Anxiety Chills: Why Do They Happen?

Do you have constant chills? Aren’t your chills due to fever? You may have chills from anxiety. Come in and discover the signs of this type of chill and how to deal with it.

Anxiety Chills

The shaking chills They are not only experienced when we feel cold or have a fever. In some cases, a chill can happen due to fear or an overly overwhelming episode of stress. In fact, anxiety is often linked to experiencing chills. But why do these chills occur?

Why do anxiety chills happen?

Tremble and experience a chill When you are scared or anxious it happens as a defense mechanism that our body has to try to protect itself. By having continuous chills, our heart rate increases in order to send more blood to our muscles, as a response to the stress experienced and to be able to fight or run. So much so that by diverting this energy to the muscles, people can feel certain problems in other regions of their body, such as digestion, resulting in stomach pains and nausea.

When you don’t react to perceived stress or anxiety by escaping or fighting, your body can react precisely by using the shaking chills to release all this tension. This happens because changes in our blood flow can also cause you to start sweating, which means feeling very cold and shivering without fever. Therefore, chills can happen when we feel anxiety or stress.

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feel these chills suddenly It is a part of our natural survival instinct and these types of reactions are intended to help us escape danger. Therefore, if you are experiencing chills without fever and mental and physical fatigue, it is very likely that these are due to an anxiety or stress situation.

Reasons why chills happen

People experience a chill as an indicator that they are facing an anxiety attack. This happens when this person is faced with a very overwhelming situation. In these cases, if you are feeling a cold sweat without fever and you think you could be experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it is a good time to use different coping skills to combat it. The main causes of experiencing anxiety chills in the body are the following:

  1. Rapid change in body temperature: Faced with an overwhelming feeling of anxiety, our body prepares to go into fight or flight mode, essentially to prepare for the ‘battle’ that is currently being perceived (regardless of whether the threat is real or not). Thanks to the change in blood flow mentioned in the previous point, a rapid increase in body temperature can be produced once that “battle” begins. These sudden changes in temperature can be the cause of chills in cases of anxiety.
  2. Chills from sweat: The shaking chills They often occur when a person is cold. In this case, when the chills are due to anxiety, the body can sweat, since it is a method that our body has to notify us that we are facing possible danger or fear. Our sweating is designed to cool our body, therefore, it is one of the reasons why we feel cold in the body without fever and why we experience chills due to anxiety. Anxiety Chills
  3. Hyperventilation: One of the common symptoms of anxiety is hyperventilation. This occurs when a person breathes too fast or inhales too much oxygen as a result of experiencing stress or anxiety. In these cases, our body struggles to move our blood to those areas that require it most, the absorption of oxygen and the elimination of CO2 will be difficult, causing an imbalance in the PH of the blood and all of this causing these chills, among other sensations. .
  4. Standard chills: Sometimes, we can feel chills without it necessarily being a sign of anxiety. A chill can occur either from cold or from a surprise or from being moved by something (such as a song we love or a work of art).
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To experience anxiety chills It may be one of the signs that we are facing a disorder. Therefore, if you usually have this type of chills, you may require the help of a mental health professional.

How to calm chills?

How can you calm anxiety chills?

If you are looking for a method to better control your anxiety, these types of patterns that your body follows can help you cope with the symptoms of this disorder. Even so, there are cases in which these chills They can be very uncomfortable for those who suffer from them. To be able to act on these signs of anxiety, you can do the following:

  • Wrap: The chills whether due to anxiety or they are not closely related to changes in our body temperature. Although they can’t always be controlled by the heat, some people find that bundling up and having a feeling of greater warmth reduces these anxiety-induced chills.
  • Move or walk around: A method to solve these anxiety chills It is precisely trying to move more. In this way, exercising, whether walking, dancing or jumping, can help you improve the sensations of an attack of cold and chills.
  • Use breathing techniques: The way a person breathes can affect their anxiety levels as well as contribute to the development of shaking chills In this way, you can fight both anxiety and these chills by using different breathing techniques that help you slow it down.

The best method to end these anxiety chills is to deal with the root problem. In this way, going to a mental health professional will undoubtedly be the most effective alternative to put an end to those chills and their causes.

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Alba Sanz, psychologist Centro Ahora