8 Tips To Recover A Sustainable Work Rhythm

Tips to recover a sustainable work rhythm

Sometimes it is difficult to maintain a constant work rhythm during the week and at the same time attend to other personal responsibilities, such as family life or household chores. And when we achieve it, it is common for our physical and/or mental health to suffer, experiencing that feeling of vulnerability and ‘I can’t survive’. Finding the balance from which we can meet our goals and obligations, on the one hand, and work consistently and productively, on the other, can be quite a challenge.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to apply it on a daily basis. routines that help us achieve a sustainable work pace both in terms of its consistency and periodicity, and in terms of its compatibility with good health and quality of life.

‘I can’t live my life’: tips to achieve a sustainable work pace

Reconciling family life with work life is one of the most critical aspects that millions of people around the world can encounter, something that ends up generating great discomfort and states of stress sustained over time. However, there are many who deceive themselves into thinking that they can dedicate their time and soul to their professional side or to their most demanding personal projects and at the same time reduce other aspects of life to a minimum without it taking a toll on them one way or another.

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Tips for having a sustainable work pace

With the aim of learning to maintain a sustainable work pace with which to achieve everything, below we present a series of practical tips that can be easily applied in our daily lives.

1. Promote time management based on clear schedules

Correct time management can help us carry out all those tasks that we must attend to during the day, and if they cannot be all of them, it allows us to significantly maximize the work done.

Managing time well has to do with organizing the work day in advance and the weeks in which we must attend to more tasks at the same time. We can achieve this by a diary or agenda in which we write down daily all the obligations that we must take care of

In addition to that, we can also be clear at all times which tasks take up the most time and which are the fastest, in order to be able to manage ourselves better and know at all times what we should do.

2. Prioritize certain tasks over others

Prioritizing certain tasks over others when the volume of work overwhelms us is one of the best things we can do if we want to be productive during the day and successfully complete the most important tasks. This will help us have a global vision of the tasks that we must address throughout the day, avoiding bottlenecks and last-minute surprises.

To do this, we must dedicate at least a couple of minutes a day to identifying which are the most important tasks that we must do as soon as possible and which ones we can put in the background without any problem and finish the next day or any other day, leaving it for written in list format.

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3. Recognize that we cannot achieve everything

We must keep in mind that we are human beings and as such we cannot achieve everything we want to do, as a machine could do.

Some people live their lives with high levels of stress, since they always consider that they must successfully complete any assigned task, both in the workplace and professionally.

This reflection will help us relativize and allow us to relax psychologically reducing our anxiety or stress levels and taking the weight off our shoulders of considering that we must get to do everything.

4. Rest correctly

Maintaining an adequate rhythm in daily sleeping habits is another of the tips that we can follow if we want to be productive during each workday.

That is why going to bed at the same time daily and also getting up at the same time will help us establish a stable sleep rhythm, which allows the body to rest much better. Likewise, we must take frequent rest breaks, every 40 or 45 minutes. These should be brief (due to their high frequency) and They will help us rest our eyes, stretch our muscles, and restore our attention span something that will allow us to perform better.

5. Prioritize organization

The organization must be both in the schedules and in the physical work space, which means that to be productive we must have a tidy and organized workplace at all times.

The same way, We must also avoid any type of distraction during work hours That is, we must use devices such as mobile phones or computers only for work and not recreational reasons.

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6. Maintain daily healthy habits

In addition to sleeping habits, there are a series of daily healthy habits that we can put into practice to increase our work performance and our productivity in both the work and personal spheres.

Some of these habits are performing regular physical exercise every week and eating habits, that is, eating a healthy and balanced diet that gives us the energy necessary to perform at our best daily.

7. Dedicate time to yourself

In addition to carrying out work duties correctly, it is also necessary to dedicate a few hours a day to doing relaxing activities that make us feel better.

Spending time with family or friends, or pursuing hobbies that fulfill us, is a good way to disconnect from work a little and recharge our batteries to perform at our best the next day.

8. Put relaxation techniques into practice

Putting useful relaxation techniques into practice on a daily basis can also help us find balance in our body on a physical, emotional and psychological level.

There are many relaxation techniques that we can integrate into our daily lives; some of the most common are yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or pilates

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