10 Keys To Behavior Modification When Incorporating A Habit

10 keys to Behavior Modification when incorporating a habit

Establishing positive habits is essential both in the personal, academic or work sphere, to successfully achieve any of the goals we set for ourselves in life. And, in many aspects, the projects that make up a happy and emotionally healthy life are always based on internalizing a series of routines and habits.

Beyond innate talents and luck, it’s all a matter of knowing how to self-manage your own behavior patterns. Therefore, in this article we will review several keys to enhance behavior modification in the adoption of new habits making these changes in our daily lives permanent.

Behavior modification tips to incorporate a new habit

Sometimes it happens that some people have certain difficulties in creating habits of productivity and effectiveness in their workplace, since they have certain deficiencies that must be corrected as soon as possible.

Psychology professionals have been studying strategies that we can use daily to modify our behavior and incorporate productive habits into our daily lives for years.

1. Specify the final objective

Be clear from the beginning what the final objective of our work is It will help us perform our daily tasks and tasks more effectively and have a greater capacity for self-motivation

This is achieved by visualizing a specific, well-defined objective that motivates us and is aligned with our internal values, so it will be easier to internalize it and do everything possible to achieve it.

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On the contrary, a goal that is too abstract and undefined can generate a certain disorientation and demotivation that prevents us from giving our best to achieve it.

2. Segment a main objective

Segmenting a main or final objective into sub-objectives is a technique widely used by time management experts that helps us not procrastinate and know at all times what the next task is to be performed.

In addition to that, dividing a larger task into small sub-goals also helps us motivate ourselves by seeing the goal completed in a short time and being able to dedicate ourselves to the next task as soon as possible; is a great way to monitor our progress

3. Find the right level of difficulty

When carrying out any job, project or responsibility, it is of great importance to find a balance between easy and difficult tasks, since If something is too easy we will end up getting bored, and if it is too difficult we will give up because we cannot move forward

That is why it is so important to establish an ascending difficulty curve between task and task, which goes hand in hand with our learning and presents us with a greater challenge each time to keep us motivated.

4. Apply deadlines

Having deadlines in our daily work is another strategy that we can follow to incorporate a habit into our week, since it gives us a reference of the time we have and helps us commit to completing the task.

On the contrary, not having deadlines to finish a task often causes us to fall into self-deception, procrastinate or make excuses when it comes to finishing the work.

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5. Maintain the pace of work

Maintaining a stable routine or work rhythm throughout the week will allow us to advance in the performance of our obligations in a constant manner and creating a routine that is difficult to break in the long term.

Maintaining a daily effort to move forward with our projects will help us create a work dynamic that gives us motivation and the desire to continue working daily.

And in the long run, it is more worth making small efforts every day than making big efforts once a week when the backlog of work accumulates.

6. Have clear examples

Having clear and inspiring examples to put useful work strategies into practice is a great help to improve our productivity and performance at work.

Here the phenomenon of modeling is of great importance, that is, having models and examples in other people that enrich us and help us incorporate all types of theoretical and practical knowledge to be better in our work performance.

7. Visualize your own progress

Psychology professionals recommend visualizing our own progress, an exercise that will motivate us to achieve the desired goal and will allow us to generate in our heads the strategies that we must follow to do so.

The ability to visualize one’s own progress is a sign of intelligence and mental flexibility which will allow us to appreciate future advances and give us strength to remain constant towards the final goal.

8. Document progress

Documenting our learning process and the process we are obtaining is also of great importance to incorporate positive habits of productivity and tenacity into our daily lives.

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Editing daily, for example, a graph that shows how we have improved in our tasks or how we have advanced in a specific aspect will allow us to visually know our daily progress.

9. Share our plans

Share our plans with the people around us, whether they are friends or family It will help us generate new sources of motivation

Involving other people who love us in our achievements and objectives will make us put much more effort into achieving them, to show them that we are capable of anything.

10. Action triggers

Action triggers consist of linking the start of an activity to a specific time and place, which allows us to start working each day at the same time and in the same workplace.

It is a widely used technique to improve performance and productivity that predisposes us to start work as soon as possible and helps avoid procrastination.

This can be achieved, for example, by creating small rituals for starting daily activities with action triggers that are associated with the beginning of work.