How To Get Out Of Dysthymia? Tips And Treatment To Cure This Disorder

Do you feel that your character is always sad? You may have dysthymia. If so, these tips can help you get out of this type of depression.

How to get out of dysthymia? Tips and treatment to cure this disorder

The dysthymia It can be considered a mild depressive disorder that generally has a chronic course but a favorable prognosis. However, the fact that it presents itself in a “subtle” way implies a drawback: the person who suffers from it does not receive an immediate diagnosis and this means that the person believes that this is the way they are. If you have been diagnosed with dysthymia or know someone who suffers from it, here we give you 7 tips and a list of treatments effective so that you can face this disorder and improve your well-being.

What is dysthymia?

Dysthymia, also known as persistent depressive disorder either dysthymic disorder, is a mood disorder, being depressed for most of the day. Unlike major depression, which can be diagnosed if it persists for at least two weeks, the diagnosis of dysthymia implies the presence of symptoms for at least 2 years (or one year if it is a child or adolescent) and the intensity of This is milder than in depression.

Just as its name says, dysthymia can persist throughout life and it is for this reason that it can sometimes go unnoticed because the person perceives its symptoms as part of their character or personality (“I have been like this all my life.” ”, “my way of being is like this”, etc.).

How does depressive dysthymia affect?

Despite going unnoticed, it has been shown that among other disorders, dysthymia is one of those that most ends up affecting the quality of life, seriously impacting those who suffer from it.

  • Dysthymia and work: People who suffer from dysthymia often find it difficult to carry out their daily activities (including work), which is why they usually ask for time off or even apply for sick leave benefits. absolute permanent disability
  • Dysthymia and couple: Taking into account the symptoms, it is common for it to end up having an impact on the couple and at the same time, it has been found that a healthy relationship is one of the good prognostic factors for the evolution of depressive mood disorders. Therefore, the relationship constitutes a fundamental support to help the person to get out of dysthymia
  • Dysthymia and sexuality: Another aspect that must be taken into account and that is also related to the couple, is that both the disorder and certain antidepressants usually produce a reduction in libido (sexual desire), also affecting the dynamics of the couple and/or individual well-being. .
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Tips: How to overcome dysthymia?

Dysthymia is cured only through treatment. However, these tips can help you make the therapy go favorably:

  1. Don’t repress your emotions: Repressing emotions is never a good option since it implies a great effort on our part that ends up generating both physical and mental wear and tear. Furthermore, in the long run these repressed emotions will end up having a negative impact on both our environment and our mental health.
  2. Don’t blame yourself: It is common for people who suffer from depression to feel guilty for feeling the way they do. However, suffering from a mental disorder is not a choice any more than having a physical illness is. Furthermore, they do not usually have a single cause but arise from a combination of different factors.
  3. Write about your emotions: On certain occasions, we see that our thoughts fluctuate from one place to another, seeming that we have no control over them. It is for this reason that writing can help us organize our thoughts and free ourselves, little by little, from those emotions that cause us pain.
  4. Take care of your diet: Although food cannot cure a mental disorder, it directly influences the chemistry of our brain. In fact, it has been found that food can influence the production of certain neurotransmitters. Therefore, consuming healthy foods can lead to improved mental health.
  5. Exercise outdoors: Physically exercising moderately and regularly is a great support in the treatment of dysthymia. Sun and fresh air are necessary for maintaining good mental health.
  6. Establish routines: Although it is sometimes difficult to maintain certain routines, the truth is that they help us have emotional and mental stability. Therefore, it is recommended that you set a schedule for sleep, meals, work, rest, etc. Structuring your daily life with goals that are achievable can help you feel better.
  7. Contact your support network: Having a safe support network that you feel comfortable with can help you express how you feel while also being a protective factor for the development of psychological disorders.
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Dysthymia Treatment: How can dysthymia be cured?

First of all, before addressing how you can cure dysthymia, it is important to keep in mind that there are organic diseases (such as hypothyroidism, anemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.) that can cause depressive episodes. Therefore, it must always be ruled out that the symptoms are not due to a medical condition.

Once the diagnosis of dysthymia has been ruled out and confirmed by a psychologist, the treatment that is usually used is the combination of psychological and pharmacological therapy, this comprehensive approach being the most effective.

Psychological treatment:

The main therapies used to address dysthymia are similar to those used to get out of depression and they are the following:

  1. Behavior therapy: This therapy is based on the idea that one of the causes of depression is a lack of positive stimuli from our environment associated with our behavior. Therefore, according to this approach, the maintenance of depression is due to the fact that we learn that “positive” behavior is not associated with a pleasant experience. That is why this therapy covers different techniques such as training in social skills, scheduling pleasant activities, problem solving, etc.
  2. Cognitive therapy: Cognitive therapy aims to change the meaning we give to the experiences we live. By being aware of the negative thoughts we have, we can change them for those that are more adaptive and that generate more well-being.
  3. Interpersonal therapy: Sometimes, conflicts with people around us, changes in different stages of life, pathological grief for the loss of a loved one and/or lack of interpersonal skills can be reasons for maintaining depression. That is why interpersonal therapy focuses on addressing these aspects.
  4. Psychodynamic therapy: From this approach, it is considered that there are psychological conflicts in the unconscious, to which we do not have access and that explain the maintenance of a certain symptomatology, in this case the one related to dysthymia. For this reason, psychodynamic therapy focuses on making these conflicts aware in order to be able to express and understand them.
  5. Systemic therapy: From the systemic approach, the person is conceived within a family system. Therefore, from this orientation, it is not the person who suffers from dysthymia but the system to which he belongs. Therefore, dysthymia will be treated through the family dynamics that cause this symptom to persist.
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Psychopharmacological treatment:

Regarding psychopharmacological treatment, which must always be supervised and prescribed by a professional, the drugs that have proven to be most effective are the following:

  1. SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).
  2. ATC (tricyclic antidepressants).
  3. MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitors).

Remember that in order for lasting changes to occur over time and to gradually dispense with medication (always under the control of a professional), psychological treatment is necessary. It can also provide you with multiple benefits on a personal level such as: improving your resilience, having a safe space to express your emotions, improving your coping strategies, among many other things.