Bell’s Palsy: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Bell's palsy.

We are so calm one day walking down the street and suddenly we notice that we cannot close our eyes. We try to speak and realize that we cannot move half of our mouth or it feels extremely weak. We drool or drop food or drink from our mouths, as if we came out of the dentist anesthetized. We run to the hospital and after several urgent exams and scans they tell us that we are not having a stroke but rather that we are suffering from Bell’s palsy.

What is this? What are we facing? In this article we are going to talk about this paralysis.

Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy, also called simply frigore facial palsy or mononeuropathy of the VII cranial nerve is a neurological disorder in which part or all of the face suffers paralysis or a decrease in muscle tone. This paralysis comes from an injury or problem in the facial nerve or seventh cranial nerve, generally due to inflammation. This nerve allows the human being the mobility of the facial muscles, so its alteration generates difficulty or absence of voluntary movement.

It is a relatively common disorder The most common symptoms are the aforementioned paralysis (which usually occurs only in one half of the face), the inability to close one of the eyes, the deviation of the mouth towards the side that retains movement, drooling and difficulties in talk and eat. Tears are also common.

Sometimes headaches and jaw pain may appear. or perceptual alterations, such as hyperacusis or inability to detect taste in the affected hemifield. These symptoms usually appear suddenly, although they may take between two and three days to fully emerge and manifest their maximum effect.

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Although at first glance it may not seem excessively limiting, it must be taken into account that it can cause considerable harm: difficulties when communicating can greatly affect interpersonal relationships or even at work. Likewise, these communication difficulties and others like those when drinking or eating can affect the patient’s self-esteem and be a great source of frustration and stress.

Bell’s palsy is a disorder that can occur at any time in the life cycle, although it is more common in adulthood and middle age (it is rare before the age of sixteen). This type of paralysis is usually temporary (although it can last for months).


As we have said, this paralysis is caused by inflammation of the seventh cranial nerve. However, the causes of this inflammation are unknown, being idiopathic (that is, of unknown cause) in most cases. In fact, Another name for this disorder is idiopathic facial paralysis

In some cases there seems to be some relationship with infection with viruses such as herpes simplex, herpes zoster or HIV. Some cases have also appeared from flu vaccination. It can also arise from suffering an injury or head trauma that can damage the nerve.

Another element that could cause it is suffering from some type of tumor that generates compression or directly affects the nerve, as well as a stroke. Finally, it is worth mentioning that it has been detected that being pregnant increases the risk of suffering from this type of paralysis, as well as suffering from disorders such as diabetes or respiratory conditions.

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Bell’s palsy is temporary in the vast majority of cases (around 80%), so requiring specific treatment for this alteration is not common. In those cases where it is necessary because the paralysis persists, the possible reason for this must be explored. analyzing the reason for the malfunction of the seventh cranial nerve and applying a specific treatment for each case. For example, the use of antibiotics or antivirals in case of bacterial or viral infection, or the treatment of a possible tumor.

It is common to apply steroids and anti-inflammatories to reduce inflammation of the nerve and the surrounding area. Bioelectric muscle stimulation and physiotherapy They can also facilitate nerve excitation and function.

In cases where there are difficulties closing the eyes, artificial tears are also applied to keep them clean and hydrated. Finally there is the possibility of using decompression surgery although it is not recommended and in many cases its real effectiveness is disputed.


The prognosis in most cases is positive: generally the symptoms begin to gradually subside within the first weeks in a process that can last several months. Recovery tends to be complete, although this will depend on its cause and the type of damage it generates. In other cases weakness or small spasms may appear or alterations such as the sense of taste.

In any case, it is essential to go to a doctor as soon as possible if our face or part of it becomes paralyzed: we must bear in mind that sudden facial paralysis can also be the consequence of a stroke that It could have severe consequences or even lead to death

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