What People Who Do Not Suffer From Mental Disorders Are Like, According To Science

People on the street.

Some psychopathologies are very common today, and no one is surprised to hear about anxiety, depression or disorders today, since everyone knows them. As data from different organizations show, anxiety disorders affect many people at least once during their lives, approximately one in three.

Now, some of them are more frequent than others, and some people are significantly less likely to have mental disorders

Different types of psychological disorders

There are many psychological disorders that can affect people, each of them varies in terms of their symptoms and their severity. There are two manuals that serve as a reference for psychologists. One of them is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM, which is currently in its fifth edition, and the ICD-10, which belongs to the World Health Organization.

According to these, there are different types of mental disorders. They are the following:

If you want to know more types of anxiety disorders and delve deeper into them, you can read this article: “The 18 types of mental illnesses”

What are people like who do not suffer from mental disorders?

But although mental disorders are common today, recent research, carried out by the University of Otago, in New Zealand, wanted to find out What characteristics do individuals who suffer from any mental disorder have?, in terms of statistical trends. To obtain the results, they analyzed, through psychological tests, the lives of some subjects, from their childhood to old age. Here are the reasons why people do not suffer from mental disorders, according to researchers.

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1. They do not have a family history of mental disorders

Some mental disorders may have a genetic origin, so this variable could be important when developing some psychological problems. Although the environment in which a person lives can also affect mental health, in some cases, genetic origin is a reality.

2. Fewer negative emotions in childhood

Childhood has a great influence on who we will be as adults, and researchers found that people who do not suffer from mental disorders showed fewer negative emotions at the age of five

Although a positive attitude can influence mental health, it appears that experiencing fewer negative emotions in childhood is a reliable indicator of the presence of mental disorders in the future.

3. They are resilient

Being resilient is a great virtue and helps us enjoy good mental health, since resilient people They face problems in a more adaptive way and have a greater ability to overcome traumatic experiences. According to this study, these people are less likely to develop psychological disorders.

Resilient people take steps to improve their self-esteem, immerse themselves in creative tasks, live in the present but fight for their goals, and they use humor to empower themselves among other features.

4. Good interpersonal relationships

There are many studies that indicate that friendship is an important factor for our happiness and, in fact, it can even reduce some negative phenomena such as work stress. And it is that Personal relationships, when toxic, can cause serious mental health problems of people, and great suffering, so healthy relationships seem to indicate that we enjoy good emotional well-being.

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5. Self-control and management of emotions

We have already talked in many of our articles about how emotional intelligence affects our mental health. And knowing our own emotions and being aware of those of others helps regulate our behavior and improves our well-being The researchers found that the level of self-control of emotions and, therefore, of our behavior, could be key to preventing mental disorders.

Benefits of emotional intelligence

And emotional intelligence has proven to be key to our well-being. That’s what several studies have found: upon reaching adulthood, Those individuals who have managed to be successful in the professional field do not have to enjoy good mental health

Our way of facing complex situations and the management we do of our emotions is decisive in how we feel emotionally and prevents the development of different psychological pathologies.