Do I Have Suicidal Thoughts? 15 Signs That Indicate Suicidal Ideation And What To Do About It

Do you think that a person close to you can commit suicide? Discover the signs that reveal suicidal tendencies and how to help someone in this situation. Your help is his salvation.

Do I have suicidal thoughts? 15 Signs that indicate suicidal ideation and what to do about it

There is a social stigma around suicide in Spain. Nowadays, suicides account for twice as many deaths as those caused by traffic accidents, although the figure is probably higher, since there is a tendency to conceal it. I won’t tell you much more about it as it would be repetitive, but it is important to become aware of this problem and address it as such instead of keeping it as a taboo.

How to see the signs of someone who may commit suicide?

There are a series of signs that can indicate that a person has suicidal ideas or has the intention to commit suicide Psychologists highlight the following.

  1. Extreme mood swings: One of the attitudes that can most indicate suicidal tendencies It is the continuous change of mood that people who have suicidal ideation can appear. This happens because these people are usually under the effect of psychological pathologies such as depression, bipolar disorder, among other conditions.
  2. Feelings of hopelessness: The people who usually think about suicide They spend most of their time immersed in the feelings of hopelessness that run through their minds. So much so that suicidal thoughts are a consequence of the constant negativity in their minds.
  3. Gift possessions: When a person who is always thinking negatively begins to give away possessions for no apparent reason, this action may be a sign that there may be suicidal tendencies in their heads.
  4. Losing interest in activities: The depression and suicide They are very linked. For this reason, lack of motivation, a symptom very present in cases of depression, is usually closely related to the suicide attempt that a person can commit.
  5. Talk about death or suicide: Sometimes people with a suicidal behavior They may have death or suicide itself very present in their conversations. This way, they can talk about real suicides that they have investigated as well as discuss even the least painful suicide methods. In these cases, you should try to seek the help of a specialist professional as soon as possible. Signs of suicidal tendencies
  6. They are perceived as a burden: Many people they think about committing suicide since they perceive themselves as a burden to others. Therefore, on many occasions when this idea is repeated a lot in their speeches, these people usually have a suicidal tendency.
  7. Staying away from friends and family: Another of the signs of suicide They are the tendency that these people usually have to distance themselves from their friends, family and their entire closest circle.

The suicidal behavior it can be prevented. Therefore, if you see that someone close to you identifies with some of these signs, you should immediately go to a specialist or ask for help.

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How do I know if I have suicidal thoughts?

Not all suicidal thoughts and behaviors they are similar. In fact, suicidal ideations can occur in very different situations. Therefore, it is important to identify if these recurring thoughts are giving you suicidal ideation and go to a trusted person or mental health professional as soon as possible:

  1. ‘I feel useless’: The suicidal thoughts They are usually related to guilt or feelings of worthlessness. People with these kinds of feelings may end up seeking suicide methods because of it.
  2. I just cry and feel sad ‘: If sadness or melancholy are part of your daily life, you may be suffering from depression. On many occasions, the depression and suicide They may be related, so it is essential that you seek help for these feelings.
  3. I have no interest in anything ‘: Lack of motivation can also be one of the most common suicidal thoughts Faced with the apathy of life, suicidal ideas can appear, hindering our daily lives.
  4. I have a hard time sleeping or I sleep too much ‘: Our rest can affect our mood and vice versa. So, if you are having a lot of trouble sleeping, this may end up being a sign that you should seek help.
  5. I have little energy and I am always tired ‘: Mental exhaustion can also be translated as a lack of physical energy. This inability to cope with everyday life can end up causing a suicide attempt if it is accompanied by other symptoms of a mental disorder.
  6. I can’t make decisions: Inability to make decisions can also be due to a mental problem. In fact, this conflict can end up making people feel worthless and guilty about it, something that can contribute to wanting to die and that must be remedied as soon as possible.
  7. My head thinks things I don’t want to think’: The intrusive thoughts It can also be a sign that we are facing a mental disorder that must be treated. Especially if these tend to involve suicidal ideas.
  8. ‘I feel empty’: The feeling of emptiness can also contribute to ending suicidal thoughts Faced with these types of sensations, it is important to visualize what is wrong and work to change it.

All people, regardless of their situation, can experience suicidal thoughts. For this reason, at the slightest sign of them, it is vital that you tell someone you trust or even go to a mental health professional for help. We can all have suicidal ideation Therefore, you should not be ashamed of this situation.

Why do people commit suicide? Causes of suicide

As we have pointed out, a person can experience suicidal thoughts for no discernible reason. Even so, there are many occasions in which suicidal ideas usually occur as a symptom of a mental health condition or in the face of a traumatic or stressful situation (such as the loss of a family member, a medical illness, rejection, sexual abuse, unemployment). , etc.).

You should keep in mind that the risk of suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide may be increased by family history. A person with family members with this type of behavior or thoughts may be more likely to suffer from them. Furthermore, it is important to know that the suicidal ideas They can be closely related to the following mental disorders:

  • Feeding problems
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Lack of selfesteem
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress/Trauma
  • Schizophrenia
  • Social anxiety
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I want to commit suicide, what can I do?

Before any sign of suicidal ideation It is important to remind yourself that you are not alone and that you should go to your closest family or friends to talk about it. Shame should not be a barrier to sharing these suicidal thoughts, as we can all experience them. Furthermore, apart from consulting with a psychologist (you can find free psychologists at the primary care center or hospital closest to you, without having to say the reason behind the consultation), we recommend that you do the following to improve this situation :

  • Recognize the signs: In some cases, the suicidal thoughts They can be subtle. If you recognize yourself in some of the suicidal ideas that we have mentioned, it is crucial that you have professional help or discuss it with someone you trust who can help you.
  • Stay connected: If you start to feel that feelings of guilt or a sense of burden are causing you too much negativity, it is crucial that you discuss it with your loved ones and try to stay in more contact with them. You don’t have to tell the reasons for going to them, anyone will want to help you if you are sad. With just words like these: “I’m going through a difficult time. Can you keep me company?“, is enough to get the help you need in these moments.
  • Find positive distractions: Try to do what you enjoy most when you are having a bad day. For example, going through nature or watching your favorite series or movie can give you motivation to face these moments.
  • Focus on self-care: It is easier to manage suicidal ideas if you take care of your mental and physical state. To do this, we recommend having healthy meals, staying hydrated, exercising regularly and sleeping the necessary hours.

When you feel overwhelmed, it is vital that you remember all the people who love you and would offer you their support at this time. We recommend, above all, that you talk about these recurring thoughts with your loved ones, you must remember that they will never judge you for it.

How to help a person with suicidal ideas?

The suicides They usually follow a series of steps when they think about ending their life: thinking about the option, planning how to do it, finding the time and tools to do it, and finally doing it.

We have to be aware of where the person we love is at. commit suicide The more elaborate the topic is, the more danger there is. Although it is also necessary to consider whether the person is impulsive, since someone who is impulsive can carry out the act by skipping the previous steps.

  1. Find the right moment: The first and most important thing to be able to address suicidal feelings It is looking for an environment and a suitable moment to address the issue of emotions. We cannot ask about their mood when there are more people, when there is a rush or when you see that the person does not feel comfortable. There is no such thing as a perfect time, but it can be a good way to start by asking how you feel emotionally and explaining your concerns a little.
  2. Ask about suicide: At that point it is important to bring up the topic of suicide. In therapy I often use the phrase: Have you ever thought about ending it all? It is usually a direct phrase but it is not scary by not using the word “suicide “If the answer is affirmative, you have to investigate how many times they cross your mind and whether they are fleeting ideas that you immediately put out of your head or if you are thinking about the topic seriously.
  3. Find out if you have taken further steps to respect: If the person sometimes thinks seriously suicide theme, the next step is to ask if you have ever thought about how to do it. At this point it is advisable to use open questions. If you ask a closed question, the person may not be completely sincere, since when we give answer options the person may feel cornered. An example of a question would be: What do you do when you think about taking your own life? Have you ever thought about how you would do it? (we always use the conditional so that the person feels more comfortable). Help a suicide
  4. Give you ideas to motivate yourself to live: Next we ask the reasons for living. This question is very important because it gives us signs of what the person may be thinking about how their loss would affect others. If she answers something like: “If I haven’t done it yet, it’s for my daughter,” we can evaluate and reflect a little on what her daughter would suffer, what she would miss, and what would affect her future. Additionally, we can add how we ourselves would feel if she did it and what it would affect other people. However, if the person answers something like: “nothing would happen, no one would miss me, or they would miss me for a few days but they would get over it,” the risk is very high. You have to try to make them see that this is not true and the support that the person has.
  5. Convince him that he should go to a professional: If you arrive
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