ADHD In Adolescents: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


The stage of adolescence is a period of transition from a non-productive to a reproductive stage, which entails a period of many physical, physiological, psychosocial and sociocultural changes. For this reason, it is a very vulnerable stage and difficult to understand and manage changes. Now, in the event that the adolescent has a neurodivergent condition, such as having ADHD, it further complicates the adolescent’s situation.

ADHD is a most common neurodevelopmental disorder and adolescents with this condition usually present symptoms in three domains: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity., each of them is composed of certain characteristics that are described below. Among the causes of ADHD, there are genetic, environmental, neuroanatomical, neurochemical and neurophysiological components.

How do the symptoms of ADHD manifest in adolescents?

Neuroimaging studies carried out by (Rodillo, 2015) show dysmorphology, dysfunction and low connectivity of multiple networks, fronto-strital-parietal-cerebellar, which reflects the different cognitive domains affected in ADHD, such as inhibition, attention, perception. Likewise, there are many studies that indicate a delay in brain maturation, especially the regions that mature with age..

Due to all these alterations, adolescents will generally present behavioral problems associated with hyperactivity and impulsivity, inattention, difficulty adapting, low self-esteem, distortion of self-concept as a consequence of dysfunction at the family and social level.

All of this possibly leads to discouragement and feelings of not being valued and this affects their academic performance and the risk of falling into substance abuse, destructive relationships and even criminality. And in cases of comorbid anxiety, depression or BPD traits, it can lead to suicidal ideas and behaviors..

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What are the criteria for clinical diagnosis?

The factors are: genetic, biological, neurophysiological, neuroanatomical, neurochemical, psychosocial and environmental. There are many studies that show the genetic association, pre-, peri- and post-natal environmental, alterations at the neuro-anatomical-physiological-chemical and psychosocial level. According to ICD-11, the criteria are:

1. Inattention/Attention Deficit:

Difficulty paying attention to tasks that do not provide a high level of stimulation or immediate reward and that require sustained mental effort; little attention to details; making careless errors in homework or school work; not completing assigned tasks.

Easy distractibility by stimuli or thoughts unrelated to the task; they do not seem to listen when spoken to directly; They are usually seen daydreaming or with their mind wandering. Loss of useful objects; forgetful about daily tasks; difficulty remembering the steps to follow to complete a task; difficulty planning and organizing schoolwork, jobs, or other tasks. Inattention may not be evident when the individual is engaging in tasks that provide intense stimulation and frequent rewards.


2. Hyperactivity-impulsivity

Excessive motor activity; leaves his seat when he is expected to remain there; usually runs; difficulty sitting without restlessness or feeling physically restless; discomfort when having to remain still.

Difficulty engaging in activities calmly; talks a lot, is quick to give answers or comments; difficulty waiting your turn in conversations, games, or other activities; interrupts or intrudes on the conversations or games of others. Tendency to respond immediately without stopping to consider risks or consequences (activities with risk of physical harm, impulsive decisions, reckless behavior).

Which is the treatment?

The treatment is based on psychoeducation, pharmacological treatment (psychiatrist), psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), neurofeedback, nutrition, occupational, among others.

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ADHD is a disorder that affects a large percentage of the male adolescent population and this causes them to often be misunderstood and much less accepted by themselves, family, peers and society. What further complicates the adolescent’s silent suffering because they feel rejected and undervalued, which reduces their self-esteem and distorts the development-formation of their identity or personality..

For this reason I invite you to reflect, I also invite parents with adolescent children to enroll in my Psychohabits program to manage ADHD, this program has a program especially for parents and a program only for adolescents, in this program they go acquire updated information and psychological strategies to face ADHD in a more optimal way since they will acquire resources or tools to do so.

On the other hand, ADHD, being a neurodevelopmental disorder, presents symptoms depending on the stage of development, so some vary and other symptoms remain over time and even in some cases that do not have professional help, they become more serious. Regarding treatment, multidisciplinary or multimodal intervention is required.
