High-functioning Anxiety: 7 Symptoms To Detect It

Anxiety is one of the most present problems in our current society. What is high-functioning anxiety and how can it affect us? Discover how to work to combat it.

What is high-functioning anxiety and how does it affect us?

A person with high functioning anxiety may seem to others to be the spitting image of success. These people usually give the appearance of perfection to their tasks and everything that surrounds them, but inside they live full of anxiety that makes it difficult for them to be in the here and now and enjoy the different aspects of life.

People who live with high functioning anxiety They tend to say yes to everything and have a hard time failing their promises. In this way, their agenda is always occupied by a large number of activities that they always try to do their best.

What is high-functioning anxiety?

Although it has not yet been recognized as a mental illness in itself, high functioning anxiety This is a condition that we can see in many people in our society. The reason it is not considered a diagnosis within mental health is precisely that those who suffer from it can function relatively well in their daily lives.

Although on the outside the person seems like they can control the situation, the reality is that inside they are usually moved by a internal fight against anxiety. This can come from fear of failure or fear of disappointing others.

Characteristics of high-functioning anxiety

Beneath the success that appears on the surface, these people are often struggling to try to overcome the anxiety they carry inside. In this way, people who suffer from high functioning anxiety you can experience the following.

  1. Nervous habits: The nerves that they have inside due to high-functioning anxiety makes them seem like people who can’t stop moving. Therefore, these people usually spend all the time touching their hair, cracking their fingers or biting their lips.
  2. Need for repetition: For calm anxiety that they carry inside, people who suffer from it often try to do repetitive things to calm themselves. For example, they can count stairs or rock back and forth.
  3. Think too much: Another characteristic that the people with high-functioning anxiety is that they tend to think very quickly and too much. In this way, your head seems uncontrollable and negative thoughts are the ones that usually take control.
  4. Procrastination: Although they are people who usually accomplish everything, the reality is that procrastination is another of the characteristics that those affected by depression usually share. high functioning anxiety The reason for this is that they fill themselves with so many tasks that in the end they tend to become stressed and need to relax to be able to tackle them.
  5. Rumination and tendency to obsess over the negative: On many occasions these people tend to become obsessed with what is negative due to rumination and the tendency to overthink the things that happen to them.Characteristics of high-functioning anxiety
  6. Inability to enjoy the moment: These people do not allow themselves a moment of relaxation and always end up postponing what they need so much: a few moments of relaxation and peace with themselves.
  7. Mental and physical fatigue: Through their attitude, people with a high functioning anxiety They usually end up with both mental and physical fatigue.
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These are some of the traits or symptoms that individuals who suffer from a high functioning anxiety If you think you identify with them, you need to work to counteract them either with a professional psychologist or with your inner effort.

How to reduce high-functioning anxiety?

There are a series of tips that you can follow to tackle with your own tools. high functioning anxiety According to psychologists, you need to focus on the following.

  • Understand where your fears come from: Fears are what feed our anxiety For this reason, it is necessary that you identify them and know why they appear in you. By analyzing them and knowing the reasons behind them, you can try to prevent them and thus put an end to this high-functioning anxiety.
  • Limit bad habits: To end anxiety It is more than necessary that you try to work on having good physical health. In these cases, the ideal is to commit to eating better, doing some daily exercise and limiting stimulants such as caffeine.

How to end high-functioning anxiety?

  • Observe your thought patterns: In many cases, anxiety involves many negative predictions anticipated in time. In these cases, you must see that the consequences of your actions do not usually have such negative consequences. If you don’t finish something on time, you can always repeat it or do it better later.
  • Rationalize your negative thoughts: When you see that your head is full of negative ideas, try apply logic in all of them. This way you will see that what you think really doesn’t make much sense and that you can combat it by engaging in positive dialogue.
  • Become aware of your body: Typically, people who suffer from high functioning anxiety They usually have a lot of tension in their bodies. This happens since they are usually not aware of how they are with their bodies. Start by becoming aware of how you feel at various moments and you will see how you will be able to control your inner anxiety more.
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Anxiety is one of the most widespread mental illnesses today. The reason for this is that our way of life, where speed and immediacy are constants, make this visible to many people. End the high functioning anxiety It will allow you to enjoy every moment of your life more.