7 Virtues Of The Lonely: When Is Being A Lonely Person A Problem?

Do you consider yourself a lonely person? When can being lonely be a sign of a psychological problem? Discover the virtues of being lonely and when being lonely is a disorder.

What is a lonely person like?

You’re a lonely person? Do you think there’s nothing wrong with being lonely? There are people who prefer solitude rather than constantly interacting with others. But when can being a lonely man or woman be a problem for our mental health?

What is a lonely person like?

The lonely They tend to enjoy spending more time alone, even though they feel connected to other people and have friends by their side. Being lonely does not mean that these people do not like people, but simply that they have less need to be at social events. In this way, a lonely man or woman has a greater tendency to spend time without anyone by their side, but this does not necessarily imply that this person feels alone. These types of individuals can function perfectly in social environments even though their social interaction is very limited.

Is it healthy to be lonely?

It is obvious that in some cases the lonely people It may become so due to a mental health problem. A lonely person may close their boundaries due to having an anxiety disorder or being too shy.
The problem is the difference between feeling alone or wanting to be alone.

“When you feel lonely, there’s a stress response in your body, and it’s not healthy to sustain that for a long time.”

John Cacioppo, psychologist

What is the difference between a loner and an introvert?

Normally, it is confused a solitary with an introvert, even though it is not the same. While a loner avoids social interaction for a long period of time, an introvert finds it emotionally draining. In this way, introverts seek solitude because it gives them the balance in life they want, while loners may avoid others for personal reasons, mental health, or because they do not need to be accepted by others. .

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‘I like people less and less’: Is not having friends bad?

Abstaining completely from social interactions is unhealthy both mentally and physically. In fact, different studies show that be lonely in the extreme and not having a connection with friends or family can increase the chances of an early death to 50 percent. Plus, there are many benefits to having friends. On the one hand, spending time outside of yourself and away from social isolation helps you grow as a person, learn more about yourself, and expand your perspectives as well as pursue interests with others who share your hobbies.

Is it bad to be lonely?

Why do lonely people like to spend time alone?

According to psychologist Jonathan Cheek, loners want to be alone because they don’t need acceptance from others. That is, there are genetic and environmental factors that make a person end up being a lonely man or woman Loneliness could reflect a mix of innate tendencies and experiences; for example, a person might not have many friends or grew up in a family that highly values ​​privacy.

Lonely people: Characteristics

If you’re wondering what makes a lonely person from a more sociable one as well as the keys to know if you really like to be alone in life or if you are facing a mental health problem, here we will show you the characteristics of those who are solitary in a ‘healthy’ way. .

  1. You value time: The lonely people He usually values ​​time above any other aspect. In fact, they are usually people who are very aware that time is one of the most valuable assets to have a successful life. So much so that a lonely person will avoid false behavior at all costs and will not tolerate those people who believe they can play with them.
  2. You are self-aware: Some people choose to ignore both their thoughts and emotions. Instead, the lonely They choose to embrace these feelings and be fully aware of each of them. In fact, self-awareness is very important and difficult to achieve.
  3. They have an open mind: Although they like the solitary life, this does not happen again. the lonely rigid and closed-minded people. On the contrary, they are usually people with an open mind and are willing to learn about new ideas and activities.
  4. Set clear boundaries: The lonely They usually know how to set the healthy boundaries they need with others. In this way they understand themselves perfectly.
  5. He is aware of his weaknesses and strengths: By spending more time alone lonely people You are usually more aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
  6. You are not dependent on others: The lonely people They tend to leave aside emotional dependence on others. Therefore, they know how to do things on their own without the need to have the approval of others.
  7. You have good self-esteem: The people who are lonely They have good self-esteem, which implies that they do not depend on external events or facts to value themselves.
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If you feel identified with this list, you are one lonely person who lives this characteristic of his personality in a healthy way. On the other hand, if your loneliness is due to external reasons, such as feeling undervalued by others, social anxiety, among others, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist because of what this implies. Being lonely means feeling comfortable with yourself and others, despite preferring your own company.