Are You In A Midlife Crisis? 9 Psychological Signs Of Not Coping Well In Your Forties

Is the 40-year crisis really real? Why do we experience an existential crisis in our 40s? Discover the signs of this problem in your forties and how to deal with it.

How does the crisis of 40 affect us?

When we reach certain ages, people experience changes in our way of perceiving and seeing everything around us. When they turn 40, many people end up questioning everything they have done in their lives and why they continue with a routine that they may not fully enjoy. The so-called middle age crisis, it is a fact that many experience. But why does the so-called midlife crisis happen?

Are midlife crises real?

Not all people end up experiencing this existential crisis at 40 In fact, much research has shown that this midlife crisis is not experienced in many parts of the world.

In fact, it is believed that the notion of this crisis of 40 It is a social construction. Most individuals who experience this midlife crisis are due to a major change. Therefore, this midlife crisis could be related to a major event that was negative for the person. This may be the loss of a loved one, the routine of being at a job for many years, divorce, among other factors.

Even so, due to all the social pressure that people receive from their environment, it is normal for some individuals to end up suffering from a ‘middle age crisis, since they consider that they have not met their expectations in life or because they find themselves in a situation that they do not like during this stage (parents who need more attention, children become older and more independent, etc.).

Although according to psychology the 40 year crisis It is not something pathological, the reality is that there may be a change in the way people who are during this period of maturity approach life. Thus, there are signs that may indicate that you are really going through something similar to an existential crisis at 40.

Signs that you are in the crisis of 40

There are a series of ‘symptoms’ that are repeated in people who say they are going through a midlife crisis Among the most notable, we find the following.

  1. Feel the need for adventure and change: Many times, the forties It is a stage in which people seek to reinvent themselves. So much so that the crisis of 40 leads people to try in any way to change their way of being or venture into new experiences that comfort them. The reason that this existential crisis at 40 lead to it, it is precisely because people believe that they have not experienced enough during their lives.
  2. Have signs of depression: These negative changes, which tend to occur to a greater extent during the forties, usually lead people to experience many of the signs that lead to depression. In fact, most people who say they experience a midlife crisis are usually indicating that they are in ‘a 40’s depression ‘.Signs of suffering from a midlife crisis
  3. Question deep-rooted beliefs: In cases where people feel that they are in a middle age crisis, usually lead the person in question to leave their job almost abruptly or to try to change their life in a radical way. Although it is healthy to try to get out of our comfort zone, doing so in a risky and unceremonious way can mean that we are having certain problems with this new stage of our lives.
  4. Being irascible or feeling guilty: When a person is having a existential crisis at 40, 30 or at any time in their lives, usually express a lot of anger or guilt about all the decisions they have made during their life. So much so that he can even blame those around him for everything that happens inside him.
  5. You suffer from constant indecisions: Turning points are synonymous with experiencing insecurity and indecision around the changes or decisions you want to make in your life. The forty years crisis It usually translates into being constantly undecided about what to change or what decisions to make during this stage.
  6. Dissatisfaction in the relationship: On many occasions, people who want a change of life at 40 They usually associate it with having new love affairs. In fact, psychologists often see many cases of individuals who feel they are in a midlife crisis who express feelings or thoughts about infidelities.
  7. Obsession with one’s own appearance: The crisis of 40 in women and men is usually a synonym for trying to reverse the effects of the passage of time. So much so that people who feel this type of crisis existential at 40 They often end up trying to look younger by dieting, exercising a lot, or even going to beauty clinics to reverse the signs of aging.
  8. Professional dissatisfaction: Someone who goes through a midlife crisis You may want to quit your job or escape your day-to-day responsibilities. The reason for this is perhaps that you do not feel that you have reached your personal goals or objectives in life.
  9. Emotional stress: A person may feel very depressed or empty due to the midlife crisis This ends up causing the person to end up stressing more often about his daily tasks since he does not enjoy what he is doing in the present due to the negativity that surrounds him.
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These signs are typical of people who say they are going through a mid-life crisis As we have indicated, there is no scientific evidence that these crises really occur, they are simply changes that people do not usually cope well with. If you feel identified with many of these signs, you should go to a professional psychologist.

Causes of the midlife crisis

In Western culture, middle age or what is the same, forty years, is usually associated with a time when our relationships and roles seem to change. For this reason, many people, seeing their world become destabilized, tend to end up thinking more about their meaning in life or what they are dedicating their days to. This deeper reflection can make people more aware of their regrets.

Besides during the 40’s, the aging process becomes more evident than ever. So much so that for this reason, there may be many fears or insecurities that come out.

Crisis at 40 in men

The influence of culture can cause both men and women to view turning forty differently. So much so that in many cases, men can experience this existential crisis of 40 for facts like the following.

  • How aging affects your perception of masculinity
  • How illnesses can affect your sex drive
  • Not perceiving enough success in your career
  • Feeling that your profession affects your relationship with your family

The crisis of 40 in women

Crisis of 40 in women

In the same way as men, women can suffer a midlife crisis, based on stereotypes or cultural influences. In this way, the crisis of 40 in women You can take the following signals.

  • The desire to remain young and desirable to others
  • Wanting to undergo plastic surgery
  • Concern about your professional success
  • Seek divorce to resolve a midlife crisis
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How to face the crisis of 40?

In order to leave behind all the symptoms of depression, stress or anxiety that may be related to a life change at 40 or with the feeling of emptiness during your 40s there are a series of psychological tips that we can follow.

  • Improve your relationships: Sometimes, the crisis of 40 or an excess of worries can be resolved if you focus on improving the environment that surrounds you in your daily life. Meeting new people or getting more involved with family or friends can make your insecurities about your decisions in life fade away.
  • Set new goals: On many occasions, people end up associating becoming great with leaving their aspirations behind. This is an erroneous belief that we must fight against, especially during a midlife crisis
  • Work within yourself: Reaffirm your self-esteem, get to know yourself better, leave more time for yourself. Working within yourself can help you overcome our culture’s myths about age.

A personal crisis is a good time to reconsider going to a professional psychologist. Even though in reality the crisis of 40 does not exist, if you feel anguish or fear, perhaps it is a sign that you should change the way you live your life. But thinking about it does not mean getting angry about the decisions you have made or what is happening around you. The key to overcoming these moments of uncertainty is to feel that you have control of your life.