​A Neurologist And A Musician Design The Perfect Music To Help You Sleep

Insomnia problems are widespread by Western countries, especially due to a hectic pace of life with chaotic schedules and the omnipresence of screens placed in front of the eyes shortly before going to sleep. However, the discomfort caused by having to go to a doctor to treat this problem often causes people to look for “patches” and instant solutions to fall asleep.

The use of melatonin is a popular option to adjust an adequate sleep schedule, but it is possible that over time many more everyday solutions will appear that prove effective. For example, the possibility of using music to sleep better is promising.

Pointing in this direction, neuroscientist David Eagleman and British musician Max Ritcher They have designed a series of instrumental musical pieces with the aim of helping you fall asleep while listening.

    A playlist created to sleep better

    The effects of music on the human brain have been documented in a multitude of research on the subject. For example, in certain cases it can be used to better cope with pain, and also It has clear effects on the emotional state of people and their ability to evoke certain memories.

    That is why the idea of ​​designing musical pieces specially designed to have effects on the brain that facilitate the onset of sleep is not unreasonable. In fact, auditory information is capable of modifying the behavior of almost all brain structures, one of whose first “stations” is the thalamus, a region of the brain responsible for distributing the information that reaches it to all groups of neurons. from the senses (except in the case of smell).

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      The music of Richer and Eagleman

      In this case, these two experts have worked in a coordinated manner to develop music whose ultimate purpose is reduce heart rate and make the brain waves go into a phase of extreme relaxation, which makes the beginning of the sleeping process much more likely.

      His creation has been published in two different formats. The first of them is an hour-long CD that can be used to fall asleep, and the second is the full version in digital format, which lasts 8 hours and is designed to ring even while you sleepto keep us in a state of total disconnection.

      You can purchase this long version by clicking here, while the short version is available here. It is an original gift for someone who has difficulty falling asleep, or you can also experiment with this music if insomnia affects you. In any case, it is necessary to keep in mind that the most effective way and the one that offers the most guarantees to combat sleep problems is to go to the doctor and, from that first consultation, start with intervention programs specialized in the treatment of sleep problems. sleep disorders.

      Other ways to treat insomnia

      In addition to using this type of relaxing music, you can also take advantage Other strategies and resources to enjoy a restful sleep and put insomnia in check.

      For example, meditation techniques practiced just before going to sleep can help you, as can certain ambient ASMR recordings. Likewise, something as simple as stay away from artificial light sources before going to sleep helps a lot, since your brain will get used to the schedules set by natural light. Likewise, going out into the sun during the day also helps to keep your biological clock well adjusted.

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      On the other hand, exercising when nightfall approaches is not recommended; It is better to practice it in the morning or at noon.

      The use of the aforementioned melatonin can also help in some cases. One of its advantages is that it is a substance produced by the body, and therefore does not have an invasive effect on the body; It simply increases the levels of a substance that we already have.