The 4 Laws Of The Unconscious

Laws of the unconscious

Jung already invited us to think: “Until we make conscious what you carry in your unconscious, the latter will direct your life and you will call it destiny.”

The unconscious covers a high portion of our central system. Is responsible for the complex fact of being alive ; Imagine if not when through the unconscious you breathe, swallow, blink, your cells regenerate, your digestion is processed and all automatic vital functions are carried out by the unconscious. The act of breathing is the same act that connects you directly with life and with the vibration of oxygen; an act that connects us with the present, leaving it in the unconscious is missing the magic of living.

What do we find in the unconscious?

We are distracted and that is the primary function of the mind; keep ourselves as distracted as possible so as not to worry about our history of our truth and enter into a purpose of freedom.

Therefore, we must be more awake so that we have the pleasure of living in the present. The unconscious performs thousands of functions at a time, and its processing capacity is 20 million cycles per second compared to the 40 cycles per second of consciousness, the latter a reference in metaphysical terms.

Furthermore, the unconscious is responsible for habits and behavioral patterns that we perform repetitively a reason that explains the cyclical responses we assume, cycles of suffering that only end when you allow yourself to transcend consciousness.

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But… what do we find in the unconscious? The main elements of it are:

Accessing unconscious information allows us to become triggered and live a life in a state of plenitude We can access this through dreams, meditation, silence, Socratic dialogue and maieutics, and so many ways that lead us to introspection.

What are the laws of the unconscious

The laws of the Unconscious

The laws of the Unconscious are the following.

1. It is timeless

That is to say, For the unconscious, the past and the future do not exist, the unconscious moves in a continuous present, for it everything is happening here and now, it is for this reason that when you are a child and you experience the sensation of abandonment; It is the same sensation that the adult experiences, every day until he resigns himself and replaces the perception that generates suffering with a more compassionate one.

2. Innocence

The unconscious has no judgment or discernment, there is no good or bad, nor does he identify the jokes and records everything that seems relevant to our survival without making logical or rational analysis. It records all kinds of beliefs and assumes them as real.

3. Uniqueness

For the unconscious we are all one, the other represents a reflection of ourselves.

4. Symbolism

The unconscious is symbolic, that is, does not distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary or virtual Rituals, ceremonies and representative and symbolic acts work perfectly with the unconscious, since through them we speak in the same language.

How to reveal the information best kept in the Unconscious?

There are many ways to get closer to the truth. Dreams, the dream language, are pure representation of unconscious information ; That is why it is very useful to keep a diary or memory of your dreams. It is possible that today we do not understand the manifesto or the symbology of this information, but it will make sense as we open Pandora’s box: The Awakening.

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Through symbolic acts, we deceive or hack our system, replacing situations that cause us discomfort with ones of greater care through the symbolic act of visualization; Let us remember that the unconscious does not recognize between the real and the imaginary, this is why everything you believe is created at an unconscious level and this It ends up becoming your truth and materializes in your reality

The challenge is to silence our system to purify the mind, which is responsible for our constant distraction. How do we put “mute” to our mind? Techniques such as meditation, silence, art therapy, visualization, among others, facilitate mind management.

introspection It is the technique that brings us closer to the truth itself in an explanatory way. This is why in psychotherapy the Socratic method is necessary so that through maieutics the client can clarify his truth.