Are You A Manipulative Person? 7 Signs That You Are Being Manipulated

Do you think you are someone who can be manipulated? How do we know if we are manipulable people? Discover the signs that indicate that you are being manipulated by others and how to deal with this situation.

How do I know if I am a manipulable person?

We refer to a manipulable person when individuals have more tendency to relate to manipulators due to their personality. It is normal for people to experience certain problems in their relationships as the years go by. But, when people are very manipulative due to the experience they have had in their relationships, it is important to take initiative to stop this type of harmful behavior. How can we fit if a person is manipulable?

What does it mean to be a manipulable person?

The handling It is when others exert a harmful influence on us. People who manipulate others know how to change the emotions and ideas of those who are more manipulable to get what they really want.

To know if you are one manipulable person Within a relationship, there are some tricks that manipulators often use to make you give in to their requests. Some of the examples of manipulable attitudes include the following:

  • Culpability: A manipulable person You will feel guilty for not doing what the manipulator asks of you.
  • Continuous complaints: When a relationship is filled with complaints, it may be a sign that you are being someone manipulable for this person.
  • Comparisons: For manipulate a man or woman manipulators often use comparisons to make them feel bad and make them give in to their requests.
  • Lies: If you feel like someone is constantly lying to you, you may be facing someone with manipulable behaviors
  • feign ignorance or innocence: The manipulators They are usually people who know how to pretend in front of others.
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When a person is manipulable You feel that someone is using you to achieve their own purposes. But, very often they feel confused since the manipulator usually appears to be a true friend.

Signs that I am a manipulable person

How do I know if I am a very manipulative person?

There are a series of signs that may indicate that you are a manipulable person who is more at risk of falling into a manipulative attitude. When a person is faced with attitudes that are being manipulable usually feels the following.

  1. Doubts about your own reality: The manipulative people They often make you doubt when their lies are being exposed. That is why when a person is more manipulable he is usually insecure about his beliefs or his perspective on reality.
  2. You have a very intense relationship: The more manipulable people They are those who have a stronger connection with the manipulator.
  3. You fear abandonment: When a person is being manipulated You may feel a deep fear of abandonment. The reason for this is that by being manipulable by others, people can get the feeling that if they do not do what the manipulators say, this will greatly affect their lives.
  4. You have a feeling that something is wrong: Sometimes our body language says much more than we can imagine. In fact, sometimes we can see that there are certain attitudes that do not fit us due to these expressions that the body shows us. When we are in front of someone who is manipulating we may feel that there is something that does not fit us.
  5. You feel insecure: A person who is manipulable They usually feel insecure in front of the manipulator. In fact, the goal of manipulation is precisely to maintain control over others. When someone is vulnerable, manipulators use these insecurities as weapons to feel superior.
  6. Dependence: A person is more manipulable when they have a dependency relationship with the manipulator. In fact, manipulators often isolate those they want to control in order to generate this emotional dependence.
  7. Act differently with others: When a person is manipulable, usually notices that manipulators act differently in front of others. In fact, they usually have very good validation from others.
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On many occasions those who are more manipulable These people usually have security and self-esteem problems. Therefore, it is important to work within ourselves together with a professional psychologist.

How to stop being manipulative?

How not to let yourself be manipulated?

If you think you are a manipulable person and that you are in a situation where they are using you to obtain benefits and harm you, it is important that you put a stop to this type of attitude. In fact, almost everyone is manipulated at some point. But when this becomes a routine, we can resort to the following strategies to stop it.

  • Direct communication: If you see a sign of manipulation, it is important to report it. Although in many cases, it will not be accepted as such, it is vital that you emphasize that you do not like this type of attitude.
  • Set limits: If a person is trying to you manipulate, tell him how you want him to treat you and then follow your own guidelines. For example: “Mom, I understand that you sacrificed a lot for me, but that doesn’t mean you can look down on me. I can’t talk to you about this until you’re willing to stop changing the subject.“.
  • Ask for external opinion: It is important that if you are feeling manipulable Before someone, ask someone you trust for an outside opinion. Seeing it from another perspective will help you know how to deal with these situations.

When people are faced with a manipulator, they can suffer some repercussions on their mental health. For this reason, it is important that if you are affected by a manipulative attitude go to a psychology professional.

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