What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do With Your Life? 8 Questions That Will Help You

What to do with your life if you don’t know where to focus? How do I know what I really want? Discover some questions that will help you focus on what you want for your life.

What to do when you don't know what to do?

There are times in our lives when we may suffer a blockage in which we do not know very well what we want to do with our life. Faced with these feelings, we can even block ourselves and not be able to decide which direction to take. To do when you don’t know what to do with your life?

How do I know what I want?

This is a question that many of us can ask ourselves at a certain point in our lives. Faced with these feelings of uncertainty, we usually ask ourselves:What do I do with my life? Or, what do I really care about?

If we don’t know what we want, we may experience difficulty both in setting and pursuing those goals that make us happy or that can improve our lives. By not being clear What to do in life it is completely normal for us to make decisions, but make mistakes with them.

Or, conversely, instead of making a move, we often choose not to make a move at all. For this reason, it is important to discover what you really want, so that you can start living a life that truly reflects your needs, values ​​and, above all, goals. Thus, if you need to know what to do when you don’t know what to do with your life we recommend that you answer these questions:

  1. What makes you happy?: The vast majority of people search for happiness. That is, what makes us experience positive emotions such as joy, satisfaction and calm. But, in addition to meaning this, happiness also involves finding meaning, purpose and well-being. Therefore, if we ask ourselves what it is that we really want, this will be linked to what makes us happy.
  2. What are your needs?: Often, when we ask ourselves this question, we tend to believe that what What do we want to do with life? It is related to events that do not really respond to our basic needs. Psychologist Maslow proposed a hierarchy of needs that most people seek to feel satisfied with their lives. In addition to the basic ones, that is, those that ensure our most physical survival, this author proposed that there are three basic needs: autonomy, relationship and competence. That is, autonomy implies the belief that our actions are directed and aligned with our true being. Relationship is about the feeling that we are connected to the people who are important to us. And, finally, competence, that is, that we will be able to successfully achieve the results we really want. Research has shown that these needs are closely related to our well-being. Therefore, we should explore whether these needs are really satisfied in our lives. Ask yourself: do you feel that any of these three needs are missing in your life? How do you want things to be different and what are you going to do to make this happen?
  3. What are your values?: For know what to do with your life you should try to figure out what your values ​​are. That is, what really matters most to us in our lives. Everyone has different values ​​and we often feel much better about our lives when we live and follow these same values. Values ​​are more abstract concepts than goals, but they serve as guiding principles that help us move toward what really matters to us. So knowing what we really value can help us know what to do with our lives. Not knowing what to do with life
  4. What gives you a sense of purpose?: Another thing to keep in mind and that you should ask yourself is what do I want? That is, what do you think gives meaning to your life. Most people often gain a sense of purpose when we do things for others or improve their lives, even if it is by contributing in a small way. That is, we must think not only about what we want, but also about the impact we want to have on others.
  5. With what activities do you feel fulfilled and happy?: When we are connected to what makes us feel full, we can experience a positive state that makes us feel good about ourselves and what we do. This implies that we are doing something that really fits our abilities, that we also enjoy and that goes along with our sense.
  6. What would you want if there were no limits?: It is difficult to think about what we would really like to do when we had no limits because we have never been in this situation. But, sometimes, we don’t allow ourselves to know what we really want because we believe that we won’t be able to achieve it. Therefore, when asking this question, focus on what it would really take in your life to feel satisfied. That is, by expanding our mind and thinking about big (even impossible) goals it could help us get clearer about those deepest desires, which can allow us to know what to do with our lives
  7. Who do you admire (or who are you jealous of)?: Emotions can be very useful indicators that try to tell you what you really want and desire in your life. When you admire someone it is usually precisely because they have achieved things that really impress you or that you want for yourself. These sensations can help you know what you want to do with your life and what you should do to start achieving it.
  8. What do you not want in your life?: One more way to discover what you want most is to expose what you ‘don’t want’. So, make a list of things you want to keep out of your life. When you have this list, think about what you have left. What kind of life could you make from this list? What goals can you set to try to avoid experiences you really don’t want?
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But know what to do with your life It is important that you focus on knowing yourself and working on yourself. Self-knowledge is essential to be happy and achieve what we really want in our lives. For this reason, going to a psychologist can help you not only begin to know what you want, but also help you achieve the life you really want for yourself.