A Reflection On The Occasion Of Psychology Day

To celebrate Psychology Day in Spain, I explain my personal experience; a reflection on what psychology means to me. I hope you like it!

A reflection on the occasion of Psychology Day

He February 24th It is celebrated in Spain on psychology day, in commemoration of the birth of this very recent science. I would like to take advantage of this day to make a personal reflection about what psychology means to me.

The truth is I started the race without having it very clear I have always been the typical person who helps others selflessly but from there to dedicating myself to it goes a long way. Everyone thought that I would end up working as something other than a psychologist due to the lack of professional opportunities and I thought so too. In fact, on the first day of the course in the presentation, the teacher commented on the number of dropouts there were and the percentage of people who finally ended up practicing the profession. Obviously I was not discouraged by the small number of successes and I thought that at the very least it would be interesting knowledge to acquire.

The truth is that I found the degree very theoretical, too much, but it helped me realize that I liked it much more than I thought and that the branch that caught my attention the most was clinic At that moment in my life and almost by chance I received an email offering a training two-year theoretical-practical practice with real patients from day one. I didn’t think twice and signed up, without trusting too much in my luck, since only 4 people of all those who showed up could enter.

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That training was the great revelation. I discovered how much I like psychology and how I enjoy helping others. It was a hard times, constantly tested, constantly evaluated but with an incredible desire to learn; I read countless books and dedicated practically all my free time to them. After all, I was learning a profession and I could test my learning every day. From that moment on I started working in a psychology center and I continued training doing another master’s degree that enriched me even more and various training courses. I am aware that this profession is constantly changing and requires constant effort and study. But they say that scabies doesn’t itch with pleasure, right? I started working in several places and at the same time I volunteered in others to soak up different disciplines and ways of working.

Today I can say that Every day I like my profession more, it is a hobby for me I recently opened my own office and I continue swimming like salmon, against the current, trying to make it work. Of course It is not an easy profession, but it is very satisfying on an emotional level What I like most is when I discharge my patients. The happy face they show when I tell them that it is no longer necessary to continue therapy, their encouraging comments and the feeling of a job well done are priceless.

There are people who think that there are psychologists who are only psychologists to get a lot of money. Nothing is further from reality. To be a good psychologist you have to feel the vocation. It requires great efforts, instability and lack of routine, and you have to be very motivated not to throw in the towel and take the easy route.

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Unfortunately, psychology it’s still a big taboo and that makes our work difficult. I always make the comparison with medicine, but it really is the science that is most similar, although there are people who are surprised when reading these words. In the same way that when we get a spot on our skin we go to the dermatologist, or if our ankle hurts we go to the traumatologist, if we feel sad or anxious we should go to the psychologist. But this still doesn’t work like that. People are ashamed of going to a psychologist, and they hide it. They don’t go until they can’t take it anymore and/or the problems are entrenched and many people refuse to go “because I’m not crazy.” Remember that it is still just another ailment, It is not necessary to be unbalanced to go to the psychologist It is simply good that you go if you feel that a problem is overwhelming you and you do not know how to solve it. Furthermore, psychology is a profession in which there is great work intrusion. We only needed the appearance of the coachers. To be a coach you don’t need to be a psychologist and many people prefer to go to a coach because it sounds less “sick”.

If you are one of those reluctant to go to the psychologist, think that By trying you don’t lose anything I always say that it is better to regret the things that have been done than to regret the things that have not been done. If you think that “you don’t believe in psychology”, the truth is that it is a science, it is not a question of believing or not believing. There are numerous studies that demonstrate its effectiveness. Open your mind and trust pride will not lead you to solve your problems.

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I would like to end this reflection by encouraging anyone who doubts whether to do the race or not. It is a difficult path but very satisfying. To jump into it you have to be very motivated and with the patience well loaded. However, if strength falters, it is important to say that psychology is more than clinical, there are other branches that are easier to access.