we have to deal with our frustrations indicates our tolerance for these obstacles that stand in our way.

People with Low tolerance to frustration They may end up quickly abandoning the most difficult tasks. For example, finding a small obstacle to a plan can cause these people to end up abandoning their dreams. So, how do we know what our frustration tolerance is and how to improve it?

What is low frustration tolerance?

The Low tolerance to frustration It is about the inability to handle unexpected life events as well as the unpleasant emotions that can arise in the face of these obstacles. In fact, people who have low frustration tolerance may experience many difficulties handling obstacles to achieving their goals in life. In fact, this lack of resilience in the face of obstacles can mean that you end up abandoning your goals or not making an effort to improve your life.

Signs that you have a low tolerance for frustration

The Low tolerance to frustration It looks different on each person. Even so, many people may have the following behaviors:

  1. Procrastination: People with low frustration tolerance may try to constantly put aside a task that they find difficult or boring.
  2. Impulsiveness: Because they do not know how to deal with a complicated situation, these people may end up impulsively trying to ‘fix’ a situation or, conversely, failing to let the problem correct itself.
  3. Anxiety: Constant worries about the future are also common in those people who procrastinate or have a low tolerance for problems.
  4. Seek immediate gratification: Those who do not respond well to frustration may end up seeking immediate gratification, for example in junk food or unhealthy habits such as drinking or smoking.
  5. Less personal confidence: Not facing problems constantly can end up having effects on our personal self-esteem.
  6. Lower tolerance to stress: Not learning to tolerate frustration means not having enough resources to manage the negative emotions that can arise when faced with a problem. This is also related to how we deal with stress.
  7. Lack of emotional management: Crying for no reason, or having angry outbursts, may be because we are not facing a problem correctly due to our low tolerance for frustration.
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These are some of the signs that may indicate that you have a Low tolerance to frustration For this reason, if you feel that you react badly to certain problematic situations, you should try to work on it.

Why do I have a low tolerance for frustration?

There are several reasons why some people struggle with Low tolerance to frustration Among the most common we find the following:

  • Psychological disorders: Some mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, can make it harder to tolerate frustration. In fact, research has shown that, for example, people with ADHD tend to have a lower tolerance for frustration.
  • Personality: Our personality also plays a role in tolerance to frustration. In fact, some people can tolerate circumstances better than others because of their character.
  • Belief systems: People’s beliefs also play a determining role in tolerance to frustration. For example, some people may believe that life should be easier or more comfortable and they do not have to face certain difficulties.

Causes of low frustration tolerance

How to deal with low frustration tolerance?

If you have low tolerance for frustration you can try to face it by trying to work on the following aspects:

  1. Improve your internal dialogue: Internal dialogue is the way we talk to ourselves. Normally, people with low tolerance for frustration tend to have very negative words towards themselves. Therefore, it is important to focus on changing the way we address ourselves. For example, the next time you do something challenging, try to convince yourself that you can do it.
  2. Use mindfulness: If instead of giving energy to your thoughts, you focus on the here and now, this will allow you to learn to tolerate frustration, as well as negative emotions. One way to do this is to try to pay attention to the environment and how we feel.
  3. Accept difficult situations: On many occasions, low tolerance for frustration is usually fueled by catastrophic thoughts such as ‘these things always happen to me’. Faced with these feelings, you should try to maintain perspective and learn to accept that we can always encounter injustices.
  4. Just relax: Feelings of frustration can cause physiological symptoms, related to the anxiety or stress that we may feel when faced with a problem. In this way, if you want to face it mentally, it can help you to try to control these organic reactions. For example, taking deep breaths or even meditating will calm your breathing and the nervousness you may feel about it.
  5. Practice your frustration tolerance: Just like other skills, frustration tolerance requires practice. Therefore, it is advisable to try to work on these skills progressively.
  6. Go to therapy: If you think that your low tolerance for frustration is due to a problem in your mental health, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist to receive appropriate treatment.
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Although it may seem intrinsic to our character, the reality is that it can be learn to tolerate frustration with practice and effort. In fact, taking steps to manage it better could improve your life in many ways.